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Suggestion Cooldown for class change

Should a cool-down be implemented for class changing?

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Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 27, 2011
why anyone would want to spend upwards of 1-3k on a single raid I dont know not saying it doesnt happen but still if you switch classes during a raid your small rate of return is just growing smaller and smaller most raids your lucky to find 100-500c worth of loot.
Once you get above 10000c or so you realize money is goddamn worthless. Spending money to get a few minutes of fun can feel like it was well spent. People just complain because they don't realize how it took hours of time and effort to get those few minutes of fun so they're trying to get it limited. Mostly this thread is about umbra spending thousands of coins to kill a few oakenshire members.

Limiting fun is good game design. Helping remove fear of being attacked is a good way to make the server feel more hardcore. Good work people, herocraft is moving forward.


Jan 20, 2013
I guess I beg to differ on the point that you earned all that money just from mining/voting. I may not have been here very long but I know that most of umbra's money comes from duping the gold blocks back before the glitch was patched. I understand that it was deemed a admin error, however the rest of the server player base should not have to suffer because they were not on the server to have taken advantage of this glitch, something that should not have been taken advantage of in the first place. Either way it still does not change that fact that it creates an imbalance in the area of PvP. Umbra's fun comes at the expense of losing thousands of new players a week. The term hardcore in Hardcore PvP is not synonymous with abusing the class system placed in by the admin staff. They are very generous to allow a player to keep their levels when switching. Most servers would wipe them clean. As far as removing fear of being attacked, a dragoon can scale town walls, and wizards can get over if they use the art of towering properly. Umbra should see it as a new challenge to overcome.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 27, 2011
I guess I beg to differ on the point that you earned all that money just from mining/voting. I may not have been here very long but I know that most of umbra's money comes from duping the gold blocks back before the glitch was patched. I understand that it was deemed a admin error, however the rest of the server player base should not have to suffer because they were not on the server to have taken advantage of this glitch, something that should not have been taken advantage of in the first place. Either way it still does not change that fact that it creates an imbalance in the area of PvP. Umbra's fun comes at the expense of losing thousands of new players a week. The term hardcore in Hardcore PvP is not synonymous with abusing the class system placed in by the admin staff. They are very generous to allow a player to keep their levels when switching. Most servers would wipe them clean. As far as removing fear of being attacked, a dragoon can scale town walls, and wizards can get over if they use the art of towering properly. Umbra should see it as a new challenge to overcome.
We duped an item that is unengravable by using a process that only allows the duplication of engraved items?

Using the class switching process that you guys are complaining about we have only killed like 20 people total. I'm sure that thousands of new players sympathize with oakenshire's problems so much that they would quit the server because of it.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 10, 2012
Name me 3 things that one can do on this server that is more work than grinding and mining.

You're asking for personal opinions, not facts. However, if you want an opinion: Building, PvP (and no, this does NOT require grinding or mining i.e. /col, /arena), and socializing.


Jan 20, 2013
At this point we could continue to go back and forth, however it isn't going to change the outcome of this suggestion.


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
Its not up for debate if a cooldown should be implemented - its a debate for "how long".
I'm not one to rapidly switch classes within the same day, but sometimes it happens, and I need to go back to my previous class if I am to be of any use to my team. I'm not even talking about switching mid-raid, but during other crucial moments. One such moment was me switching to a class that I had planned to level. However, less than 10 minutes later, we were being raided by an enemy town. Me, being low level, was absolutely useless to the team. I decided to say "fuck it" and switched back--at my own expense, of course. Money that, despite Entei's baseless accusations, I assure you I earned through legitimate means.

Honestly, I'd prefer there be no cooldown at all, but if I am forced to pick a time, I think 5 to 10 minutes is fair. Anymore than that is just a tad ridiculous--you won't find people benefiting from class-hopping if there is a 5 to 10 minute cooldown. Especially when Kainzo adds herogates (which he has stated he will be doing). Ninjabizkit mostly performed the rapid-class switching and "wasted" his money just so that we could acquire spire ports. While yes, he did group teleports us into towns once or twice, it wasn't his original goal.

Umbra's fun comes at the expense of losing thousands of new players a week.
Wow! We're amazing! I wasn't aware that we had the power to make thousands of new players quit each week. I thought for sure this award would have gone to Firebus/Pewpew/has400. Looks like noob camping isn't very efficient. They'll have to step it up to our level of raiding the same town over and over until thousands have quit from this single town. *nod*

They are very generous to allow a player to keep their levels when switching. Most servers would wipe them clean.
That is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever read. Most servers do not do this--you're clearly spouting whatever nonsense you can come up with just for the sake of attacking us. You need to take a chill pill and re-evaluate what exactly it is you're trying to convey here.

