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Cobbledumperton:Newbie Starting Town(PVE)


Aug 13, 2011
Edit: We are converting an old town, Cobbledumperton, as the newbie town.
Cobbledumperton (Haven)
Haven is a town where new players can connect with one another with the guidance of veteran players. Haven will make a community for new players who want to learn and enjoy the server at the same time. Our mentors will do everything they can to help these players learn the server and give them a wonderful experience.
Location: TBA
Chat Channel: /ch NHS
TS Pass: Will be given in-game

Being a citizen:
  • You will only be a citizen for a certain amount of time until you "graduate"
    • You may leave whenever you want
  • You will be given a home to put your belongings
  • You will have a chat channel to talk to players like you
  • Mentors will be here to help you learn the game and give you assistance
  • You will be matched up to other players based off of your introduction
  • After you graduated mentors will help you find a town that we feel is a best fit for you
  • If you feel you need more time inside this town, let us know
  • If you wish to still be part of the town, you may apply to be a mentor after you graduate

Being a Mentor:
  • You are to help and spend time with the citizens
    • This means more than just answering questions
  • You will help match up players based on their personality
  • You are to help keep the system organized
  • You are to help contribute to the town
  • When the player graduates, you are to help them find a town that best suites them.
  • You will try to direct new players in joining Haven

Being a Manger:
  • You will do everything a mentor does
  • You will help the system be and stay organized
  • You will overwatch everything
  • You will help lead
  • You will try to direct new players in joining Haven

Rules: These apply to EVERYONE
  • No stealing
  • No harrassing
  • No going through homes or chests that aren't yours without permission
  • No insulting one another
  • Keep a positive enviroment
  • Follow all Herocraft's Rules
If you wish to be a citizen of this town and learn the ropes fill this out. (New Players Only)
Citizen Introduction:
Age and Gender |
Location and Time Zone |
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic |
What type of experience do you want |
Tell us about yourself |

Those who wish to be mentors(managers-not every mentor will be a manager) fill this out. If you wish to be just a mentor and not a manager let me know.

Mentor Application:
Age |
Location and Time Zone |
Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted
Any previous town management experience?|
Any experience helping new players? |
Why do you want to help lead Haven?|
Why would Haven want you to lead? |
What is your play style? |
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? |
Tell us about yourself |
Referrals |

Last edited:


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
Mentor Application:
IGN | irishman81
Age | 16
Location and Time Zone | eastern
Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted: I am a guide, proctor, wiki team member, and a member of the balance team.
Any previous town management experience?| I have managed Sparta, sentinel, and Prometheus last map
Any experience helping new players? | guide and proctor for a while now, and I have assisted with the wiki for a good amount of time as well.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| I like helping out the new guys and I thought it would be a cool thing to do.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | I can help guide newer players with my knowledge and experience of herocraft. I would also be able to help them get set up, and help them out if they need anything.
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | yes
Tell us about yourself | I'm very active in the community, and I love to help new players.
Referrals | @RagingDragon5 @WitchOnaRampage


Aug 13, 2011
Mentor Application:
IGN | irishman81
Age | 16
Location and Time Zone | eastern

Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted: I am a guide, proctor, wiki team member, and a member of the balance team.
Any previous town management experience?| I have managed Sparta, sentinel, and Prometheus last map
Any experience helping new players? | guide and proctor for a while now, and I have assisted with the wiki for a good amount of time as well.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| I like helping out the new guys and I thought it would be a cool thing to do.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | I can help guide newer players with my knowledge and experience of herocraft. I would also be able to help them get set up, and help them out if they need anything.
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | yes
Tell us about yourself | I'm very active in the community, and I love to help new players.
Referrals | @RagingDragon5 @WitchOnaRampage
Accepted, when you get a chance sign the charter.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
Mentor Application:
IGN | minimike96
Age | 18
Location and Time Zone |
New York & EST
Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted| I am currently a guide
Any previous town management experience?| Technically I helped manage Frost back on DG
Any experience helping new players? | As a guide I have spent a lot of time answering questions. I also helped new players when I was town hopping in Bastion.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?|
I very much enjoy helping the new players. Plus since this is on PvE it means I can continue to do my thing on PvE and be more involved in helping new players.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | As I have been around a long time, I have a decent amount of experience watching people. I also was a very active Guide at the end of last map, and my activity this map is only gonna increase (Hopefully).
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? |
Yes and Yes (Although TS sometimes doesn't agree with my headset)
Tell us about yourself | I am usually a very relaxed person, able to take the time to teach new people what they need to know, and answer the questions they have. I do my best to be attentive to peoples needs when they are still learning, as I really really enjoy helping people.
Referrals | None

*Note about contributing to town: At the moment I cannot contribute much item or soul wise. I recently lost everything to some lava, and spent all my souls specing into Smith. As I level and regain things I will contribute though. Non-item wise (Building, managing, mentoring) I can contribute right away.


Aug 13, 2011
Mentor Application:
IGN | minimike96
Age | 18
Location and Time Zone |
New York & EST
Are you a Guide| Not being a guide doesn't mean you wont be accepted| I am currently a guide
Any previous town management experience?| Technically I helped manage Frost back on DG
Any experience helping new players? | As a guide I have spent a lot of time answering questions. I also helped new players when I was town hopping in Bastion.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?|
I very much enjoy helping the new players. Plus since this is on PvE it means I can continue to do my thing on PvE and be more involved in helping new players.
Why would Haven want you to lead? | As I have been around a long time, I have a decent amount of experience watching people. I also was a very active Guide at the end of last map, and my activity this map is only gonna increase (Hopefully).
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? |
Yes and Yes (Although TS sometimes doesn't agree with my headset)
Tell us about yourself | I am usually a very relaxed person, able to take the time to teach new people what they need to know, and answer the questions they have. I do my best to be attentive to peoples needs when they are still learning, as I really really enjoy helping people.
Referrals | None

*Note about contributing to town: At the moment I cannot contribute much item or soul wise. I recently lost everything to some lava, and spent all my souls specing into Smith. As I level and regain things I will contribute though. Non-item wise (Building, managing, mentoring) I can contribute right away.

