The Compass on track is kind of stupid, I understand that he wants tracks to be worth something so people won't just randomly track random people, but I feel like he should just make the CD on track like 5 minutes and make it cost something cheap, that doesnt sink stuff anyways, by doing this he made alchemist's transmute worthless, because 1 stack of iron selling for 20c minimum (before compass) was only giving a profit of 6 coins... -.-
and PVP is an element of RPG. I know there are people who don't like to PVP so maybe they should loosen their purses and hire a bodyguard, or go disciple and run all their lives. It's not a problem for me. I die alot, and I feel like it's a true RPG experience, kind of rogue-like, because out of thousands of adventurers, some are going to die... Xd
if he wanted an iron sink he could always lower CD on transmute... 2 mins..... x.x