• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

[Capital] Newerth [233] (v4.0) (OS) [Neutral] [Awesome] [**Recruiting**]


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
You could have just tagged me, not like I'm inactive or anything lol! But we do need the thread title updated as I can't do that for some reason. Not sure the exact info we need there for the number but Hamlet can be changed to Town


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
They do auto unlock roughly 30 - 35 days of inactivity.

And updated the post xexorian. Let me know if it looks good

Could you also change the title of the thread Angyles, I don't seem to be able to do it anymore. Also omg @ our citizen count xD

[Town] Newerth [179] (v4.0) (OS) [Neutral] [Awesome] [**Recruiting**]


Feb 4, 2013

King: Xexorian
Mayor: Symbolite
SiC: Victim130
TiC / Banker: TheMormon

Part of the Order of the Star, Newerth is a city that enjoys the simple art of creation and prides itself in the aesthetic value of our works. Home of some of the most respecting and longstanding players on the server, Newerth is a city of pristine sanctuary where gifted architects and visionaries can lose themselves in surroundings of creative progress.​

One of the first towns ever created on the map and one of the longest standing towns on the server, Newerth was first created by S3nse, EmphatiK, Bearcat99, and Xanipher on Sanctum, one of the few towns to have been rebuilt every map since Sanctum

  • Follow all standard rules of the Herocraft server.
  • Listen to the King/Mayor and Nobles of Newerth at all times.
  • Build restrictions - Do not build outside your plot limits and Do not dig into town farms below. If you have any questions please consult Symbolite or Xexorian.
  • Do Not steal/grief/attack other citizens of Newerth.
  • Do Not steal/grief/attack citizens of allied towns.
  • No mines from your basement.
  • Citizen's houses must be aesthetically pleasing.
  • Cover all your un-lwc'd chests and block doorways with dirt blocks.
  • Most important rule - Have Fun!!
***Attention Peoples of Newerth***

The following will be enforced as much as we can from now onward. Upon joining, citizens accept and agree to these rules.
  • 2 weeks inactive with no prior info about such inactivity warrants warning of player by PM and sign on house.
  • 1 month inactive with no prior info about such inactivity warrants removal and seizure of assets.
If player submits a leave of absence notice, that can be dealt with on a case by case basis.

What ever agreements made on each case shall be honoured.

  • Build a beautiful city!!
  • Finish collecting Diamond Blocks for Town Upgrade


Allied Towns:
  • Umbra
Order of the Star:

  • Skyforge
  • Belegost
  • Newerth (our town)
  • Oakenshire
Enemy Towns:

  • Rangpur
  • Thornhollow
  • Paragon
  • and more..

None for now.

-----====Plot Prices====-----
Plots costs are calculated by taking the area of the plot and multiplying it by the number below depending on the plot type.
Surface Plots (Area *4)
Area under surface plots (Area *2)

(Full Floor 100c)
(Half Floor 50c)
(Quarter Floor 25c)
(Closet 0c)

-----====Citizen List====-----
Newerth Gods:
  • Xanipher - Admin / Founder of Newerth and forever our Queen
  • Bearcat99 - Admin / Founder of Newerth
  • BuddahHopper - Admin
Newerth Nobles:

  • Symbolite
  • Victim130
  • Bluejack404
  • gtastuntdude
  • Blacklabelbobbie
  • Arngrim
  • Jloy1
  • TheMormon
  • Xexorian
  • Drastikos
  • Gabizou
  • Dielan9999
  • Ironee212
  • Acherous
  • HolyRane
  • Savathaflava
  • Sidesummy
Newerth Citizens:

