• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
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[City] Lorien [26] [Evil]




Second in Command (SIC)

Lórien Council

Town Banker

Town Proctor

Lórien Citizens
1. MrPapodopolus
2. agentjwall
3. c12095
4. Stealth_Ninja_
5. Shizzdawgg
6. jinder745
7. Starkillah
8. Kwong050
9. Devoshade
10. SharpPencil
11. CreepOnChicken
12. nubberr
13. shrimpy77
14. TheMrLief
15. Kryptomaniac
16. qNickp
217. Bacon_nator
18. xtrozero
19. nhoj287
20. Unknownk9
21. Bingy1218
22. Xilox5
23. parkerjdude
24. Toushrio
25. macura
26. WeBePwning
Week of 5/7/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 5/14/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 5/21/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 5/28/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 6/4/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 6/11/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 6/18/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 6/25/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 7/2/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 7/9/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Week of 7/16/12 Paid to @Lastivity
Stealing: If you are caught stealing for a town member, or an allied/Non-Agession town, you will be swiftly removed from regions (items will not be returned), set as a KOS (Kill on Sight), and taken off the roster for Lórien. This is your only warning, learn our allies, and keep up to date on our thread. We wont take this mistake lightly.

Activities: We expect all members of Lórien to be active and take part of our town projects. However we understand that life comes first, so if you have to take a break, just let us know so we can expect you to be offline for some time, however we will not accept inactivity past a certain point, without a very good explanation (Skyrim is not a good excuse).

Taxes: Taxes will be due once a week, we expect them at the latest on Sunday. The tax for every citizen will be 20c a week. The point of these taxes is to keep our city functional, and to keep it advancing, either in the form of materials to labor, or anything in between, as long as it helps the town. If you are going to be inactive, we will expect your taxes no later two days after you return. If you refuse to pay taxes, you will be removed from the regions, either until you pay them, or we remove everything from your plot. If you can't afford the tax, get with me and we can work something out, usually in the form of labor (So pay your taxes).

Respect Alliances: Everyone has their issues with some people, and we won’t try to change that, but we will not stand for any town members attacking or raiding allied towns, or their citizens. I admit I have killed many of our allies new members before I realized what I did, mistakes happen, so if you find yourself in the same situation, apologize and return the victims items. Don't let it spiral out of hand by trying to cover up your mistake, or deny the fact. It will get back to us soon enough and you will be punished for it.

Banking: Our designated banker is ShizzDawgg, if you need to sell him gold just catch him when hes not busy. we are more than happy to buy your gold if we are free. We buy gold for 8.9 from town citizens.

Plot Rules:
- All Plots must look nice.
- Chests must be secured at all times. Chests must be covered, or your door locked (preferably both).
- No Obsidian. Its a pain to clean up if you leave town.
- Stay within plot boundaries. No expanding the size of your plot in any direction.
- You CAN edit the floor, wall, and ceiling materials but there must be no holes in any of them.
- If you own a pit-side plot you CANNOT build your exterior wall, we will build it for you so it looks good.
- You must put a door on your plot (no dirt!). You can only edit the 4 blocks inside your doorway (not around it). - If you have any questions, ask Agentjwall.

Group: [Click Here] to go to the Lórien's Group page.

Additional Info: Angyles is the Official Lórien Proctor. You must tag her at the end of your app if you are applying to join Lórien. When applying, please remove all parenthesized text from the Application Form.

Lorien will not be accepted any players that are noob! only players with experience on the server will be able to join!
Application: Feel free to copy and paste.

What is your in game name?:
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not):
What is your current Hero Path? :
Are you new to the server? :
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? (If not post what you are confused on):
How did you hear about Lórien ? :
Why do you want to join Lórien? :
What can you contribute to Lórien? :
Were you apart of any pervious towns? (If so please list them.):
Will you be active on Teamspeak? :


Aug 23, 2011
Town Update: (June 1st)
  • Town construction has been delayed due to "unforeseen academic hindrances" and should be staring again early next week!
Town Progress Update: (May 7th)

--We are beginning construction on our new Plot Sectors shortly! Unfortunately Some plots will need to be adjusted to fit in the needed hallways. The following people should expect minor-moderate alterations made to their plots within the next couple of days:

People that will be affected:

People that may be affected:

Once again, sorry for the inconvenience...

--Also the Town Arena is in the design phase. Expect Epic-ness!


Alright everyone, this is the new lorien thread, Secretly we are gay
Apr 17, 2012
What is your in game name?: DrPwnHammer
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): no im 15
What is your current Hero Path? : warrior planning on paladin
Are you new to the server? : kind of. I just made my forum account bit I've been whitelisted a week or two
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : yes seems simple enough
How did you hear about Lórien ? : kill messages in game
Why do you want to join Lórien? : I'm newish to the server and want to find a place to settle down. I heard this place pvps a lot.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : well the main thing I can contribute is my PWN HAMMER. I consider self pretty good at pvp(other servers experience) once I spec I will using my pwn hammer to kill everyone in our way.
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : none
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : I can listen but no mic.
sorry if I leave anything out or misspell anything. I did this on my phone.


