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[CAPITAL] Ironpass [38] [I.R.O.N.] - Good


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 21, 2011
Sorry i havn't been on guys but the firewall on my schools internet is killing all my games (not just mc). I can't seem to get online no matter what i try here.

I'm still on the forum regularly and I come on TS often, so if u need me I'm there.

Apologizing in advance for the log in/out messages through out the day. Every now and then it lets me in.


Mar 20, 2011
ah, i had the same problem too, all i did was call up tech support and let them know what i was doing and they put MC on that list of stuff a firewall trusts (i dont know how firewalls work haha)


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 24, 2011
Hello Folks,

Just wanted to toss out an update on the West Line Server Railroad to you all and inform those that dont know squat about it.

Current UPDATE:
The Server rail tunnel is currently from Zeal border PAST Ironpass, we need IP to decide how to organize your 2-3 buildings in the Rouge district, as it looks now the tunnel will effect very few structures. we by passed and sealed off IP for now.Also I"m away at work again for 2 more days and you were under attack so it was impossible to work out a solution while I was there, and my workers clocks were ticking (I pay alot, time was big money for me) (I will build an 2-3 block deep railine example of the rail line in the exact area it needs to be when I get back) or IP council/rouge district leader can dig under road at level 7 to see it towards Zeal. however that section is unfinished per design/layout

1. Kainzo has said the tunnel WILL be regioned, I am to get with Brutal or Lucky to do that. so no one will be able to enter you city
2. This Subway system will go all 4 directions from zeal then connect in giant square like a giant square bullseye. then to off path citys.

Things the Server NEEDS IP to do:
1. make accommodations for the rail system thru the rouge district on 0 under road at level 7igh (3x5ish) (as soon as this is done I will lay tracks and it will function.)
Rail facts: the rail centers on 0 (zero) under the road system it will be encased 1/2 stone tube in a server regioned area 5x5 its a double line system, approx map height is @ 7, about 5 tall (hazy on exact dimensions as I"m away from home 2 more days.

2. IP can build its own SECURE rail Station and we will as the server team securely connect you to the regioned rail line.

3. IP needs to decide if you want 1/2 stone shell around railine OR glass tube to view the city as you power by.

Thanks again guys, remember I ask these things as Kainzo's represenitive for his project. this is a big project and I cannot spend huge amounts of time not building this and negotiating. its been alot of work so far and very expensive just to get it to IP, I hop you take the server and personal costs into mind and move the few buildings effected over slightly.

Lastly I'd like to thank those on a few nights ago for NOT killing the server Rail road team as we temporarily, bypassed IP Rouge district you were under attack and was not the best time for us to get to that point in our subway. it allowed me not to waste vast amounts of time and resources trying to get around you all outside and getting back down to a project area on the other side.

Server Rail line Leader
Crafter Guild Council


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 21, 2011

Ip has alreay begun clearing the path for the railway to go straight through. The only things left to do to it is fill the upper glass layer (its about 1/3 filled) and transfer the lava from beneath the glass floor to above the new layer of glass.

This gives u a 5 wide x 5 high tunnle with a lit cieling. It's basically 1 block lower than your highest cieling and 1 block narrower on either side. The way the rails are currently set up the sandstone/wood paths will fit through fine and leave the 3 blocks above them open for movement.

I'm having internet issues so I'm having trouble geting on and finishing the project. If your crew could help out it would be much apreciated.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 24, 2011
Ruethian, sound like that will work fine. I'm still away at work for 2 more days, so I appologize but cannot get on to whip workers. I have one worker that is an IP member doing work nearby, so he would be able to manipulate blocks in IP region area, contact Richfish tell him there is a bonus in it from airbus to help you.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 21, 2011
yeh i know. he was helping some yesturday. I just can't play because of a issues with my internet so i can't get on to instruct. i ran out of glass as well so working on that issue as well.


Aug 20, 2011
Just so you all know (if you don't already):
I was tempbanned until Saturday Morning(ish). I'm sorry I can't help build the walls and help with the subway, but I will be on as soon as I can to help :)


Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 24, 2011
New Zealand
Tax Info - ALL Citizens Read This !

Starting this week (the week ending Sep 4) we will be introducing a tax for Ironpass citizens
  • The tax will initially be set at 30c per week.
  • As a capital we have to pay, the server, 1000c per week or we lose our capital status, and the region that goes with it. If we collect more than 1000c from taxes then the excess will go to fund city/kingdom projects.
  • You may pay in advance if you wish (though no more than 4 weeks in advance) note: If the tax amount changes after you have pre-paid no refunds, or additional charges, will be made for those pre-paid weeks.
  • You have until midnight on sunday to pay your tax for the week. Late payments can be made. The council has not yet decided what to do about citizens who don't pay their tax...
  • There will be an option to take part in a 'city mining' trip in-lieu of payment - details of this will be announced later in the week (you will most-likely be expected to mine for a certain length of time, and all gold will go to the city - even if it's in excess of your tax amount for the week)

  • Tax may be paid to any of the council members listed below.
  • DO NOT send them money if they are not online at the time.
  • MAKE SURE they know that you are about to send them tax money BEFORE you send it (they might be afk or otherwise distracted)
  • Ensuring that your taxes are paid and recorded is YOUR responsibility. Take it seriously.