Accepted, please sign the town charter when you get a chance.


Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
Sorry, no.

I prefer to help noobs on my own terms, if I had to do it based on someone else's terms or be in a position of authority with all those little trolls, I would rage quit being helpful very quickly.


Aug 13, 2011
Sorry, no.

I prefer to help noobs on my own terms, if I had to do it based on someone else's terms or be in a position of authority with all those little trolls, I would rage quit being helpful very quickly.

Well, hopefully this system will run smoothly. There will be bumbs, but hopefully we get past them. If you change your mind in the future let me know.


Aug 13, 2011
I will be gone for about three days visiting an old friend. I will get either someone to look over applications or I will look over them when I come back.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Mentor Application:

IGN | EtKEnn
Age | 16
Location and Time Zone | Norway, CET
Are you a Guide| No
Any previous town management experience?| Been mayor for three towns over three maps. Not too familiar with the current township system. Tons of experience from getting new players started, several players in several staff teams have begun their HC lives in one of my towns.
Any experience helping new players? | I live close to PvE spawn just so I can easily go help new players who are stuck on Central.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| I'd rather be a mentor than manager tbh
Why would Haven want you to lead? | See above
What is your play style? | Social interaction and farming
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | Yes, but I prefer in game chat since english isn't my first language.
Tell us about yourself | Right now I spend a lot of my time making the land around my village better, and I was also the person who built the East Road out of spawn together with Jasquan. I fucking love history.
Referrals | None


Legacy Supporter 3
May 13, 2012
I may apply to this at some point but I'd just like to say that one big deterrent for newbies is making an application to join a town. It may be better if a mentor just had a conversation with them to see if they'd fit in.


Aug 13, 2011
Mentor Application:

IGN | EtKEnn
Age | 16
Location and Time Zone | Norway, CET

Are you a Guide| No
Any previous town management experience?| Been mayor for three towns over three maps. Not too familiar with the current township system. Tons of experience from getting new players started, several players in several staff teams have begun their HC lives in one of my towns.
Any experience helping new players? | I live close to PvE spawn just so I can easily go help new players who are stuck on Central.
Why do you want to help lead Haven?| I'd rather be a mentor than manager tbh
Why would Haven want you to lead? | See above
What is your play style? | Social interaction and farming
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? | Yes, but I prefer in game chat since english isn't my first language.

Tell us about yourself | Right now I spend a lot of my time making the land around my village better, and I was also the person who built the East Road out of spawn together with Jasquan. I fucking love history.
Referrals | None

Accepted, please sign the town charter when you get the chance.


Aug 13, 2011
I may apply to this at some point but I'd just like to say that one big deterrent for newbies is making an application to join a town. It may be better if a mentor just had a conversation with them to see if they'd fit in.

I wasn't at first, but I was told it would be best to have a little thing for them to fill out so we know more about them which will let us help them more. Also they will have to make an application to the towns they join after this, so it's best to get them used to the system.


Aug 20, 2014
IGN | FiferSheep
Age & Gender | 16, Male.
Location | Bali, GMT + 8:00.
TS & Mic | Yes for TS, but i don't have a mic.
Experience that i want | Addition of group events for the town and overall greater community for the server
Tell us about yourself | Sorry, but i am quite reticent about my personal details, but i hope this does not make any misunderstandings on the community.


Aug 13, 2011
IGN | FiferSheep
Age & Gender | 16, Male.
Location | Bali, GMT + 8:00.
TS & Mic | Yes for TS, but i don't have a mic.
Experience that i want | Addition of group events for the town and overall greater community for the server
Tell us about yourself | Sorry, but i am quite reticent about my personal details, but i hope this does not make any misunderstandings on the community.
Nice to have you aboard
Jan 23, 2014
Name: wastedyears6969.
Age & Gender: 23 Male.
Location: England, +0 GMT.
Teamspeak & Mic: Yes.
Experience That I Want: Something fun that doesn't involve me in pvp much, I enjoy making friends, i don't really have a fun social life which makes games useful and important to me.
Tell Us About Yourself: Fun, Bit of a comedian, Love listening to music, Love playing games on Xbox and Pc, Pretty laid back.


Aug 13, 2011
Name: wastedyears6969.
Age & Gender: 23 Male.
Location: England, +0 GMT.
Teamspeak & Mic: Yes.
Experience That I Want: Something fun that doesn't involve me in pvp much, I enjoy making friends, i don't really have a fun social life which makes games useful and important to me.
Tell Us About Yourself: Fun, Bit of a comedian, Love listening to music, Love playing games on Xbox and Pc, Pretty laid back.

Welcome aboard.
Aug 20, 2014
Ign/ RealmOfOblivion
Age and Gender | 12 years and Male
Location and Time Zone | Bronx, New York UTC-05:00
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic | Yes and I have a meh mic
What type of experience do you want | I want an experience where people are friendly and are willing to help people regardless of occupation.
Tell us about yourself | I'm a 12 year old kid who likes to play minecraft and play videogames, I'm a person who likes helping of people if they ask it and it doesnt go against my goals. I like playing videogames and usually during summer 6-9pm and on school days on and off cause of homework.