Aug 23, 2011
What is your in game name?: DrPwnHammer
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): no im 15
What is your current Hero Path? : warrior planning on paladin
Are you new to the server? : kind of. I just made my forum account bit I've been whitelisted a week or two
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : yes seems simple enough
How did you hear about Lórien ? : kill messages in game
Why do you want to join Lórien? : I'm newish to the server and want to find a place to settle down. I heard this place pvps a lot.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : well the main thing I can contribute is my PWN HAMMER. I consider self pretty good at pvp(other servers experience) once I spec I will using my pwn hammer to kill everyone in our way.
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : none
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : I can listen but no mic.
sorry if I leave anything out or misspell anything. I did this on my phone.

@Drpwnhammer Welcome to Lorien, and the best PvP city on the server! Contact me or Mrpap in game and we'll get you set up!
@MrPapodopolus add Drpwnhammer and Ninjasofii to the roster


Feb 12, 2012
What is your in game name?: 22derek22 and my brother je_ne_sais_quoi
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): i'm 21 and my brother is 17
What is your current Hero Path? : Rogue. I was planning on thief, now i'm not sure.
Are you new to the server? : Pretty much. I have been whitelisted since last semester, but only started actually playing last weekend.
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : Yup
How did you hear about Lórien ? : By browsing on this forum.
Why do you want to join Lórien? : I want to be part of a "evil" town (more exciting!) that is very active i the pvp scene.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : I am hard working and absolutely love to group PvP. I would be glad gear and gather potions/food for a big PvP trip.
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : N/A
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : Yeah, of course. I have a good mic.


Aug 23, 2011
What is your in game name?: 22derek22 and my brother je_ne_sais_quoi
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): i'm 21 and my brother is 17
What is your current Hero Path? : Rogue. I was planning on thief, now i'm not sure.
Are you new to the server? : Pretty much. I have been whitelisted since last semester, but only started actually playing last weekend.
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : Yup
How did you hear about Lórien ? : By browsing on this forum.
Why do you want to join Lórien? : I want to be part of a "evil" town (more exciting!) that is very active i the pvp scene.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : I am hard working and absolutely love to group PvP. I would be glad gear and gather potions/food for a big PvP trip.
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : N/A
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : Yeah, of course. I have a good mic.

I'd appreciate it if you and your brother could make separate applications (preferably with your own forum accounts) for formality's sake. Its nothing personnel, It just makes the "paperwork" (for lack of a better term) easier. Thanks!
Apr 12, 2012
United States
What is your in game name?: Je_ne_sais_quoi
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): 17
What is your current Hero Path? : Rogue (open to any of the T2 classes, though I'll probably be a ninja)
Are you new to the server? : Yes, I just got white-listed a few days ago
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : I understand
How did you hear about Lórien ? : Saw the forum thread
Why do you want to join Lórien? : It's an active town that isn't afraid to crack down on rule breakers. Tax seems fair, and the fact that it's been active so long means I can count on it being active for a while longer, too. Plus, group PvP is fuuuun.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : I can PvP well, and I can make traps to not only ensare normal invaders, but people who may try to glitch in (count on that happening over the weekend). I also work hard if necessary.
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : Nope, none
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : If other people are, sure.
Jun 6, 2011
What is your in game name?: poisonedblood71
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): 17
What is your current Hero Path? : Bard, Engineer
Are you new to the server? : No
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : no
How did you hear about Lórien ? : Um...who hasnt? you kill everyone and everything!!!
Why do you want to join Lórien? : cuz i am amazing and u NEED me.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : my sexy body
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : lorien, mortem, solstheim....lovely list to see when joining lorien.....
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : Hell no (as i am on ts while posting this)


What is your in game name?: poisonedblood71
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): 17
What is your current Hero Path? : Bard, Engineer
Are you new to the server? : No
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : no
How did you hear about Lórien ? : Um...who hasnt? you kill everyone and everything!!!
Why do you want to join Lórien? : cuz i am amazing and u NEED me.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : my sexy body
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : lorien, mortem, solstheim....lovely list to see when joining lorien.....
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : Hell no (as i am on ts while posting this)



Legacy Supporter 2
Aug 8, 2011
What is your in game name?: Starkillah
Are you over the age of 16? (It’s ok if you’re not): Im 16
What is your current Hero Path? : Sam Moo Rah / Smith
Are you new to the server? : Hell nah.
Have you read our rules, and do you fully understand them? If not post what you are confused on. : I understand.
How did you hear about Lórien ? : You begged me to join, duh.
Why do you want to join Lórien? : Because you're all sexy.
What can you contribute to Lórien? : The tip of my blade.
Were you apart of any pervious towns? If so please list them. : Fuck... Mortem and Solstheim.
Will you be active on Teamspeak? : Mhm.