  • 13guy13
  • _Dabomb_
  • _maxo
  • aanokint
  • aburido_burrito
  • aceshooter11
  • acherous
  • aetosion
  • aidan_naut
  • Angusward
  • Applesplatter
  • Arcanegrove
  • ArchCeaser
  • Arngrim
  • awsumguy75321
  • bamaut
  • baron1447
  • bayou_spirit
  • behind_themask
  • benmk7000
  • Beyondvalor
  • BlackLabelBobbie
  • blitzmcgee
  • blockyswag
  • blueghost141
  • Bluejack404
  • bluewarrior104
  • bob_de_blastoise
  • bonkersjungle24
  • born8bit
  • calebponessa
  • captaindarkrage
  • Chaincat
  • charran61
  • Chaz8591
  • Claudpuck
  • cocobean0201
  • Colley619
  • crescendoll
  • crookshook
  • cshadowrun
  • cyclopes1997
  • cylf
  • dalejin
  • Dalkor
  • darkthefox
  • DarthBotto
  • DaShniper
  • deathrider50
  • Deltatheawesome
  • Deseroth
  • devilsdealer
  • Devonw18
  • Dielan9999
  • digger360
  • diiggdugg
  • Disketa777
  • docxm7
  • Don_Matty
  • Doogler
  • Dragenis
  • Drastikos
  • dredrikith
  • dryftus
  • Duck999
  • EleventhDegree
  • EllieAyla
  • Epic_Hog_Mounter
  • exiil3d
  • Favith
  • findingdiamond
  • Flamingcoop
  • Gabizou
  • Giimbu
  • Godofgubgub
  • Gtastuntdude
  • hdmidone
  • Holyrane
  • Howbadisbad
  • hp0penview
  • Hunnewle
  • hydroking77
  • IIICrowIII
  • Inscopia
  • Ironee212
  • Islestrike
  • Jaxon_Wolfe
  • Jearoh
  • Jenovax27
  • Jhs232
  • Jloy1
  • Jojo_slick
  • Jumpysnake
  • Justpandasian
  • Kaleb1701
  • Kenyan_kid
  • Kidwatson
  • Kimsve
  • Kingalric3
  • Kingbirdy
  • Krojinkin
  • Leogripp
  • Leucid
  • Lexingtonrex
  • Lucianhuskeh
  • Lukyle
  • LunarRay
  • Mad2themax
  • Maineman3
  • Mariohgcz
  • MatTripp
  • Megarain95
  • Merikku
  • Michael527
  • Minimike96
  • Nemesys84
  • Nevrist
  • Nickboy10000
  • Nicoli20
  • Nuin
  • Oblivionsbane
  • Otterhedgehog
  • Ozatomic
  • Pat8711
  • Pdog88
  • PineappleChicken
  • Randomblock555
  • Randomsigns
  • Rhodydog
  • Riksuks
  • Robofrog156
  • SausageFingers
  • Savathaflava
  • Sergets
  • Shortyy_od
  • Sidesummy
  • Sidgil
  • Sirdemonic3
  • Slitthrout
  • Sorrothu
  • SpagottiLova7171
  • Spaz1986
  • Spikeboy1011
  • Stikcelll
  • Strange_Brew
  • Symbolite
  • Syn_LaVonne
  • Tafis
  • Tc18
  • ThebigShabam
  • TheKaichu
  • TheLeftToe
  • TheMormon
  • Thomasyeung9999
  • TicklesTheMighty
  • Timmah13
  • Torod
  • Toxicboys
  • Trigeno
  • Turbo4000
  • Tykngr
  • Uin153
  • Valyou3
  • Vdog2028
  • Vexxer115
  • Victim130
  • Wafflemaster300
  • Warlordrules
  • Wise975guy
  • xexorian
  • xhair
  • xShonounx
  • xxthedarkangelxx
  • zachimon
  • zakeko
  • zenon983
  • ziggydave
  • zonuphaon
  • zweisteine

Fallen Nobles:
Nobles of the past Newerth's that are no longer playing with us.
  • S3nse - Founder of Newerth / Former Mayor on Sanctum and Zeal
  • Emphatik - Founder of Newerth / Former SiC on Sanctum
  • Imperialbob -Founder of Newerth / Former Architect
  • IKaosI - Former SiC on Sanctum / Former Architect
  • Shenorai - Former Architect
  • Alente - Former HC wiki-god
  • Droowid - Former Newerth Economist
  • Kingtom404 - Former Newerth melon block terrorist and peace talks negotiator
  • More to add here..

