- Joined
- Aug 13, 2011
IGN | wolfgang784
Age | 19
Location and Time Zone | Pennsylvania in the United States, Eastern Standard time zone
How long have you been whitelisted | So far it's been two years and ten months since I was whitelisted.
Previous Towns | This is always fun to try and remember.
Sanctum Map: Nova, Artemis, Vrah, I was the mayor and founder of Chronus, mayor of another town affiliated with the kingdom Artemis was part of, Vault 101 (very short) and that should be it for Sanctum.
Zeal Map: Co-Founder of Shiroku, member of Iron Pass and several other towns over the course of the map.
DragonGuard: Co-Founder of the Communist Collective, Torchlight
Haven: Member of Isengarde and Newerth
That should be all of my previous towns. As you can see my group and I did not play very much on the last two maps and most of our play time was back on the Sactum map and a good bit on Zeal as well.
Why did you leave (if applicable) |
Sanctum Map: Nova began developing in a direction we did not approve of and the mayor was banned so we left. I joined Artemis to build and meet new people while the rest of my group branched off to eventually create Vrah while also becoming the first PvPers and robbers on Herocraft, eventually managing to convince Kainzo to allow stealing as it used to be against the rules. I left Artemis to form Chronus as part of the same kingdom, so not really leaving. Chronus eventually died out as did the kingdom near the end of the map. We tried creating a fresh town which also did not take off and near the very end my group and I were all sort of members of Vault 101 for a short time before the map wiped.
Zeal Map: We abandoned Shiroku to the few members who still wanted to keep it alive as we had been raided mercilessly by most of the server is a massive raid after we managed to get on everyones bad side. We quit the server for a while and I eventually came back for a bit and joined Iron Pass for support and since I knew the other members.
DragonGaurd Map: The Communist Collective was destroyed from within by traitorous mutinous swine. The surviving members left to create the beautiful town of Torchlight which is where we remained until the map wiped.
Haven Map: I was part of Isengarde for literally a night as they seemed cool and I could not find any familiar faces on the server, as many of the old players have since moved on. The next morning however, I discovered all of the old faces were in one kingdom together so I parted ways with Isengarde and xNaomix to join Newerth which is where I remained until I quit again until the map wiped.
Why do you want to join Volantis | The entire kingdom of AD seems like a very well put together and interesting kingdom to be a part of for this map. I checked the various threads and one of them it blank, one seems pretty shoddily put together, and the last has closed applications which leaves this town for now. The leaders all seems dedicated to the cause and like they have and will continue to put forth a great deal of effort for the kingdom and town which is especially evident in how well put together most of the kingdom threads are. Overall it seems like a great town for me to join and I would love to be a part of it.
Why would Volantis want you | As you can see from my previous residences, my play time is spotty. My group and I often play for a month, maybe several, before disappearing from the server for twice or thrice that time before returning again. When I do play however, I am dedicated to the group that I am currently part of and will do my best to further whatever projects and ambitions that we share while advancing my own character. I have been on for a long time with a perfect track sheet so you have no need of worrying if I will break town or server rules and that I know for the most part what I am doing. I was previously a guide and a proctor as well, which I took quite seriously.
Tell us about yourself | My name is Stephen and as you know I am currently nineteen years old. I graduated highschool last year and am currently enrolled part time in a technical trade school for my second year of IT networking after having completed two years of IT programming. Most of my spare time is sucked up by playing various video games with my clan Grey's Late Night Diner. The time left over is usually consumed by anime, manga, books and occasionally dirt biking and target shooting.
How did you hear about Volantis | Babb1e and I were exploring the new map for a bit and had yet to come across players nor large settlements so we decided to see what the township forums had to offer us. Out of the towns listed Volantis and AD as a whole had the most to offer me.
Who are the leaders of Volantis (there are five) | The five leaders include: Jonsoon, Aryios, hilltim1, LightningCape, and RagingDragon5.
Nice application. Accepted, check your inbox. Try not to be "spotty", other than that welcome