I see you're point. You shouldn't be able to enhance Knockback/Punch past II. Especially Punch. Some things should be able to go to X. Power shouldn't, Power V is already very strong, but we can't nerf it without taking enchanting completely away, that's why you can enhance it in the first place. Enhancing doesn't make enchanting any easier, It just gives enchanters the ability to use enchantment books as if they had access to an anvil (you can combine enchantment books in an anvil to make a stronger one).
One thing I didn't say you could do, was enhance an enchantment that already exists on a weapon. If you have a Sharpness III sword, you can't put more sharpness on top of that to make it Sharpness IV. Once you've applied the enchantment on the weapon, you can't edit it any more. You can put a different enchantment on it with a totally different book, but not the same one.
Things like Respiration, and Aqua Affinity should go to X because they don't effect combat very much, if at all. I think Sharpness should because rare drops have those enchantments.
What you need to understand @@mikehk is that it is in no way easy to get Sharpness X. For each tier, you need TWICE as many books as the last. I wrote a little formula for finding out how many tier I books you need for the tier you're looking for:
2^(X-1); where X is the tier you're looking for.
I've shown this in a previous reply to JupiterRome, but to get Sharpness X you need 512 Sharpness I books. Using the formula, 2^(10-1), you can see that this is true.
If you want Sharpness I for some reason, it's 2^(1-1), which equals 2^0th, and anything to the 0th power equals 1. You would need I Sharpness I book.The formula isn't really necessary here.
If you want Sharpness II, it's 2^(2-1), which is equal to 2. That means you need two Sharpness I books to make that, which is true.
If you want Sharpness III it's 2^(3-1), which is equal to 4 Sharpness I books. The number of Sharpness I books you need increases exponentially as you aim for higher and higher tiers of Sharpness.
If you want Sharpness IV it's 2^(4-1), which is equal to 8 Sharpness I books. Getting higher.
It's around Sharpness V where it gets quite difficult. You know the randomness of enchanting, you never get what you want. And you will go through a lot of books before you get 16 Sharpness I books, already proving difficult. But here's the formula anyway. 2^(5-1) = 16 Sharpness I books.
Of course, the higher level enchanter you are, the higher tier Sharpness book you can start out with. This means level 60 enchanters have the advantage because they can start by enchanting Sharpness IV or V books, instead of II or III books. If you're really low level you have to start with I books, and there is no guarantee you're getting Sharpness in the first place.
Lets get out of the enchantable range. Sharpness VI is 2^(6-1) = 32 Sharpness I books. This is still "doable" but it's quite a lot.
Sharpness VII (I guarantee you no one will be able to get this, it's way too much work), is 2^(7-1) = 64 Sharpness I books. Very few, if any players would be able to get this. They would have to go completely out of their way.
But continuing on toward Sharpness X, the cap. Sharpness IIX is 2^(8-1) = 128 Sharpness I books, which is WAY up there.
Sharpness IX is 2^(9-1) = 256 Sharpness I books. Wow. Really high now.
And finally, Sharpness X, the cap, 2^(10-1) = 512 Sharpness I enchanted books. V to VI was difficult, but still doable within a week. Sharpness X, that might take years. or just /enchant Sharpness X.
I would draw a lovely graph for you, but I really don't want to. If you'd like to see one, I'd be happy to upload an image.
I'm not sure how Sharpness scales as you increase tiers with Herocraft, but perhaps @@Kainzo could help me out there. If it turns out that Sharpness X does 150 damage/hit, then I gladly withdraw all my previous statements.