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Suggestion BloodMages

Sep 10, 2012
As the first master bloodmage, I have to say, it's REALLY op right now.

I don't know when, but a Wither-effect was added to boilblood, which only increses the damage to about 299, instead of 270~, but it acts as an extra DOT increasing the amount of ticks of damage you take. Making it VERY hard to move around.

Also the cooldown on silence is only about 15 seconds, and lasts 5 seconds, meaning you shit on casters. (although pyromancers give you a run for your money, if you're careful about it, you'll win)

The wither effect on boilblood needs to be removed, or it needs a damage nerf. ( I recommend nerfing the damage, so BMs have a bit more CC)
I also think the HP of bloodmages should be reduced from 965 to 920-900.

(Also possibly a nerf on chant CD, it's only 10 seconds)


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 17, 2012
thank you! was about to say something on the matter myself, but u beat me to it! the wither effect makes you flinch about 8 times per second, not fun... i didnt know about the silence thing, but that does seem kind of strong, but then again, we pyros have a silence that lasts for 2.5 seconds, and only has 7.5 seconds cooldown, so its all really the same, except for the range part, and ours does damage.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
As I see it the range of drainsoul is just ridiculous atm.
It's like a bash dealing 140+ dmg + 70 heal + 15 range
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is also a skill you can't miss whit (if you use name bindings)?


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
WitherEffect was a "temp" addition - I left it in debugging Wither.

I think we may clone Bloodboil and make it a new effect without any of the extra dmg and use it as a stun/immobilzer.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 30, 2012
Raiding your town.
WitherEffect was a "temp" addition - I left it in debugging Wither.

I think we may clone Bloodboil and make it a new effect without any of the extra dmg and use it as a stun/immobilzer.
That would seriusly make BM a crappy class, just make bloodboil like it used to be.... Bloodmage has just 3 dmg skills, Bloodboil, Drainsoul and Soulleech.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jul 5, 2011
I think that bloodboil should stay with all the current damage, just the Cooldown should be raised to 8 minutes or higher. The skill used once in a fight is okay, but with a 20-30s cd you can just kite and use the skill constantly effectively draining hundreds of hp.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
I'm only a level 43 bloodmage at the moment so I probably don't have a place to talk here, but I will say this. Bloodmage is the only class that trades it's own HP in order to use a skill. You would think that trading 125 HP to use bloodboil (assuming the wiki is correct) would warrant one of the best and highest damaging skills in the game. As it stands, Bloodboil only deals 95 dmg after 15 seconds, and then finally deals the final blow of 170. This would mean that Bloodboil is virtually unusable in a last-ditch-effort when you're low on HP. If you're able to survive those 15 seconds, a total of 265 HP is dealt (but taking the reagent into consideration, the difference is only 140HP between the bloodmage and it's foe).

I'm not asking for BloodBoil to deal 500 damage, because 265HP is a powerful skill. Yet, when you take the reagent cost and the 15 seconds into consideration you'll realize that it isn't the OP skill you once thought it was. My suggestion would be instead of having that 'final blow' of 170 after 15 seconds, that it gets added into the 3 sec ticks. This would mean that 53HP damage is dealt every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.

Commence the tomatoes being thrown my way.


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 17, 2012
I'm only a level 43 bloodmage at the moment so I probably don't have a place to talk here, but I will say this. Bloodmage is the only class that trades it's own HP in order to use a skill. You would think that trading 125 HP to use bloodboil (assuming the wiki is correct) would warrant one of the best and highest damaging skills in the game. As it stands, Bloodboil only deals 95 dmg after 15 seconds, and then finally deals the final blow of 170. This would mean that Bloodboil is virtually unusable in a last-ditch-effort when you're low on HP. If you're able to survive those 15 seconds, a total of 265 HP is dealt (but taking the reagent into consideration, the difference is only 140HP between the bloodmage and it's foe).

I'm not asking for BloodBoil to deal 500 damage, because 265HP is a powerful skill. Yet, when you take the reagent cost and the 15 seconds into consideration you'll realize that it isn't the OP skill you once thought it was. My suggestion would be instead of having that 'final blow' of 170 after 15 seconds, that it gets added into the 3 sec ticks. This would mean that 53HP damage is dealt every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.

Commence the tomatoes being thrown my way.
better than it is now... wither effect makes it vitually a confuse+slow+high damage+drain


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 17, 2012
confuse, as it makes it harder to play because of the flinching. drain, because you get HP back dont you? or my mind is screwed up...


