1. Your IGN: SonOfAGunner
2. Your real life name: Maddi
3. Your class and what spec do you want to be?: Disciple or Cleric. I can't decide!
4. Will you help with town projects?: Of course!
5. Will you donate gold if needed?: I always do. Haha XD
6. We like to have fun, do you?: NO. FUN IS BAD. PSH. *If you cannot hint sarcasm, then you are no fun, my good sir. (Or ma'am! Haha. I don't judge.)*
7. Do you have skype? We use it a lot and would appreciate if you could get it! I do! *I'll pm you my name if you want it, but I also use Teamspeak if that's more convenient!*
8. Are you mature and respect your fellow players?: I'd think so!
9. Have you read the rules?: Yes I have!
10. What time zone are you in?: Central. *United States! WEEW!*
11. Are you going to be active?: I'm on Herocraft a TON. Hahaha! So, yes!
12. List all Previous towns?: Mortem, Solsthiem, Akahi, HalloweenTown
13. If previous towns listed, list why you left/got kicked: Mortem- It died out. :3 Solsthiem- Also died out.
Akahi- I left it so I could join HalloweenTown. HalloweenTown- I left so I could make my own town. That never happened. haha! Also, a certain member needed me, at that time to help get signatures for the town.
**I would have joined back with them, but I have friends in here that say this town is a great town. So, with their suggestions in my brain, I decided to apply here! I'm really looking forward to see if I am accepted!
Also, please excuse the cheesiness. Ahahahaha! :3 I am honestly looking forward to it, though!