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[First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

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Mar 7, 2012
IGN? Soldiertaco
When did you join HeroCraft? Like a year ago, I've been playing on and off
How did you hear about Altum (refrences)? Mazzima or something like that
What path and profession have you selected or plan to select (include current paths and levels)? Rogue, gonna become a Ranger
What can you contribute to Altum, why should you be accepted? I love to help out with building and such. I can help with hard and long projects.
Previous towns (list all and why you are moving [other than our superiority])? RaubTier, Shin Kyoto before the map reset.
Can you use TeamSpeak? I can, although I won't speak much
Additional information pertaining to your application? I'm only a teenager, so there will be times where I'll be inactive for a week or two due to grounding and/or schoolwork.
A few things with your app I need explained:
  • Why did you leave RaubTier
  • Why did you leave Shin Kyoto
  • How often will you be online within a 2 week span?
  • Will you be able to notify us when you need to go inactive?
Answer those and I'll get back with you =D
Thanks for the application!
Aug 13, 2011
A few things with your app I need explained:
  • Why did you leave RaubTier
  • Why did you leave Shin Kyoto
  • How often will you be online within a 2 week span?
  • Will you be able to notify us when you need to go inactive?
Answer those and I'll get back with you =D
Thanks for the application!

  • I got kicked out of RaubTier for going inactive.
  • I never really left Shin Kyoto, the map reset, and when I came back it just wasn't around or it faded into obscurity and I never heard about it
  • I should be online probably 3-4 times a week
  • It depends. I'll be able to sneak on and tell you late afternoons (Like 4-5) Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and possibly other times, depends when I'm home alone. I should be able to notify you about 2 days into my inactivity that I'm inactive and how long I think I'll be inactive for.


Mar 7, 2012
  • I got kicked out of RaubTier for going inactive.
  • I never really left Shin Kyoto, the map reset, and when I came back it just wasn't around or it faded into obscurity and I never heard about it
  • I should be online probably 3-4 times a week
  • It depends. I'll be able to sneak on and tell you late afternoons (Like 4-5) Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and possibly other times, depends when I'm home alone. I should be able to notify you about 2 days into my inactivity that I'm inactive and how long I think I'll be inactive for.
Accepted, looks good. Get with me, kekosawr or 0xThoth to get set up.


Legacy Supporter 4
Dec 1, 2011
A) Thanks mazzima for reviewing these applications.
B) Welcome all new Altum members, take advantage of the last few hours of Herocrafts Double XP weekend!
C) Remember you don't have to talk on TeamSpeak if you don't want to or can't. It's good to just join and listen, great to get to know our members.

Have fun, we are mid construction of New Altum, look forward to lots of new stuff to come.


Mar 7, 2012
A) Thanks mazzima for reviewing these applications.
B) Welcome all new Altum members, take advantage of the last few hours of Herocrafts Double XP weekend!
C) Remember you don't have to talk on TeamSpeak if you don't want to or can't. It's good to just join and listen, great to get to know our members.

Have fun, we are mid construction of New Altum, look forward to lots of new stuff to come.
Really need the new city plans. *ahem* Slackers. *aheeem* =D


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 24, 2012
A) Thanks mazzima for reviewing these applications.
B) Welcome all new Altum members, take advantage of the last few hours of Herocrafts Double XP weekend!
C) Remember you don't have to talk on TeamSpeak if you don't want to or can't. It's good to just join and listen, great to get to know our members.

Have fun, we are mid construction of New Altum, look forward to lots of new stuff to come.
its been mid contraction for the last two months lmao!


Legacy Supporter 4
Dec 1, 2011
Me and Keko have finalized about 50% of the above ground after working for about 2 days on it, we decided to do a bit of terraforming in order to get it looking more natural and not a flat plain wasteland.


Mar 7, 2012
Me and Keko have finalized about 50% of the above ground after working for about 2 days on it, we decided to do a bit of terraforming in order to get it looking more natural and not a flat plain wasteland.
Cool, I can start working if you have screenies or something.


Apr 23, 2012
IGN? Frosty_Snoww
When did you join HeroCraft? Late 2011.
How did you hear about Altum (refrences)? Forum, Teamspeak.
What path and profession have you selected or plan to select (include current paths and levels)? Warrior (22), Crafter (2)
What can you contribute to Altum, why should you be accepted? I am an active player who can contribute a lot if requested to.
Previous towns (list all and why you are moving [other than our superiority])? Lorien, kicked for inactivity after I quit.
Can you use TeamSpeak? Yes.
Additional information pertaining to your application? N/A


Legacy Supporter 4
Dec 1, 2011
IGN? Frosty_Snoww
When did you join HeroCraft? Late 2011.
How did you hear about Altum (refrences)? Forum, Teamspeak.
What path and profession have you selected or plan to select (include current paths and levels)? Warrior (22), Crafter (2)
What can you contribute to Altum, why should you be accepted? I am an active player who can contribute a lot if requested to.
Previous towns (list all and why you are moving [other than our superiority])? Lorien, kicked for inactivity after I quit.
Can you use TeamSpeak? Yes.
Additional information pertaining to your application? N/A

Accepted, glad you can join us in TeamSpeak


Legacy Supporter 4
Aug 4, 2011
@Thoth put up the map of the work we have done so far so that we can get people started on the terraforming

Most of it will be cobble filler, we'll cover the surface with the dirt that way we keep more of the resources
I'll help with it when I'm online but in the meantime if mazz or anyone else is interested get them to start working

The sooner the plots are done the sooner people can move into them so that's a good incentive for people to help :p


Mar 7, 2012
We need lots of supplies. Altumites, go get lots of wood, of all kinds. Also, bricks. We need lots of bricks. And stone bricks. ONWARD!
Feb 7, 2012
I have discovered how to make the IC front gates as described on the OP. PM me if you are an engineer in the town.


Mar 7, 2012
@Thoth put up the map of the work we have done so far so that we can get people started on the terraforming

Most of it will be cobble filler, we'll cover the surface with the dirt that way we keep more of the resources
I'll help with it when I'm online but in the meantime if mazz or anyone else is interested get them to start working

The sooner the plots are done the sooner people can move into them so that's a good incentive for people to help :p
Hey, where you been man? I've started construction on Altum, starting to look real good. Need to know how the town hall is gonna look though :(
Mar 12, 2012
Couldn't sleep much last night so I tried to fill in the mountains a little better. I borrowed some cobblestone and dirt... I got creative and put in a waterfall. Sorry if it messes with the plan... but I think everything is looking AWESOME :D

This is going to sound kinda weird... but it reminds me of the game of LIFE. >_> Like how there's hills and stuff on the sides of the board.

<_< Ok now I'm weird.


IGN? Plob5
When did you join HeroCraft? 11 Months ago
How did you hear about Altum (refrences)? From Glentypoo he told me how it is sexy.
What path and profession have you selected or plan to select (include current paths and levels)? Dragoon, Im master rogue, but atm, Dragoon - 49 Crafter - 22 <-- sexy
What can you contribute to Altum, why should you be accepted? Sex, and PvP.
Previous towns (list all and why you are moving [other than our superiority])? Eclipse, Panorama
Can you use TeamSpeak? Yes
Additional information pertaining to your application? Idk, Im 14 so yesh.
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