Nope, no spam here. So useful. You all are so wise, I should reconsider my viewpoint because lmao I'm an idiot. I reported the other post because it adds nothing to the conversation other than adding to the mob that's forming against me for releasing these common opinions.
On a sidenote, I do not see why you are calling us immature, when it was you who was muted by Kainzo for saying stupid shit.
@Irishman81 @iThaumaturge @JacobBurkey @Dafefman It isn't just in this post where we see signs of ridiculousness from
@Lumify, but it seems to have originated the second he became a member:
Kainzo'a oversensitivity to a race joke was more immature than the joke. Just because our culture endorses an opposition to humor doesn't mean it isn't stupid. This was 3 years ago by the way.
Keep screaming at me, children. It's easy to see you're shooting the messenger.
When I heard he was going to post this thread, my first thought was "Irishman will set him straight." I know what issue he had with Wizard, which is what started this. He didn't know how to play it solo or in a party, and in a party was unable to manage aggro and damage effectively. He has the preconceived "Glass Cannon" notion. That a wizard can be squishy, but should do enough dps that it is untouchable. In which case, it would be unbalanced. I have no personal experience, but with its popularity among users, and how often I see high level Wizards, I can assume the class is enjoyable. A wizards play style is not for everyone, and Herocraft has its own rules on Wizards. That's what sets it apart.
A glass cannon has low defense and high attack, that's all. The wizard has low defense, we all know this. With such a low defense, it needs high attack to be good. It doesn't have high attack, it has medium attack. According to the "Class Roles" thread wizard is supposed to have high attack and low defense, so wizard is officially supposed to be a glass cannon. Upon mentioning the near-uselessness of Wizard's Port in a balance meeting, Kainzo said it should be a convenience feature, and not a core part of the class. Wizard might be a decent class in pvp because of snowball and entangle, but those skills aren't useful in pve, where most people spend their time training.
Wizards aren't viable in dungeons, where elites and bosses teleport and forcepull. With no way to dodge these attacks, it's a mathematical game of player dps+health vs enemy dps+health for Ranger and Wizard. Ranger can survive long enough to kill the enemy; Wizard can't.
Providing inaccurate "resources" to noobs is a terrible way to go. No class on this server is in that bad of shape, and just looking at the list of "bad" classes makes me very sad about the perception some people have of the classes.
For example, Wizard has the best single target damage in the game, and if you can land your skillshots the class is very strong against in pretty much every situation. Disciple is a fantastic class, but I suppose that it requires a decent amount of skill to play correctly, and that is why many think it's bad.
I would just close this thread or something, nothing is going to come of it. Any thread claiming that good classes are bad does not belong anywhere.
See what I wrote above about dungeons. There's no skill, just bad defense and medium attack. I know how to play wizard, I can keep all my skills on cooldown and never get hit except teleport/forcepull. Rangers do more damage than wizards. True, they aren't supposed to, but they do.
If wizard were designed well, you would be right. You would all be right. It just isn't. It needs more defense, more attack, or we need dodgeable dungeon boss/elite skills. Like maybe a 0.3 second gap between forcepull and damage so we can Blink away. That would be fun. Dying because your health sucks and the enemy has an "I win" button isn't.