Why do you wish to join Newerth?: I am looking for a friendly community within an already family-like server to join. I like to communicate with others on big projects and I want to fit into the server again after my disappearance.
How did you hear about Newerth?: I was asking the recruiting chat on their opinion of a nice town to join and Newerth was said more than anything else.
How long have you been on the server?: I first logged onto the server probably back in February 2011 and have been checking it out from time to time to see it's progession.
What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: I am stumped as to what class I am going to major in. I really like the pvping aspect of Minecraft, so I'd obviously float to the rogue and warrior classes, but I seem to have a hard time deciding if I want to have a more stealthy approach to pvp or an all-out beserk style of fighting. I am definitely going to me a smith, it's the only way to go when you're a warrior.

Past towns?: I believe I have been a member of Frost and Atlas, Atlas being the first town I've joined.
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I don't think my architectural skills are up to par with the skills others have but I like interacting with neighbors and brightening up peoples' days.
Do you have Teamspeak?: I DO have a Teamspeak client but sadly I am having some problems with my mic and it's appropriate jack. I have however heard of a Teamspeak app on the iTouch (the mic works fine on it) and I can always obtain if it is neccesary.
Thanks for your time in reading this application.