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[City] Rangpur [17] ~ [Evil][TCK]


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 18, 2011
Go away.... go away, go away, go away. Stop being a pest. You didn't get shit because you're an annoying pest, both of you are pests.

The issue is closed, you got fucked over. Deal with it. The 20 blocks are Rangpur's.


Legacy Supporter 4
Aug 9, 2011
New York City
I personally do not care about this matter so if you are referring to me in the you both are pests go away please realize I have yet to say a word. I will state my side since my name has been brought up several times even though I have no involvement since I contacted you the day I was added to the lwc. I will state this after Deadicated told me he changed the lwc to put my name on it and told me to come collect the contents what ever they may be. I asked you if I could you stated to me at that time that "The contents were Zdylann's and that there was confusion there." So I said that is fine and left it alone because maybe there was some confusion and figured hell with it Zdylann was his good friend he deserved it. "And it was opened before I was told they were to get anything" -post #134 barnubus , this was the part that I have the only issue with. The day Deadicated changed to add me to the the chest I contacted you as soon as you logged in with Delta. Therefore you did in fact know inform you before hand that we were told we get half of the contents (what ever they maybe).

But as for this issue it is dead in my eyes and has been from the start. For the record Delta is doing things with out my consent or even a conversation with me so do not group me with his actions. I would also ask kindly that you not bring my name into this argument any further and this goes for both sides.


Staff member
Community Manager
Max Legacy Supporter
Aug 10, 2011
Zdylann came over to my ts and talked with me, it is currently geting resolved. Thank you for your under standing Barn and zDylann. Would like to say sorry for my actions that followed after learning that stuff was not given to me. Hope we can get this fully resolved as i do not want conflicts between us.


Name(in game name): Hamez
Are you 18yrs of age or older?: Yes, 18
Are you a talented builder?: I'd say im decent at building.
Do you have a working mic?: Yes
You read and understand our rules?: Yes
Will you adhere to our treaties and pacts?: Yes
Do you plan on remaining active on this server?: Yes
Path?: Warrior
Any additional info?: Just respecc'd but if i have time i'll try to level up.
Referral?: Not really just asking around for a town and was directed towards this thread.


Glowing Redstone
Sep 28, 2011
City Name: Rangpur
Mayor: Barnubus
Second in Command: zDylann
Banker: Weewoo1337
Location of City: -2160, 305

Tax Payment Information:
Week 1 (8/29/11): Paid Kainzo 300c
Week 2 (9/5/11): Paid Kainzo 300c
Week 3 (9/12/11): Paid Kainzo 300c by zDylann
Week 4 (9/19/11): Paid Kainzo 300c
Week 5 (9/26/11): Paid Kainzo 250c

Roster: [Active]
1.) Barnubus(*)
2.) zdylann
3.) Weewoo1337
4.) dmil23
5.) TokoYakkai
6.) crbowers
7.) malawolf
8.) EliteRubberDucky
9.) wolfeknight123
10.) mrfreaker
11.) Hypnlol
12.) Hanpeter77
13.) Oryinn
14.) Honiah
15.) Lovelessashi



1.) Building Code
Make it pretty. That's all.

2.) Honor the Alliances
What alliances? Haha.

3.) No Stealing from your City or kingdom
If you are caught stealing from a City/kingdom member you will instantly surrender all possessions, be removed from the region and be banned from Rangpur. If you refuse to turn over anything stolen you will be killed and your home demolished, everything going to the city, and the stolen items returned. Admins and Moderators come without hesitation to check blocks and chests if requested to do so. If you steal from your own city, you will be caught.

As a general rule, do not enter other city members homes, unless given permission. If found in another player's home you will need a good excuse.

4.) Defend your Home!
If the city is being attacked, you are required to come to it's aid. If you hide while others are fighting you could face banishment from the city. Even healers and crafters are required to aid the city in defense.

5.) Banking
Please do your banking with Rangpur. Right now we offer 9c per gold ingot. Not only can you pay right at the Rangpur townhall via chest shop, but you will be helping your kingdom establish itself in expansion, upkeep, and beautification.

How do I join Rangpur?
So you want to join? It's simple, really. Just copy and paste the
application below by copying and pasting the application below:

Name(in game name): Jaxanta500
Are you 18yrs of age or older?: Well im 17
Are you a talented builder?: Yes very.
Do you have a working mic?:Not atm. Ill buy one though.
You read and understand our rules?: Yup very well.
Will you adhere to our treaties and pacts?: YES they sound cool and interesting.
Do you plan on remaining active on this server?: Yes I play alot.
Path?: Warrior lvl 10
Any additional info?: I just started but im improving evryday. I hope you approve this application even though im not yet fully 18 im am still very mature and smart.​
Referral?: I dont have any but I know your town from different chats and I know you are very strong and skilled town.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 18, 2011
Hamez, talk to me in game next time you're online.

Jaxanta500, please edit your current post, do NOT post a second post. Please only post the application.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 27, 2011
Pfft, I went 3v1 over and over again on saturday vs your pvpers (usually killed 1 or 2 then died). Also after reviewing your lists, while I actually like a few of you, there are just a few that have fucked me over so much in the past that I really have no incentive to stop coming. I figure that since you are a pvp town it should be fun for both of us :3