Damn, thats a nice looking building there. Looks like the logo happened to fit perfectly as well, haha.
Looks as good from the inside as it does from the outside.
---The book return needs the stone to be glass, it being there but not working bugs me >.<
---The logo is a bit hard to tell what it is on the ground, but if they look at it for a moment you'll soon see it so no problem really.
---Needs some more lighting in some spots. Not sure where, but a few creepers spawned because I put it on hard to see if any mobs would spawn.
---Was awesome
---Almost died when I walked forward after the map loaded =P
---Again, was awesome
Don't forget the secret dungeon under the library =P. This is Herocraft after all! It needs a secret dungeon like the old spell dungeons but less redstoney. The dungeon reward shall be some type of book obviously. If we ever get a book writing plugin. If not, just give them a book lol. Needs to be ridiculously hard as well. =D
Other than the few things I listed it looks amazing and I enjoyed checking it out.
Love the look of both the inside and outside Alator, few things however.
-Needs more lighting, the library was torn to shreds by creepers exploding on me lol
-Needs a creepy basement as Wolfgang said, the middle and top floor are perfect, just missing that little spooky bit which leads the player to an ancent forgotten tome. (or something along those lines)
That hint is actually really good; means not in the fountains.Lighting, crap, I forgot to check that (I build on peaceful, haha). I'll make to book return work, and not much I can do about the giant logo, hehe.
It has an underground basement (well, it's just a hallway right now). However, there's a super-secret way to get into it. Can you find it? I'll give you a hint: the entrance is inside the library building somewhere.