Now CL Admin updated his topic. (i guess you them cant have access to the site)
Edit: a little update of the facts.
As expected, all minecraft websites related to Minecraft (Bukkit, MinecraftForum, PlanetMinecraft and Gamevicio, a well-known brazillian games website) removed all the annoucements which related Craftlandia to the act of attacking another server. The reason? Absolute lack of proofs.
Now only remains a Brazillian forum (hes talking about MinecrafTBR) who still trying through their failed campaign, to do something, but whitout any success.
The fact is that the thruth will predominate. The funny thing is that this whole thing was good for Craftlandia because we proved that we were the victims and our number of players had increased incredbly.
In other words, the campaign that had the objective to affect us had the opposite effect and strengthened us.
That was another battle won by Craftlandia Community.