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Cruor- Brotherhood of Blood


Jan 2, 2014


Our primary objective is to help all of our members to have the most fun Herocraft experience possible. To achieve this we encourage building community through leveling together, raiding, and group PvP experiences.

This is the lore for the original Brotherhood of Blood for which our town is based on.

Discovery and Founding of Cruor:
In an age past, there was a group of warriors known as the Brotherhood of Blood. The zealous leader of the Brotherhood, Spiralz, led them into many battles; and the fields of Valorium were showered with the blood of foes and friends alike. It was during a great catastrophe known only as "The Server Reset" that the members of the Brotherhood were scattered, and Spiralz once again found himself wandering the Wilds alone.

He had served Nahr Alma, The Matron of Blood, to the best of his ability; but he had nothing left to show for it. Naked and without even a coin to his name, a despairing Spiralz explored every terrain imaginable to find some trace of the path that Nahr Alma had set for him. He could feel madness creeping back in as he considered the thought that he could have been left without a purpose, but what Spiralz lacks in sanity he makes up for in willpower.

Out of food and water and barely maintaining the strength to trudge along, the young wanderer found himself at the base of a great mountain unlike anything that he had ever encountered before. Every mountain he had seen before paled in comparison, and as Spiralz gazed up in awe he began to feel his heart pulsing. It was so strong that he couldn't hear anything else, and as he was swallowed with a sense of deja vu Spiralz noticed that the pulse was actually coming from inside the mountain.

His heart began to race to match the pulse of the mountain, and Spiralz suddenly felt something drawing him in... calling to him. With bare hands and uncontrollable fervor he began to claw earth from the towering walls. With bloodied hands and ripped nails, rocks and dirt were thrown from his path.

Eventually our hero awoke as if from a haze and realized that many days had passed. In his unconscious labors Spiralz had revealed a massive keep built into the mountain, and he could now feel the pulse and its location as if there was a string tied directly from its source to his chest.

Across an ancient bridge he trudged over a lake of lava and flame, but the blood in his veins felt like it burned hotter than even the core of a volcano. Abandoned and forgotten, Spiralz found himself inside of a monumental keep with the markings of Nahr Alma scattered throughout. Every subterranean race had helped to create a small world that was entirely devoted to the Matron. From the industrious dwarves to the lowly Goblins that were often used for menial labor, every race had gathered and built their own communities to work to please Nahr Alma.

After hours of wandering the halls Spiralz was suddenly given a moment of clarity and vision just as he had been many years before. "Gather others who will serve me, and bring fighting and bloodshed back to the world of Valoran. Do this and the Halls of Cruor will continue to protect my children"

Over time many other wanderers joined the cause of Cruor, and one day its citizens will ride a tidal wave of blood into the heart of Pantheon. Spiralz sits on his throne waiting for the day he is called to his last battle- the day he finally gets to give Nahr Alma the most precious gift of his own blood.

About Cruor:
Spiralz is a master engineer and has created a very secure town. We are one of the most active towns on the server, so you can almost always have somebody to play and chat with. We have some amazing builders and have plans for what I think will be one of the nicest looking townships on the server. We like to roleplay in town a bit, and we're also pretty active on the hc.to/music DJ application.


Town Officers:

Many of our officers and founders have run successful towns in the past, but we have all become good friends over our years playing Herocraft. This motivated us to join forces and form Cruor, where we hope to meet many more great people!

Mayor: Spiralz
Second in Command: SoHighFive
Second in Command: Belisarius1991
Council: PrivateIdaho
Council: Nekokunai
Council: Orkishslave

Feel free to message any of us if you'd like to show your character or if you have any questions about Cruor!


1. Show respect to your fellow townmates. If this becomes a problem you will be removed from Cruor.
2. Do not mine in or around the town unless given explicit permission from an officer.
3. Don't grief or steal from allies (if you're following Rule 1 this won't be a problem).
4. Spill the blood of our enemies.
5. Try to act mature in the town's public chats.

How to Join:
If after reading all of this you've realized that you want to join Cruor, then please copy and paste the following questions with your answers below. You are more likely to be recruited the more you're willing to help yourself, so if you've already done some leveling we will give you stronger consideration. Please understand that there will be no opportunities for building until you have earned our trust.

1. In Game Name (IGN):
2. Age:
3. Country/Time Zone:
4. Current Hero Class and Level:
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession):
6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules?
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it?
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block?
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them?
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?
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Jan 2, 2014
Could we replace the old Cruor page shortlink with this one? Would love for this to be hc.to/cruor
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Nov 13, 2015
1. In Game Name (IGN): The_Unsung

2. Age: 3.9e5 ticks

3. Country/Time Zone:

4. Current Hero Class and Level:
PYRO level 19.85

5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession):
Farmer lvl 8 Enchanter lvl 11
Intending for engineer but these other classes have more early benefits

6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules?

