You are pies207's friend? Okay, I will go ahead and accept you, I am unsure about plot availability but I am sure we will find something. Get in game with me, laviathan, thegreybeast, or aerokii to get yourself set up.1. Your IGN: XxAxBOMBxX
2. Your real life name: Javier Alvarado
3. Your class and what spec do you want to be?: warrior, dreadknight
4. Will you help with town projects?: Of course I will. I love to help and i am very friendly, i am a very experienced builder and have been playing since 1.8.9.
5. Will you donate gold if needed?: yes, i often mine and find gold with ease.
6. We like to have fun, do you?: yes, i have been admin on 4 servers and like to do things with the citizens of the servers.
7.Do you have skype? We use it a lot and would appreciate if you could get it!: Yes I do. It is Javier. Alvarado1998
we have to lay out new plots once we are done the wall we will be taking down the inside of town making bigger plots and allowing more plots with new town hall and moreFor those recently new citizens to Raubtier, please put a sign up on your house or plot and make it say that the plot or house is yours. Thanks.
1. Your IGN: Acherous2. Your real life name: Alex3. Your class and what spec do you want to be? Mastered samurai, currently a dragoon and a mastered mason4. Will you help with town projects? Yup I've led two towns this map and one project for mortem involved digging out a 100x30x100 pit.5. Will you donate gold if needed? Sure, if not i'll sell for cheap.6. We like to have fun, do you? YES!7. Do you have skype? We use it a lot and would appreciate if you could get it! Yes, I prefer teamspeak though8. Are you mature and respect your fellow players? Yup.9. Have you read the rules? Yes.10. What time zone are you in? US central11. Are you going to be active? I'll sure try my best
Glad i'll be neededI am really surprised to see you applying for Raubtier! We normally don't get veterans applying for our town. But I gladly accept you and name u a Raubtierian!
EDIT: Oh and another mason! Muahahahaha laviathan will need your masondry skills for something! It is nothing fun but it goes faster with more masons
I am really surprised to see you applying for Raubtier! We normally don't get veterans applying for our town. But I gladly accept you and name u a Raubtierian!
EDIT: Oh and another mason! Muahahahaha laviathan will need your masondry skills for something! It is nothing fun but it goes faster with more masons
Alright I've talked with Zachimon before on TS at the last tournament (Templars FTW)Glad i'll be neededoh and i'm trying to convince @zachimon to apply at the moment(he's my lil bro irl). If he applies you should accept him
Well then...My own town never gets veteran applicants, and it's been around for 3+ maps!
Could you redo question 4-11 (except 10) it seems a bit slack and half assed1. Your IGN zachimon2. Your real life name zach3. Your class and what spec do you want to be? 55 cleric4. Will you help with town projects? if i feel like it5. Will you donate gold if needed? if i feel like it6. We like to have fun, do you? if i feel like it7. Do you have skype? We use it a lot and would appreciate if you could get it! if i feel like it8. Are you mature and respect your fellow players? if i feel like it9. Have you read the rules? i think so10. What time zone are you in? CST11. Are you going to be active? if i feel like it12. List all Previous towns? mortem, solstheim, eclipse, lorien, akahi, nevermore13. If previous towns listed, list why you left/got kicked? left lorien for mortem, mortem for solstheim, solstheim for akahi, and got kicked from akahi for having too many friends irl @itzmak , and i forget when i left nevermore
Lol nvm gl have fun ggCould you redo question 1-11 it seems a bit slack and half assed
Well then...![]()