Well, while playing herocraft, i came in contact with a thought that most of us might have already have had before, and this is better gear, which means gear that can boost certain attributes. now, i have read while playing herocraft, people talking about kainzo improving a plugin which lets him add customization to items. while for the most part, the items are weapons, it'd be great if we could see armor that could higher certain stats, which would help us in pvp/pve, thus adding more diversity to the game, especially since people have to have a certain carry weight to equip the gear and maybe adding level restrictions to gear also. now, think of how this would improve pvp/pve on the server and with the upcoming pvping objectives, which i think kainzo talked about(and don't forget about battle dome).
Now, how would the economy be fixed, maybe that's a question you're asking your self. while having a lot of diversity and restriction on gear, the gear value is going to increase since a lot of people aren't going to have the same piece of gear. this is going to greatly impact the costs of things in the server(herocraft). Now, another great way of making sure the economy doesn't go down would be adding a base souls value on the gear and adding npcs at spawn which could buy the gear for a cheap cost. this would insure that the gear is either sold for the base value or sold for a much more higher price(now how would the npcs accept the gear for the souls? maybe the dev can make it to were, you right click the npc and that opens a shop menu(chest), idk ill leave that for the dev to figure out ).
that is basically it for this suggestion, and as always thanks for reading.