7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it?

on the previous server 3 months, this server 4 days, other hero mod packs 2 years.
I like that there is more to the game then collecting and building. Levels and classes give the game flare and personality

8. What is your favorite Minecraft block?
Definitely Hoppers. (I know it isn't available but I can dream...)

9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them?
Amarith - decided to leave due to slow development and lack of direction
Chorus - Created it myself to protect my treasures.

10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?
To build, destroy and shape the world.


Jun 20, 2013
1. In Game Name (IGN): The_Unsung

2. Age: 3.9e5 ticks

3. Country/Time Zone:

4. Current Hero Class and Level:
PYRO level 19.85

5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession):
Farmer lvl 8 Enchanter lvl 11
Intending for engineer but these other classes have more early benefits

6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules?

7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it?

on the previous server 3 months, this server 4 days, other hero mod packs 2 years.
I like that there is more to the game then collecting and building. Levels and classes give the game flare and personality

8. What is your favorite Minecraft block?
Definitely Hoppers. (I know it isn't available but I can dream...)

9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them?
Amarith - decided to leave due to slow development and lack of direction
Chorus - Created it myself to protect my treasures.

10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?
To build, destroy and shape the world.

I accept you, The_Unsung. Please serve Cruor and the great Nahr Alma with all that you have.


Jun 25, 2013
1. In Game Name (IGN): mantacr
2. Age: 18
3. Country/Time Zone: CST / UTC -6
4. Current Hero Class and Level: Bloodmage level 8
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): i want to be an alchemist
6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? yes!
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? ive been playing for a few hours and i enjoy herocraft being so vanilla with these small modifications that makes it a lot different
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block?

9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them?
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?

i like the map very much and i also think that Cruor has a very good mission


Feb 14, 2017
1. In Game Name (IGN):
2. Age:
3. Country/Time Zone: kansas
4. Current Hero Class and Level: pyro lvl 21
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession):
still crafter, but intend on being an enchanter
6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules?
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it?
I have not been playing for a while but played for about a year back in 1.8. I enjoy herocraft because of the unique experience that it provides with both an rpg and town survival. I have restarted and have been playing for 2 days now
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block?
I love netherwart brick
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them?

amarith and one way back I left amarith because of a lack of building space or any active members. I understand that I must be trusted before I can build, but at least I can work towards building space.
I did not leave the other town, it disbanded, causing me to stop playing for a while
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?
It looks like a fun active town, and a good place to have fun. Plus SoHighFive helped me out so I know that this town has fun and helpful people in it.
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May 10, 2015
1. In Game Name (IGN): Spinam
2. Age: 20
3. Country/Time Zone: EST
4. Current Hero Class and Level: Ranger lvl 11
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): Blacksmith/Farmer (I can do what is needed)
6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? Yes
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? On and off for 2 years. I love the Hero plugin.
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? Bookshelf
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? Old town from when I was last online. I left cuz for a time Kainzo allowed town griefing and people who were jealous just destroyed our town.
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor? I love the RP background behind the town and I would love to contribute. I especially love to build and gather supplies


Jun 20, 2013
1. In Game Name (IGN): Spinam
2. Age: 20
3. Country/Time Zone: EST
4. Current Hero Class and Level: Ranger lvl 11
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): Blacksmith/Farmer (I can do what is needed)
6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? Yes
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? On and off for 2 years. I love the Hero plugin.
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? Bookshelf
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? Old town from when I was last online. I left cuz for a time Kainzo allowed town griefing and people who were jealous just destroyed our town.
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor? I love the RP background behind the town and I would love to contribute. I especially love to build and gather supplies

You seem to be worthy to serve Cruor.


May 8, 2015
1. In Game Name (IGN): "There are some who call me... CeCe" (Monty Python, yeyy!) But my IGN is Ceceliana :)
2. Age: I can be whatever age you want me to be, baby ;) But in truth i'm currently 17
3. Country/Time Zone: Netherlands, CET
4. Current Hero Class and Level: LvL 20 Necro (But i got a maxed out ranger and some other leveled classes)
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): 51 Blacksmith (Got master farmer and enchanter too)
6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? (Why yes I do <3)
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? In less than 2 months time, i'll have played this glorious server 2 years already :D I love the community the most, that's for sure.
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? My favorite block? Hmm, that's a tough one.. But! If i had to really choose, i'd go for wool. Because the possibilities with it are endless <3
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? Lemme recap a bit haha. First was; Colossae, then.. one of the bigger towns in Citadel, after Citadel ended I joined Atlantis the next map and after that I joined ToonTown and The Arc the map after <3
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor? Cruor seems to be a town that is above all else a town with great people. People you can laugh with, smile about and just feel happy around. Those are my type of people, and I love them <3
Jan 17, 2016
1. In Game Name (IGN): Random_Dude949