We welcome those who wish to join us, especially builders and anyone intrigued by the loose and creative theme of our town. We also welcome pvpers to help us defend our town against raiders.​


In-game Name:​
Why do you wish to join Newerth?:​
How did you hear about Newerth?:​
How long have you been on the server?:​
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?:​
Past towns?:​
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?:​
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?:​


Danda Angyles bluejack404 (Don't know who to tag to get this updated)

In-game Name: gonzo0605​
Why do you wish to join Newerth?: Looking for a town and this one seemed pretty nice​
How did you hear about Newerth?: A pal on the server, behind_themask​
How long have you been on the server?: about 3 days now whitelisted, a little while longer greylisted​
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: I've been looking to become a pyromancer.​
Past towns?: None so far.​
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Pvp player, a gatherer for supplies, and a teammate for parties​
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?: I have it but I am not always available to use it.​


Mar 14, 2011
In-game Name: gonzo0605​
Why do you wish to join Newerth?: Looking for a town and this one seemed pretty nice​
How did you hear about Newerth?: A pal on the server, behind_themask​
How long have you been on the server?: about 3 days now whitelisted, a little while longer greylisted​
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: I've been looking to become a pyromancer.​
Past towns?: None so far.​
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Pvp player, a gatherer for supplies, and a teammate for parties​
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?: I have it but I am not always available to use it.​
Accepted, talk to me or any of the other town nobles/leaders ingame


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011


Allied Towns:
  • Umbra
Order of the Star:

  • Skyforge
  • Belegost
  • Newerth (our town)
  • Oakenshire
Enemy Towns:

  • Rangpur
  • Thornhollow
  • Paragon
  • and more..
None for now.

@angyles or Symbolite
I need the "None for now." part removed under the Diplomacy tab of the Original Post.​
Thank you!​


Legacy Supporter 6
Feb 21, 2012
In-game Name:Royfaren​
Why do you wish to join Newerth?: Would like to join a town​
How did you hear about Newerth?: Recruitment Channel -- HolyRane​
How long have you been on the server?: Well I rejoined yesterday but I played a bit 9-12 mos. ago.​
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: Rogue Miner​
Past towns?: 1, but I forget the name​
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Be an active member and help out.​
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?: No, sorry :/​


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
In-game Name:Royfaren​
Why do you wish to join Newerth?: Would like to join a town​
How did you hear about Newerth?: Recruitment Channel -- HolyRane​
How long have you been on the server?: Well I rejoined yesterday but I played a bit 9-12 mos. ago.​
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: Rogue Miner​
Past towns?: 1, but I forget the name​
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Be an active member and help out.​
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?: No, sorry :/​

Be an active member and help out. = can you use TeamSpeak 3

You don't have to talk. You only need speakers, so we don't have to stop to reply to every question. A lot of the times we're quite busy helping several other people so it really helps out.

However, I can still accept you to the town under the premise that you would not be leveling a rogue without mastering and becoming something a tad bit more fierce.

and I'm gonna die.


