• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
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bryloman's application


May 3, 2012
  1. Minecraft In-game name: bryloman
  2. Location & Age: Canada; Ontario. Age: 15
  3. Previous Bans (Includes other servers): I have not been banned from many servers.. only the server's my friends have hosted and one of them was from an April Fools prank I have played on him. I have been banned from Vaultcraft before for "X-Raying" when i was doing no such thing I was only strip mining at 10 y. The administrator on that server was REALLY crappy and did not know a single thing about running a minecraft server and would constantly bug other members and nearly making them "rage quit". The admins and mods of the server was notoriously horrible they didn't a single thing when people did not follow the rules
  4. Referral(s): Conn19
  5. How did you hear about Herocraft?: I heard about Herocraft through my friend Connor(Conn19) and he told me it ran Hero's plugin which i have played on a server with before and I liked the server ALOT it was the most fun I have had previous experience with it so i know the base commands for it
  6. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?:Yes
  7. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: Yes i agree to all the terms of service that herocraft has made before
  8. Reason you should be accepted: I think i should be accepted because I have played minecraft since 1.7 and know many things about the game. I have been playing with Conn19 since then and he has taught me alot about the game over the past year. He has taught me basic redstone uses and taught me how to make tnt cannons(not that it would be applicable to this server) and has taught me how to make alot of automatic farms such as: Melon, Netherwart, Reed, and Wheat. I have also not found any decent servers and I have heard many great things aboot(about) this server. I really hope to be whitelisted and wish that I can have an amazing and fun RP experience on this server.
  9. Special key: (DONT LEAVE BLANK!) HCB8
  10. Additional Info: I find myself quite helpful in a community of players be it mean or nice. I do have a very short fuse(anger problems) and I am going through anger management classes. I do tend to not talk when I am upset with someone or something due to the fact that I will blow up and completely "rage". When I am upset I usually tend to listen to music such as As I Lay Dieing because the vocalists in the band have an amazing voice and their songs are truly amazing and calm me down easily and extremely quick. That is basically all that you would need to know about me. I hope to get white-listed and be apart of the HeroCraft Community


Legacy Supporter 7
Oct 28, 2011
You app looks amazing :) But I did find one ban that you didn't mention. It's from a server called ubercraft.eu. It said the reason was minor griefing so it's not a huge deal but could you tell me when this ban occurred?