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DDOS attack by CraftLandia.

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Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 10, 2011
Norway, Vardø
Exactly lol, it just auto does everything, including bold if you chose to. Some people on the other site actually have it set to have their posts look like this: It is really annoying by the way to read a post that looks like this.
I agree, I can't even read on my android(some colors).


Ancient Soul
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
@Zidane @Jotamota

Translate this for me please. I know the text in red means "Craftlandia will end??????" (direct Google translation)

Posted yesterday.

This one as well:


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
The Multiverse
Good morning everyone. How is everyone today? Good? Thats great. Let me serenade you with the love of Mordin Soulus.

0:34 to skip to the song.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 11, 2011
Good morning everyone! Just had a thought - obviously MCforums/Curse/Bukkit, as organizations, wish no involvement, but why not turn to other communities of minecraft enthusiasts? Namely reddit. I find the fanbase there to be generally positive and very active.


Aug 10, 2012
Good morning everyone! Just had a thought - obviously MCforums/Curse/Bukkit, as organizations, wish no involvement, but why not turn to other communities of minecraft enthusiasts? Namely reddit. I find the fanbase there to be generally positive and very active.
There's 2 reddit threads in the OP. Been there since day 1 :p


Aug 13, 2012
@Zidane @Jotamota

Translate this for me please. I know the text in red means "Craftlandia will end??????" (direct Google translation)

Posted yesterday.

This one as well:

I can do it! I came on this forum yesterday trying to get some brazillian help and information :)

I have seen the first one. Its a guy talking about the whole thing and helping brazillians know about the history that Craftlandia is hiding. He sends a link where our people can report craftlandia.

The second one is kinda the same thing, but is just the guy teaching how to report CL.


Aug 13, 2012
Now CL Admin updated his topic.

http://www.craftlandia.com.br/ipb/i...sada-de-atacar-outros-servidores/#entry675593 (i guess you them cant have access to the site)

EDIT: Uma pequena atualização dos fatos:

Bem, como era de se esperar absolutamente TODOS os maiores sites mundiais relacionados a Minecraft (Bukkit, MinecraftForum,PlanetMinecraft) bem como o conhecidíssimo site Brasileiro GameVicio removeram todos os posts/anúncios que relacionavam CraftLandia ao ato de atacar outros servidores. O motivo? Absoluta falta de provas.

O que restou agora são apenas os invejosos de um certo fórum do Brasil (o qual Ziden é staff) que ainda tentam em meio aos destroços do fracasso que foi a campanha deles, ainda fazerem alguma coisa, porém sem nenhum sucesso.

O fato é que a verdade sempre prevalecerá, e, o mais engraçado é que o resultado disso tudo foi bom para o CraftLandia, já que além de provarmos de forma inconteste que eramos vítimas de um complô, o nosso número de jogadores e acessos aumentaram absurdamente.

Ou seja, a campanha que tinha o objetivo de nos afetar, teve um efeito diametralmente oposto e acabou nos fortalecendo.

E essa foi mais uma batalha vencida pela comunidade CraftLandia.

Edit: a little update of the facts.

As expected, all minecraft websites related to Minecraft (Bukkit, MinecraftForum, PlanetMinecraft and Gamevicio, a well-known brazillian games website) removed all the annoucements which related Craftlandia to the act of attacking another server. The reason? Absolute lack of proofs.

Now only remains a Brazillian forum (hes talking about MinecrafTBR) who still trying through their failed campaign, to do something, but whitout any success.

The fact is that the thruth will predominate. The funny thing is that this whole thing was good for Craftlandia because we proved that we were the victims and our number of players had increased incredbly.

In other words, the campaign that had the objective to affect us had the opposite effect and strengthened us.

That was another battle won by Craftlandia Community.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 28, 2011
Now CL Admin updated his topic.

http://www.craftlandia.com.br/ipb/i...sada-de-atacar-outros-servidores/#entry675593 (i guess you them cant have access to the site)

Edit: a little update of the facts.

As expected, all minecraft websites related to Minecraft (Bukkit, MinecraftForum, PlanetMinecraft and Gamevicio, a well-known brazillian games website) removed all the annoucements which related Craftlandia to the act of attacking another server. The reason? Absolute lack of proofs.

Now only remains a Brazillian forum (hes talking about MinecrafTBR) who still trying through their failed campaign, to do something, but whitout any success.

The fact is that the thruth will predominate. The funny thing is that this whole thing was good for Craftlandia because we proved that we were the victims and our number of players had increased incredbly.

In other words, the campaign that had the objective to affect us had the opposite effect and strengthened us.

