Sup, So this is what I have come up with since discussing with other current active members and players who would like to come back. Also looking into the content issue that the pass world had. Note, I have already sat and done research and even found the add-on's to start with.
Now I am also trying to reach out to a compromise with the pvpers of HC, and future pvp joining members.
To Start- New Tutorial.
So we have hadddd mannnny talks on this subject. Now something that did work was visual aid that you couldn't help but see when going though the tutorial. Taking some of the old factors of tutorial, mix with the new.
Being able to pick the class and read the skills in a more path given guide. So what i purpose, Yes using the npcs to guide them through the tutorial but, we have them take on a section at a time differently. Take /test for one. when players go there, they can click a button the look at the class, lets place them in an area guiding them with access to pick the class they want at start. Hologram pathway the class arches. They can go around and switch from class to class and see which they would like to start with. ( Upon choosing new class invo empty and renew with that class gear so no gear is being useless given data) The only way to leave the area is to choose a class. The npc runs a check that they have changed from a lost soul, and is ready to move on to the professions section. Note if we place hologram paintings of what to do with /skills be a good display around the class area so they get how to do that from start while choosing what they can be. Players wanna get right into the class. Some player choose the moment the join the server. ( They got stuck in tutorial before because of this)
The professions section is rooms connected to the next room displaying each profession with an npc that can display info if the talk to them, but lets go with more this is herocraft walk-through. After reaching the end of the 8 profession rooms, reach an NPC that will teleport to the next area.
Enter an hallway with the Banker npc with information on click, and can do a hologram painting of what takes action. Exchange district npcs, Arena npcs, Guards, Npc Trader giving info about trade district for player Eco. Reach a portal at the end.
End of Tutorial - Learning to use skills and fighting weak starter mobs. At the very end there will be 2 portals. This were we players who have come to the server to pvp get to choose to go to the pvp world or the pve world.
New PVP World. but have the things the other world lacked. (Warshards)
-- Same npcs as the main world Atlas. The new PVP-world will have the Banker/Exchange district npcs/ LootCrates,.
-- Half of the current dungeons transferred to this world, Redhand, Ivory, Elven, Trickers, Nerco, Its own tier 1. Being FAIR tier 1-3 NO pvp zone in the dungeon. Outside of the dungeon different story.
-- Conquest points, but these will not provoke town resources like the others in Atlas. They will provide same exp boost as the Atlas ones. But these 5 conquest points will give PVP tokens and awards that can be traded at the PVP Exchange district. If a Town in the pvp world wants to get conquest in Atlas than they can and same for Atlas if they want to get pvp conquest points.
-PVP Controlled.
-- So clearly we will have a large boarder of NO-pvp around the spawn of the world.
-- Upon death 2 min Shield from pvp. ( This is to maintain a fairness to Raiding and spawn camping)
-- Karma- Killsteaks will get you ranked as threats, bounties get placed on top steak pvpers 20+ kills. Honor to bounty hunters. Members can honor others and they be granted Order titles. Threats gain Chaos titles. Atlas pve world members also can gain these titles if they choose to be in the pvp world.
-- TNT Enabled to township raiding. The blocks will regenerate within 5-7 seconds.
-- PvP Weekly and Monthly awards. New Elo system Scoreboards will be hologram in spawn of pvp world and Atlas. Monthly Elo reset.
-- PvP Battle arena ranking. Spleef, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5. that players can self start matches with other players. No mod/Admin needed. Live events.
Can spec the matches

-- Bringing back title's that you can flex your pvp status with.
-- PVP world Personal global channel. A channel for just the pvp world for members who prefer to be on just the pvp side of the server. (Also making one for Atlas.) Off-topic will remain a Global channel for all. Rules will still be in-forced via chat.
-- Pvp world spawning Lootcrates- Fight over loot crates with random rare items. These will spawn in Warshards, and Atlas but he
-- Lock picking. Yes LWC will still be a thing in pvp world. (Amount based on Supporter tier) But this will be a mini game added. Player's will get to have 2 Key lock chests, that can be picked. If you don't get the combination right, a trap could trigger, or you lose your lock picks. Players will be able to get lock picks from Exchange vender's with pvp tokens from the pvp world conquest points. More the tokens, the higher grade of picks. Note if you get your key stolen, sucks to be you. (If you somehow forgot you cant put your key inside and closed it in the chest. P.E for mod/admin access to open it.) -Discussion with Kainzo on rather Tier ranks getting higher amounts on key lock chests later.
-- Revival of the War Township plugin. So if we can get this worked on fro the Scripter/coder side. Towns can conduct their own pvp fight with another town at a set time. Note ill be fair though. Only T1 towns can war T1. T2-T3. T4-T6, T6-T8. Because to AVOID people being ran off server from a T6 town starting war with a T1 town that has like 3 people when they have 20+. Cost of war will depend on the population of the towns going to war. Note If you have T1 v T1 and one has 3 people and the other with 20. The cost of war will be high.