Time zone

What classes are you specializing into:Healer, then to cleric
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: Yes
How long have you been on HC:I have been playing HC for a few days
Why do you want to join: I want to join so that I can be part of something bigger than just going solo. I always find that games are far more fun when you are with a group, guild, or clan.
Are you a builder, a miner, a killer or a talker:I usually am a killer on vanilla or CraftBukkit servers, but seeing as I am a healer/cleric here, I will probably build, chat, and help out the raiders.
What can you give to us, as a community: As a community, I could help out around the town by depositing money, doing outdoor design, and generally just helping out with whatever needs to be done.

What towns have you been in:None on this server yet. This would be my first
Why did you leave them (if applicable):N/A
Do you understand and agree to all town rules:Yes
What are one of the requirements for graduating to a full member of town:You must purchase a housing plot for 250c
What guideline from the Spirit of LO do you find most appealing: I find the "No Hackusations" guideline as my favorite. I have been banned from 2 servers just this year because a moderator who couldn't PVP to save his live was killed by me.
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun:No, not at all.
Tell us about yourself:I am a 13 year old male from Vancouver, Canada. Outside of minecraft, I play games like Halo, PlanetSide 2, LOTRO and Team Fortress 2.