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Suggestion Clerics function...


May 2, 2012
Although i liked that cleric's might was removed i agree that having a group buff would allow cleric to be more support than just a plain healer.

As a class clerics seem to follow a theme of protection (high armored for a healer, and their invulns and such), maybe instead of might clerics could get a form of a conviction type skill. Possibly from 10%-15% damage reduction. This would allow clerics to more easily heal their party members. This could possibly replace the 65 cleric skill, however i do not think that this skill should be able to stack with conviction (like might and warsong do), because the mix along with a cleric would make them casters the armor equivalent of a samurai. Possibly make the effect last for a really long time so that it isn't made obsolete by paladins.

Just an idea, people can leave their thoughts/ideas.


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
That's an idea, although it might bump heads with the Pally as you said.
Might would be a good addition back in as long as it does not buff the Cleric.
Any other ideas on different support a Cleric could have would be wonderful :D

The idea of a cleric being Defensive support sounds like a good option, Something like two new spells derived from Conviction? Something slightly more powerful then conviction but instead of reducing all damage you have to choose between melee and spell? Non stacking one cancels the other.
  • Spell X - Decreases the incoming Melee damage against party members by 25%
  • Spell Y - Decreases the incoming Spell damage against party members by 25%
Something, anything that gives the a role to play! :confused:


May 2, 2012
One class having the ability to give 25% damage bonus and 25% damage reduction(i understand that it would be magic or physical however it is still a significant reduction) would be far to much. If cleric shifts towards a position of being s defensive healer then it should not receive might because might is an offensive buff.

With both might and a damage reduction clerics would be too well rounded of a support class and make the others obsolete.


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 28, 2012
Dragon through ...
One class having the ability to give 25% damage bonus and 25% damage reduction(i understand that it would be magic or physical however it is still a significant reduction) would be far to much. If cleric shifts towards a position of being s defensive healer then it should not receive might because might is an offensive buff.

With both might and a damage reduction clerics would be too well rounded of a support class and make the others obsolete.

Agreed, I love the idea of having different classes from people to choose between and don't want any classes to be made useless. I enjoyed playing the support aspect of Cleric and that what I will stick to. The more combat direction of the other healer classes are not my cup of tea.

I was not suggested that Cleric get some of everything ;) I was just replying that the idea of defensive instead of offensive support skills is a good idea too. It would also help concrete Clerics role as a Defensive Healer Support which I like. Mystic Offensive Support Healer, Cleric Defensive Support Healer, Disciple Offensive Healer is one way the roles could be setup.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
Maybe with a skill to reduce party incoming dmg a member could actually live long enough to cast FullHeal on them =P
(Just had to say that, since fullheal was spoken of earlier.)


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 19, 2012
I'm certainly no specialist on the healer specs, but it was my understanding that prior to the revamp, clerics were very powerful in 1v1 and any group with a cleric vs any groups without one (even a group with another healer class) would be a sure winner. Again, I don't know any specifics, such as win ratios in col vs open world pvp, but the sheer defense of a cleric, between armor and invulns, coupled with the near-infinite healing ability (certainly used to be the best of any healer spec) made them incredibly powerful. And when you added Might on top of it all, it seems to have been rather unbalanced.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not well experienced with the class, so these are all just 3rd person observations and assumptions. I know I lost every time to clerics in col as a ninja, albeit I'm not maxed and ninja's are terrible at pvp until they get lv45+ and it seems to be that clerics in col have an advantage they don't generally have in open-world pvp.

Post-revamp, they definitely seem to be toned down, but I'm not so sure they're much different than Mystic at this point. Used to be that there was little reason to play Mystic when you could play Cleric. I'd say the only reason I would have chosen Mystic over Cleric before was for Port, but even that is just a reason to play a Wizard. I'm not sure where your opinion that Mystic is an offense-oriented class came from though. I've never seen it that way, with only 2 offensive spells, Smite (with a 6s cd) and their awful version of Bolt, which Ninjas have a better version of. Even now, with Smite changed to Ire (or whatever it's called?), they still have the same level of offensive power, and while root might let them get off their two spells and maybe run/kite a little, Clerics were, and probably still are, better at killing than Mystics. Clerics even got another offensive spell that probably isn't necessary/needed, though they did lose Might. I think I'm more or less rambling at this point though.

Summary: I think the overall impression of the server was that Clerics needed to have their leash shorted slightly. I do agree with you, however, that it seems Clerics lost their niche. Keep in mind, though, that I think they were really the only healer spec that had a niche to begin with. Mystics were a joke, and don't even get me started on Disciple (it's a topic for a different thread).

I don't think I'd minds seeing some more group buffs brought to the Cleric lineup, but I'm not sure removing/weakening the skills of other classes (particularly ones who only recently have been made useful) is the way to go about it. Lower the cleric's damage output (removing Might was probably going too far, I like the idea of lessening their normal damage so that with Might added it's equal to their current normal damage), and maybe get rid of that new offense spell that seems a little out of place, and in return maybe make their heals go off a little quicker or grant another party buff that has a self-reduction. Just ideas.

Sidenote: I thought that Mystics had the advantage of being Healing-Over-Time casters while Clerics had the instant heals. Now, it seems every healer has most of the same heals cleric does, in addition to their own specific ones. Clerics do have FullHeal though, which seems like it would be very, very useful, but I can agree a 5s warmup makes it somewhat impractical.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
k - I've been busy and havent had time.


Let me first address the underlining issue here with Herocraft (PVE).
  1. We're an RPG server but right now spotlight is PVP. Not PVE. (Dungeons/Quests coming!)
  2. Most classes are balanced based on PVP with other groups/classes, this affects Clerics viability.
  3. Cleric was originally balanced primarily for PVE (along with all healers)
  4. We still want clerics in the grouping role with heavy utility and healing.
  5. We don't want any one healer spec to 'overpower' or 'dominate' for groups over the other.
In summation, clerics function should be healing, buffing and keeping others alive with slight specialty in damage and control. I don't feel that their specific use has drastically changed to be quite honest. I do however think improvements can be made.
Feb 24, 2013
US, Arizona
k - I've been busy and havent had time.


Let me first address the underlining issue here with Herocraft (PVE).
  1. We're an RPG server but right now spotlight is PVP. Not PVE. (Dungeons/Quests coming!)
  2. Most classes are balanced based on PVP with other groups/classes, this affects Clerics viability.
  3. Cleric was originally balanced primarily for PVE (along with all healers)
  4. We still want clerics in the grouping role with heavy utility and healing.
  5. We don't want any one healer spec to 'overpower' or 'dominate' for groups over the other.
In summation, clerics function should be healing, buffing and keeping others alive with slight specialty in damage and control. I don't feel that their specific use has drastically changed to be quite honest. I do however think improvements can be made.

What a cleric needs are practical use aoe supports.

Single target heals Theses are very ineffective in group fights, and the only way to make them effective is to keybind every single party member to a key (total of 5 different keys per heal and remembering their slot...not practical)

Anathema Give us an aoe CC skill to slow or root groups instead of medium damage.

Damage Buffs Reduce clerics damage and increase party's damage?