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Blacklist application. This is the right spot for it right?

Should Tykngr be unblacklisted

  • NO, Hang him!

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Yes, here's a cookie

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Redo the way blacklisting is done!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jul 26, 2011
post closed As Midgard's Lovly leaders and members are Gangbanging me here and little to none one care
But Trizz and who ever else voted yes Thanks

-Always be raiding MG

I wanted to wright you a poem but I failed that class.


Legacy Supporter 2
Feb 27, 2011
I really dont think their proof is enough to put you on the blacklist so I'm going to vote yes on the poll.

I also think people need more evidence to put someone on the blacklist for example: a screenshot of the person stealing, a screenshot of the person killing townies.

Shadow Bunnies

Legacy Supporter 3
May 13, 2011
I'm not entirely sure of the circumstances, just saying what I've heard from my Mayor. so I will abstain.


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2011
Alberta, Canada
I would like to point out my side of this story as mayor of Midgard.
-I kicked Tykngr from town for entering my house uninvited. When I came on, I planned on talking to him about it. Mods verified to me that he did activate my iron door. This can not be done by a random punch on a block.
-I later found out from another townie that Tykngr apparently admitted to allowing access to the town to a raider for the price of 40c. Which I can not and have not verified.
-Someone entered my house and broke paintings, putting 2 and 2 together, one can make an assumption from this information. Though this was not why he was kicked.

In relation to my wife, she is a very take action sort. When I mentioned that he needed to change his house, I pointed out that it was a shoebox and that being made entirely out of cobble that it was a little fugly. I asked him to change it, he gave me attitude, I calmly continued to talk to him. My Wife told him to not give me attitude and then when he started lipping her off and calling her several unsavory thing, she fireballed him, Once, then she left him alone, this set him off even more and he started to flame her and threatening to leave. I explained to him, that we were not attempting to drive him out or anything and he calmed down eventually.

When it comes down to it, the reason I would have him on this list is his extremely bad attitude, his attempted flaming of my town and the assumed allowing of a raider into my town.


Jul 26, 2011
So sare your saying if your irl house got robbed and a shady man with no pants on came from a dark ally way and said "it was him" and points to a woman on the other side of the street you would assume he's telling the truth him?

Sorry i found a spelling misstake lol.
Hint hint there's no missatakes in this post.

And kainzo did you buy tickets? may i see them please ;P


Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 27, 2011
I headed to RS (my tower) were I then asked around for a town to join D101 (district 101) said we're recruiting so I headed to their land as I approach the door Ifizzi Said “no a chance you join us" i asked” Wait, What?"Then said "explain to me why not” Ifizzi said " No" then said "http;/tiny.cc/HCblacklist" I looked I was black listed. For "helping raiders". I then looked at the post by shadow He said on the post"
I never said that, nor am I part of District 101


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2011
Alberta, Canada
If my IRL house got robbed I would get the law involved, which I did in the form of mods.
I would take all the information gathered and come up with a viable conclusion and I would go with it.
But since you can not disprove the fact that it takes more than a random punch on a wall to open and iron door, I will stick with my conclusions. When it comes down to it, I do not care if you get into another town or not. But if you are at fault and you did take payment to allow a raider into my my town and my house specifically, I would like for anyone that may consider allowing you in their town to know that fact. They can then make their own conclusions on whether to trust you or not. In any case, I hope you find yourself a place that can handle your bad attitude and possible bad behavior.

If you will notice, I have not called you down or tried to flame you once in any conversation involving this incident. Perhaps you can take a hint from that and stop trying to cause shit.

I would have gladly talked to you about the whole incident and figured things out, but your reaction to things made that a impossible route to go down.

Also if you would like, I could nicely ask a Mod to return and give me the exact timestamp for when you entered my house. As well as when Tigo entered my house and stole from my chests, we could then compared them and find out for sure if you assisted him. Which was not 2 weeks ago, it was more like 2 days ago for at least one of those.


Jul 26, 2011
No, I waited 3 hours for you or shadow your leaders and you are just to power hungry.


Legacy Supporter 8
May 23, 2011
At the very least I can confirm that Tigo was in Midgard about 2 weeks back, but he didn't have time to get to Sare's house or steal anything before he was confronted and asked, rather politely, to leave. If Tigo did steal from Sare, it was most assuredly not 2 weeks ago.

edit: I can also provide proof of illegal activity by Tigo, but only upon request.


Legacy Supporter 8
May 23, 2011
Ty, listen. You were not kicked out solely for aiding and abetting in a crime against your townspeople. You were also kicked out for treating Ginz rather horribly on multiple occasions and having little to no respect for the authority of the town or of its members. You didn't treat us with respect, so you're gone. I can't speak for the higher ups, but for myself, at least, I don't want to be in a town with people who treated me like shit.


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Ty, I will repeat. I got a Mod to check the door to my house. You Accessed it within 24 hours of when I had it checked during which time my paintings were destroyed and not replaced, that is all the proof I need. You Were also an ass to my wife, and a dick to me.


Jul 26, 2011
post is now closed As midgard is gang banging me on here and no one cares "Great community" OH YES!


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 29, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
Gonna add my 2 cents in here.

Sarelth is right. I am a very tack action person. I fireballed Tykngr once, for giving Sarelth a bunch of bullshit over being told his house was too shoebox and it needed to be changed, which we have a policy here about that kind of crap. Anyone who has had one is always asked to change it. He didn't die and I didn't take anything of his. I don't steal from townies, never have and never will. On numerous occasions, in our town, ppl who screw up and disobey our town rules, talked back to the Mayor or SIC frequently were fireballed by me. I'm not gonna deny that. I hate people who disobey rules with a passion and I everytime I see someone doing so I wish I could do more about it.

I was standing there with the mod when he logblocked our doors. He asked what time would he should be looking for. I responded with last 24hrs. And he replied with Tykngr. The doors to my house are behind two blocks of dirt or sand at all times, so there's no way that it was a simple click on the door while running by thing. Sarelth removed me from our towns region momentarily to check to see if someone not in the region could break the paintings. I couldn't. So being that our house was accessed by Tykngr and only a townie could break the paintings, it's not hard to put 2+2 together since our paintings were there the night before.

I did not stand at your house and torment you. I came, saw that you were stuck in there, told you that you'd have to wait for Shadow or Sar, went afk for 2 minutes then left. What khan did to you was what he did to you. Take that up with him and stop shifting the blame all on to me just because you have something out for me. If you really think I was harrassing you, let a mod or admin check my chat log and my actions, if anything I was /msg Khan to leave you alone. Even though you stole from my house, let a raider access it, I still had the respect not to sit there and torment you about it. I asked for my stuff, you denied it. I know you did it, even if you don't want to admit to it, that's cool too. As I said before and I'll say again logblock doesn't lie. And griefing your mayor's house is a 100% guaranteed way to be tossed from town. Have a good day.



Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
Based on Tykngr's actions in Off Topic, I don't doubt that he did this. I have seen Tykngr yell in all caps at other people, throw accusations around and just be a general asshole. I personally don't know the full story behind this, other than what has been said in this topic, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tykngr has done this. I have been to Midgard before and I know what their defenses are like. It's near impossible to steal from them without the help of some one on the inside, so based on evidence given, it is logical to assume that Tykngr is The One.

I fully support him remaining on the blacklist.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 17, 2011
Orlando, FL
In Coal Harbor you would be killed, camped, and evicted for griefing a citizen. We don't take kindly to traitors.