So, last night I had this idea. Idk whether it's even codable, or whether peope will like it, or whether it could lead to imbalance, or other things of the sort that would make it insensible or impossible. But the basic idea I liked, so I thought I should sound it.
Basically, the idea revolved around being able to create and modify your own classes, with your own unique abilities and skills based on these classes. This would be similar to our own class system, except with every level gained, your custom class can be improved, allowing you to mix and match to your own style of playing. I mean, imagine an sneaky medic who can bash things up and make random spontaneous bridges - it would be great fun to have your own unique style of play and to be able to express that style of play in the form of your own, freshly made class.
After formulating the idea.. I thought of ways to make it more balanced. Invisible Samurais would, ofc, suck. And how would leveling be made to still be worth the time and effort? So I came up with being able to choose and improve the abilities you have every time you level up, in addition to increasing your health and mana- so for example, a potential LOWLEVEL class I could make is:
Class Name: Nub
Level: 10
HP Limit: 2
(Nothing gained in Levels 1-4, except HP)
Skills (- Name [Improvement] - Level Gained At - Description - Mana Cost)
- Mark\Recall - [Gained at Level 10] - Mark a position\Return to marked position. 20 Second Delay before Recall. Costs 10 redstone for Recall, 1 Iron for Mark. - 100%
- Forcepush - [Gained at Level 7] - Pushes a User 1 block away. Proness. - 50%
- Bandage [II] - [Gained at Level 5, Improved at Level 8] - Heals for 10hp. Costs 1 Paper. - 19%
- Root - [Gained at Level 9] - Stops target from moving for 1s. 30%
- Shield - [Gained at Level 6] - Use Door to lessen damage on holder. 0%
As time goes on.. skills become much more useful. For example, at Level 50:
Class Name: Nub
Level: 50
HP Limit: 63
(Nothing gained in Levels 1-4, except HP)
Skills (- Name [Improvement] - Level Gained At - Description - Mana Cost)
- Mark\Recall [X] - [Gained at Level 10, Improved numerous times] - Mark up to 10 Locations and Return to any of them at will. Insantaneous recall. Costs 10 redstone for Recall, 1 Iron for Mark. - 100%
- Forcepush [VI] - [Gained at Level 7, Improved numerous times] Powerful push forcing a user to fly up to 30 blocks away. - 50%
- Bandage [X] - [Gained at Level 5, Improved numerous times] - Heals for 10 hp. Uses 1 paper. - 8%
- Chant [II] - [Gained at Level 50] - Heals full hp. - 100%
- Ihatedeath [VI] - [Gained at level 23. Improved numerous times] - Increases Max HP by 1 per upgrade- Passive
- If you actually read this, reply with a mention of tacos in your post.
...and etc.
The above classes are just examples are probably obscenely overpowered, but you get the idea
With every level, you can make a small improvement to your class based on the skills that you select and how you choose to improve them and use them. Thus you can create a very powerful 'tank' class (High HP, capability to wear high-quality armour, healing powers) to make it suit the way you like playing.
Aright. So anyway, I'd love for some feedback and general response. If you hate it, tell me why and how it can be improved - if you hate the idea, then say so, if it's uncodable, then tell me so that I can start on another idea =P
So, last night I had this idea. Idk whether it's even codable, or whether peope will like it, or whether it could lead to imbalance, or other things of the sort that would make it insensible or impossible. But the basic idea I liked, so I thought I should sound it.
Basically, the idea revolved around being able to create and modify your own classes, with your own unique abilities and skills based on these classes. This would be similar to our own class system, except with every level gained, your custom class can be improved, allowing you to mix and match to your own style of playing. I mean, imagine an sneaky medic who can bash things up and make random spontaneous bridges - it would be great fun to have your own unique style of play and to be able to express that style of play in the form of your own, freshly made class.
After formulating the idea.. I thought of ways to make it more balanced. Invisible Samurais would, ofc, suck. And how would leveling be made to still be worth the time and effort? So I came up with being able to choose and improve the abilities you have every time you level up, in addition to increasing your health and mana- so for example, a potential LOWLEVEL class I could make is:
Class Name: Nub
Level: 10
HP Limit: 2

(Nothing gained in Levels 1-4, except HP)
Skills (- Name [Improvement] - Level Gained At - Description - Mana Cost)
- Mark\Recall - [Gained at Level 10] - Mark a position\Return to marked position. 20 Second Delay before Recall. Costs 10 redstone for Recall, 1 Iron for Mark. - 100%
- Forcepush - [Gained at Level 7] - Pushes a User 1 block away. Proness. - 50%
- Bandage [II] - [Gained at Level 5, Improved at Level 8] - Heals for 10hp. Costs 1 Paper. - 19%
- Root - [Gained at Level 9] - Stops target from moving for 1s. 30%
- Shield - [Gained at Level 6] - Use Door to lessen damage on holder. 0%
As time goes on.. skills become much more useful. For example, at Level 50:
Class Name: Nub
Level: 50
HP Limit: 63
(Nothing gained in Levels 1-4, except HP)
Skills (- Name [Improvement] - Level Gained At - Description - Mana Cost)
- Mark\Recall [X] - [Gained at Level 10, Improved numerous times] - Mark up to 10 Locations and Return to any of them at will. Insantaneous recall. Costs 10 redstone for Recall, 1 Iron for Mark. - 100%
- Forcepush [VI] - [Gained at Level 7, Improved numerous times] Powerful push forcing a user to fly up to 30 blocks away. - 50%
- Bandage [X] - [Gained at Level 5, Improved numerous times] - Heals for 10 hp. Uses 1 paper. - 8%
- Chant [II] - [Gained at Level 50] - Heals full hp. - 100%
- Ihatedeath [VI] - [Gained at level 23. Improved numerous times] - Increases Max HP by 1 per upgrade- Passive
- If you actually read this, reply with a mention of tacos in your post.
...and etc.
The above classes are just examples are probably obscenely overpowered, but you get the idea

Aright. So anyway, I'd love for some feedback and general response. If you hate it, tell me why and how it can be improved - if you hate the idea, then say so, if it's uncodable, then tell me so that I can start on another idea =P