That was another battle won by Craftlandia Community.
this is what the admin said. (translated)
Well, as you might expect absolutely ALL the major global sites related to Minecraft ( Bukkit , MinecraftForum , PlanetMinecraft ) as well as the well-known Brazilian site IGNremoved all the posts / ads related to the act of CraftLandia attack other servers. The reason? Absolute lack of evidence.

What remains now are just jealous of a certain forum Brazil (which is Ziden staff) who are still trying in the wreckage of failure that was their campaign, still do something, but with no success. The fact is that truth will always prevail, and the funny thing is that the result of all this was good for CraftLandia, as well as prove so undeniable that we were victims of a plot, our number of players and access have skyrocketed. That is, the campaign was intended to affect us, took a diametrically opposite effect and ended up strengthening us. And this was more a battle won by the community CraftLandia. Dear, We tend to ignore the insults and accusations that are initiated by users of a certain forum that especially in the Brazilian Minecraft jealous to the bone. It must hurt them to see that even with all that make the campaign to tarnish the image of CraftLandia, we continue to grow and hit milestone after milestone almost weekly. The leader of this movement that aims to criticize the CraftLandia called ZidenVentania or just Ziden for some.Since 2011 this guy is accusing us without any solid proof to deflate other servers that exist in Brazil. What many people do not know is that even while the individual was engaged in making the smear campaign against us, while he was in the sending and email resume with him to try to join our team. Realize how ridiculous is this citizen: Copy of email sent by Ziden: http://pastie.org/4460017 Of course he was rejected in our team, but it should have only increased the hatred of citizens, because now no longer satisfied to devise a campaign in Brazil to denigrate us, is leaving for abroad as well. I will not detail here what happened, but in short he is pretending to be members of staff the CraftLandia in international forums (using the same nickname) with the clear intention to harm us. This is sad and pathetic at the same time. In response we created a BLOG in English making an analysis of the entire place, and, of course, demonstrating the clarity of a slap in the face that there is no evidence against us and will never exist, because we do not have that kind of conduct. Ziden The individual has created more than 10 fake accounts to post in our forum about this, well, this is our first and last official statement about this episode. We have more important things to do than give expression to the dreams of people envious and malicious. Topic is closed for posting. Sincerely, Team CraftLandia


Aug 13, 2012
They think its over already? Heh...

Hell hath no wrath like angry gamers.

I didnt read the topic since yesterday then i dont know the current situation. But im glad that you guys didnt gave up :)

Guys on MinecraftBR told that they stills believing on the battle on Spout, Reddit and Herocraft.
And these guys keeps trying to do something


Aug 13, 2012
this is what the admin said. (translated)
Well, as you might expect absolutely ALL the major global sites related to Minecraft ( Bukkit , MinecraftForum , PlanetMinecraft ) as well as the well-known Brazilian site IGNremoved all the posts / ads related to the act of CraftLandia attack other servers. The reason? Absolute lack of evidence.

What remains now are just jealous of a certain forum Brazil (which is Ziden staff) who are still trying in the wreckage of failure that was their campaign, still do something, but with no success. The fact is that truth will always prevail, and the funny thing is that the result of all this was good for CraftLandia, as well as prove so undeniable that we were victims of a plot, our number of players and access have skyrocketed. That is, the campaign was intended to affect us, took a diametrically opposite effect and ended up strengthening us. And this was more a battle won by the community CraftLandia. Dear, We tend to ignore the insults and accusations that are initiated by users of a certain forum that especially in the Brazilian Minecraft jealous to the bone. It must hurt them to see that even with all that make the campaign to tarnish the image of CraftLandia, we continue to grow and hit milestone after milestone almost weekly. The leader of this movement that aims to criticize the CraftLandia called ZidenVentania or just Ziden for some.Since 2011 this guy is accusing us without any solid proof to deflate other servers that exist in Brazil. What many people do not know is that even while the individual was engaged in making the smear campaign against us, while he was in the sending and email resume with him to try to join our team. Realize how ridiculous is this citizen: Copy of email sent by Ziden: http://pastie.org/4460017 Of course he was rejected in our team, but it should have only increased the hatred of citizens, because now no longer satisfied to devise a campaign in Brazil to denigrate us, is leaving for abroad as well. I will not detail here what happened, but in short he is pretending to be members of staff the CraftLandia in international forums (using the same nickname) with the clear intention to harm us. This is sad and pathetic at the same time. In response we created a BLOG in English making an analysis of the entire place, and, of course, demonstrating the clarity of a slap in the face that there is no evidence against us and will never exist, because we do not have that kind of conduct. Ziden The individual has created more than 10 fake accounts to post in our forum about this, well, this is our first and last official statement about this episode. We have more important things to do than give expression to the dreams of people envious and malicious. Topic is closed for posting. Sincerely, Team CraftLandia

I guessed that i already made a translated brief of this.
Edit: Oh, you translate the whole yesterday post, nice.
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