Yes, the class system can be "abused", but it is not nearly as game-breaking as you make it out to be. What's wrong with a player using his money to have more fun on the server? I can understand why you would be frustrated if you experienced this first hand, especially if you have not earned as much money as some of us have; but even if that is the case, there is absolutely no need for you to act the way you are acting.

While I do not personally wish for a cooldown to be implemented, I can agree that it's probably for the best for it to be implemented. However, instead of keeping this discussion civil, backed only by logic, reason, and a cool-head, you choose to harness your anger towards players that you viewed were in the "wrong" and mashed away at the keyboard until you were satisfied. Cool.


Max Legacy Supporter
Feb 5, 2012
I've only done this once because I couldn't talk in trade. So yes it does happen.

/hero who wizard

/tell *wizard name* can you TP me to spawn for 40c?

Also, pulling statistics out of your ass doesn't help, since I'm pretty sure we don't lose that many players (if any) from Umbra's behavior.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
Look; we've already seen that it will be done, just a matter of how long which Kainzo was investigating on his own.
There's not really much left to discuss here, and right now it's just getting off-topic and/or flaming.

Can you save the off-topic for where it's more appropriate and the wars for later? Please?


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
The original design of Heroes was to lock players into their class FOREVER. Since it is impossible for you to easily re-create a new character/IGN we decided to give some wiggle room. When we do push out our "own" account system in SpoutHero or ProjectHero - you can expect such a move to be placed.

Right now, the system is pretty friendly to those who want to try out different classes / roles. It will never be a design aspect so someone has more money can easily and more quickly change classes/over take combat situations. It should give you a slight edge but not the current one it is granting.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 10, 2012
That is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever read. Most servers do not do this--you're clearly spouting whatever nonsense you can come up with just for the sake of attacking us. You need to take a chill pill and re-evaluate what exactly it is you're trying to convey.

No lie here, Delf. I have been to quite a few Heroes servers before getting to the glory that is Herocraft. Many do reset your XP completely when switched (I won't advertise, but if you like I can provide server names in a private chat). Granted, these are terrible servers though.

I do agree with you that an hour timer would be a tad rash. This would hurt more new players than stop any abuse. 10 minutes seems fine. I don't doubt many have gained money fairly and should have some reward, but even you can admit there is some abuse in switching to 2 different classes to infiltrate a base than switching back to fight.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 19, 2012
Since it is going to be in my guess for a timer would be 5-10mins max becuase sometimes you switch to level a class then not long after a raid hits and you need to go back to help fight back. I can say I'm honestly 2-3 different classes a day for leveling and helping during raids or just messing with kingdom members.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 13, 2012
It costs 500c to swap to a class, so a free port won't happen...






Max Legacy Supporter
Feb 5, 2012




That isn't a port to spawn... that is a port from spawn.

The example was getting a port TO spawn, which is constantly being traded in /ch t by a dozen or so of wizards, and seeing as you are already in spawn this doesn't proof shit, only that you seem to not be able to read.


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
No lie here, Delf. I have been to quite a few Heroes servers before getting to the glory that is Herocraft. Many do reset your XP completely when switched (I won't advertise, but if you like I can provide server names in a private chat). Granted, these are terrible servers though.
Odd, because almost every server I've been on with heroes has allowed you to switch classes. Some of them carrying a higher chance of being of being abused compared to Herocraft.

I do agree with you that an hour timer would be a tad rash. This would hurt more new players than stop any abuse. 10 minutes seems fine. I don't doubt many have gained money fairly and should have some reward, but even you can admit there is some abuse in switching to 2 different classes to infiltrate a base than switching back to fight.
I think that it's cool that we people can switch multiple times for the sake of making a raid more successful. To be honest, I was never a part of a raid in which my town did this, but I had later heard about them.

I don't think it's a big enough deal to add a cooldown, but it's not the end of the world if there is one. (So long as the cooldown is not extensive.)

it's has400 not Has400, thank you.
My mistake. Fixed it for you. <3


Legacy Supporter 3
May 6, 2012




This still is not free, you still have to pay the coins for switching classes, and in my opinion if you can afford to switch classes then you should be able to, however I do believe that it should have a cooldown, maybe about 10 minutes to an hour


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
Would it be possible to implement a 2500c cost to change class rapidly (if you have played the current class less than 1-2 hours), yet keep the 500c cost if it is over that time? That would allow people to do multiple specs daily, but to more carefully choose when to bounce around from spec to spec.