- Minecraft In-game name: chabert
- Location & Age: 18 years old from Denmark
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none
- Referral(s): bluenapalm777, xioyoyoxio
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: i have some friends who play on herocraft and they told me about it
- Have you voted for Herocraft : not yet
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? : yes
- Reason you should be accepted: i really enjoy rpg and pvp, i play by the rules, and doesn't greif or steal, i like to build alot and really think this server looks perfect for me, i love to help out and wont be a problem, i've read the wiki.
9. Additional Info: my real name is jonas , i live in roskilde (denmark) im 18 years old. i spend alot of my time with my freinds, and play alot of soccer. i like being creative and thats why i love minecraft so mutch, im calm and approachable. here is some of my creations .