2. Age: 19

3. Country/Time Zone: Australia, ACST/ACDST

4. Current Hero Class and Level: Ranger 15

5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): Crafter 13/ Can be whatever the town needs (was looking at miner/blacksmith/engineer)

6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? Yes, I vow to abide by the laws of Cruor

7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? Just a few months, I was playing on Citadel, couple of days on pantheon. I enjoy herocraft because it is a unique game, I love my RPGs and helping a community

8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? On vanilla (i know its not a block but) Redstone, I love to create and redstone helps me achieve that

9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? Nuxvar, I was an old Citadel town

10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor? I want to be able to help and grow a community


Jun 20, 2013
1. In Game Name (IGN): Random_Dude949

2. Age: 19

3. Country/Time Zone: Australia, ACST/ACDST

4. Current Hero Class and Level: Ranger 15

5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): Crafter 13/ Can be whatever the town needs (was looking at miner/blacksmith/engineer)

6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? Yes, I vow to abide by the laws of Cruor

7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? Just a few months, I was playing on Citadel, couple of days on pantheon. I enjoy herocraft because it is a unique game, I love my RPGs and helping a community

8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? On vanilla (i know its not a block but) Redstone, I love to create and redstone helps me achieve that

9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? Nuxvar, I was an old Citadel town

10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor? I want to be able to help and grow a community

I believe you may fit in with the brotherhood, please contact one of the officers to get you set up and let them know I accepted you.


May 26, 2016
1. In Game Name (IGN): x_Samm_x
2. Age: 25
3. Country/Time Zone: est
4. Current Hero Class and Level: shadow knight 8
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): crafter 10th
6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? yes
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? a few months and i like the community
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? diamond ofc
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? none
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor? to hopfully server and learn at the same time


Jun 20, 2013
1. In Game Name (IGN): x_Samm_x
2. Age: 25
3. Country/Time Zone: est
4. Current Hero Class and Level: shadow knight 8
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): crafter 10th
6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? yes
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? a few months and i like the community
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? diamond ofc
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? none
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor? to hopfully server and learn at the same time

You've been pre-approved for Cruor Credit. Congrats.
Feb 20, 2017
1. In Game Name (IGN): Adherentostrich

2. Age:18

3. Country/Time Zone:Canada (Est)

4. Current Hero Class and Level: Samurai lvl 5

5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession):No profession and Blacksmith as intended profession

6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules?:Yes i do.

7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it?: For about two weeks i like how detailed it is and it's not very toxic which is always nice

8. What is your favorite Minecraft block?: redstone because it represents something i lack... character *Broods silently*

9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them?: I have not been a part of any towns

10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?: Because it seems like a nice town to be ina
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Jan 2, 2014
1. In Game Name (IGN): Adherentostrich

2. Age:18

3. Country/Time Zone:Canada (Est)

4. Current Hero Class and Level: Samurai lvl 5

5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession):No profession and Blacksmith as intended profession

6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules?:Yes i do.

7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it?: For about two weeks i like how detailed it is and not much toxicity which is always nice

8. What is your favorite Minecraft block?: redstone

9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them?: I have not been a part of any towns

10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?: Because it seems like a nice town to be ina

Your application has been accepted! Welcome to the Brotherhood of Blood!
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Jan 23, 2017
1. In Game Name (IGN):bunnez
2. Age: yes
3. Country/Time Zone: the south Carolina one
4. Current Hero Class and Level: ninja, 6
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession):farmer
Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? yes
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? few weeks
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? emerald or cactus cuz they are green
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? tgp- they turned my house into a dj booth, ploutos- got banned from town chat, colony 9- it disbanded, newerth-friend left the town
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?cause sohighfive told me bout it


Jan 2, 2014
1. In Game Name (IGN):bunnez
2. Age: yes
3. Country/Time Zone: the south Carolina one
4. Current Hero Class and Level: ninja, 6
5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession):farmer
Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? yes
7. How long have you played Herocraft, and what do you enjoy about it? few weeks
8. What is your favorite Minecraft block? emerald or cactus cuz they are green
9. What other towns have you been a part of on this server, and why are you no longer with them? tgp- they turned my house into a dj booth, ploutos- got banned from town chat, colony 9- it disbanded, newerth-friend left the town
10. Why do you want to be a part of Cruor?cause sohighfive told me bout it

Sorry, Bunnez, but you'll need to find another town. Good luck!