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
confuse, as it makes it harder to play because of the flinching. drain, because you get HP back dont you? or my mind is screwed up...

As a former Ninja, I can tell you that confuse and the wither effect can't be more different. Also, you do not gain HP back for bloodboil.


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 17, 2012
well ok XD i read that wrong somewhere i guess... but as for the "confuse" part, i didn't literally mean the skill "confuse", i meant it was something that more or less made it hard to see what you were doing, and made it hard to do anything, sorry for any miscomunication.


Holy Shit!
Sep 4, 2012
Republic City, Earth Kingdom
Bloodmage is in no way op, and in my opinion is one of the most balanced classes on the server. Its probably one of the slowest classes to level and playing it well requires some practice and skill. To me this sounds more like raging to nerf a class because how often this guy uses the word "Op".
Also the cooldown on silence is only about 15 seconds, and lasts 5 seconds, meaning you shit on casters.
You do know a specced caster at a high level can do a lot in 10 secs, also silence takes both hp and mana to use.
Shit on casters uh? Lets take a wizard for example. 60 wizard vs 60 bloodmage stat wize.
A wizard in a solo fight would probably root+fireball+icebolt+bolt dealing 534 Damage+Fireticks right of the bat which is more than half of bloodmage's max hp. All of which would happen in less than 10 secs.
Beguiler in a solo fight also has a nice combo, Piggify+plaguebomb+fireball, then mass piggify +pulse dealing 521 damage+fire ticks which is also more than half of a bloodmage's max hp, and yes all of this would happen under 10 secs.

Necromancers would just kite using there skills which easily out range most of bloodmage's moves expect maybe souldrain, which doesn't even do the most damage.
And last but not least pyromancers...with a diamond axe hit of more than 95 their hits hit hard on bloodmages, not to mention their skills do More Damage than Bloodmages....
so in short you wont exactly be "shitting" on casters any time soon.
Remove the wither affect and it should be fine. Also if you want take away from the hp that is regained from the attacls, but I feel that touching the damage of any of Bloodmage's 3 attak moves would make it a bad class. I mean it already is tied for lowest attack of all healers:
Diamond Hoe Damage.

I think that bloodboil should stay with all the current damage, just the Cooldown should be raised to 8 minutes or higher.
So should the cd for bolt also be made 8 minutes or higher? I can already predict your response "no thats ridiculous" damn straight it is, not to sound angry, but bloodboil's damage is around the same as bolt is just more drawn out than bolt so that kinda cd is outrageous imo.

constantly effectively draining hundreds of hp.
....no. It does not constantly drain hundreds of hp nor effectively. Not even does take a warm-up to use that it slows your movement it takes 125 hp just to use. Bloodboil also does not give you hp, and the move that do give you exp are far less strong than bloodboil.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jul 5, 2011
When you guys say it uses up hp you neglect to mention that you have a skill that can easily heal up the damage. Bolt isnt even as close to as op as bloodboil, the difference is the dots, with bolt its one shot skill dealing about the same as bloodboil but after its use you are able to run away and potentionally heal. But with bloodboil it does damage over time so you have no chance of runninh and while you are slowed the cooldown for bloodboil is going down as well and when you can run again you are constricted and what do you know the cd for bloodboil is over, get ready for another massive slow and death. Ps typed on iphone sorry for grammar.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
Can any maxed bloodmages confirm if their target is 'slowed' while using bloodboil as Sigpit suggests? I'm thinking otherwise.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jul 7, 2011
Can any maxed bloodmages confirm if their target is 'slowed' while using bloodboil as Sigpit suggests? I'm thinking otherwise.

The target is most definitely slowed. Bloodboil refrains you from sprinting let alone walking very fast, because the constant ticks of dmg interrupt all of your movements. Which leads to the main purpose of this thread, to remove the wither effect.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
The target is most definitely slowed. Bloodboil refrains you from sprinting let alone walking very fast, because the constant ticks of dmg interrupt all of your movements. Which leads to the main purpose of this thread, to remove the wither effect.
The wither effect has been removed from BloodBoil.


Holy Shit!
Sep 4, 2012
Republic City, Earth Kingdom
When you guys say it uses up hp you neglect to mention that you have a skill that can easily heal up the damage.

Bloodmages can never fully heal in combat contrary to what you might think. And also the hp regained doesn't even begin to cover for hp lost, and if it does it happens a while later. And again...bloodboil does not heal you.