Legacy Supporter 6
Feb 21, 2012
Oh yeah, I plan on choosing the second tier class -- but I just haven't decided what I want yet.
I can use TS3 after 10pm otherwise not :/
If I get set up and shown everything I probably would be pretty good[DOUBLEPOST=1360250620,1360245982][/DOUBLEPOST]K I'm going for ninja lol
Mar 2, 2012
In-game Name: Real_intentions
Why do you wish to join Newerth?: It seems like the best guild/group/town/anything around and has for awhile.
How did you hear about Newerth?: I heard about it back when i played last year on an old world.
How long have you been on the server?: I just recently re-applied and rejoined the server. I played for around 3 months straight last year before all my friends quit. But now i'm back.
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: I choose rogue off the start cause when i left it was overpowered. But alot has changed since then and i'm way out of the loop but im only a couple hours in since being re-whitelisted so i can reset i'm pretty sure.
Past towns?: Was only apart of one on the old world but i cant even remember the name. I just remember messing with "coal harbor" and the "tree creepers" idk if theyre even around anymore. But i honestly forgot what we went by.
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Almost anything thats needed, i've helped construct huge buildings and architecture before but i would say generally im better at defending/attacking. Just don't ask me to build any contraptions with redstone lol.
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?: Yes and yes, although i cant talk at all times.


Feb 6, 2013
In-game Name:xSeanic
Why do you wish to join Newerth?:It seems like it would be a great town to be a part of. I have just joined the server and I am really looking forward to becoming a regular player with the other citizens.
How did you hear about Newerth?:I was just looking through the forums and found this in the Townships subforum area.
How long have you been on the server?:I only joined yesterday.
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?:Warrior/Miner. Kinda weird now that I think about it.
Past towns?:None
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?:Since I'd be mining most of the time, I could provide materials other citizens may need and also protection since I am a warrior.
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?:Yes and yes :)


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 8, 2011
In-game Name: Real_intentions
Why do you wish to join Newerth?: It seems like the best guild/group/town/anything around and has for awhile.
How did you hear about Newerth?: I heard about it back when i played last year on an old world.
How long have you been on the server?: I just recently re-applied and rejoined the server. I played for around 3 months straight last year before all my friends quit. But now i'm back.
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: I choose rogue off the start cause when i left it was overpowered. But alot has changed since then and i'm way out of the loop but im only a couple hours in since being re-whitelisted so i can reset i'm pretty sure.
Past towns?: Was only apart of one on the old world but i cant even remember the name. I just remember messing with "coal harbor" and the "tree creepers" idk if theyre even around anymore. But i honestly forgot what we went by.
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: Almost anything thats needed, i've helped construct huge buildings and architecture before but i would say generally im better at defending/attacking. Just don't ask me to build any contraptions with redstone lol.
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?: Yes and yes, although i cant talk at all times.
In-game Name:xSeanic
Why do you wish to join Newerth?:It seems like it would be a great town to be a part of. I have just joined the server and I am really looking forward to becoming a regular player with the other citizens.
How did you hear about Newerth?:I was just looking through the forums and found this in the Townships subforum area.
How long have you been on the server?:I only joined yesterday.
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?:Warrior/Miner. Kinda weird now that I think about it.
Past towns?:None
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?:Since I'd be mining most of the time, I could provide materials other citizens may need and also protection since I am a warrior.
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?:Yes and yes :)
Accepted. See me, Mormon, Rane, Symbo, Sidesummy, Xexo, Dielan, sava, or another manager in game.


Oct 10, 2011
In-game Name: Jmanlee2​
Why do you wish to join Newerth?: I need a great town that will help me reach to the top.​
How did you hear about Newerth?: I heard the advertisement on the RE chat channel in game.​
How long have you been on the server?: About 2 years, on and off.​
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: I wish to become a dragoon and an enchanter.​
Past towns?: Shiroku.​
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I can mine really well and I can fight tow enemies.​
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?: No​


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 8, 2011
In-game Name: Jmanlee2​
Why do you wish to join Newerth?: I need a great town that will help me reach to the top.​
How did you hear about Newerth?: I heard the advertisement on the RE chat channel in game.​
How long have you been on the server?: About 2 years, on and off.​
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: I wish to become a dragoon and an enchanter.​
Past towns?: Shiroku.​
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I can mine really well and I can fight tow enemies.​
Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and can you use it?: No​
Haha, I remember you from when I used to raid shiroku. Accepted. See me, Mormon, Rane, Symbo, Sidesummy, Xexo, Dielan, sava, or another manager in game.