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Suggestion Beserker Class

How balanced do you think this would be?

  • Total voters
Feb 21, 2013
So, I heard that Samurai could be replaced with a new 'Beserker Class'. Well, even if it is not, I would like to make some suggestions. I have done some research into Berserkers, and have found that they typically have pet wolves and wear leather armor. However, I have made a few adjustments to balance it out. Please no hating :(, only useful suggestions or comments.


Destruction and chaos lie at the heart of any Berserker. Their complete disreguard for themselves renders Berserkers one of the most fearsome opponents on the battleground. These bloodthirsty, short-tempered warriors are capable of insane amounts of damage both armed and unarmed. Blinded by their own rage and hatred for their enemies, they are an unstoppable force of destruction. Terrorizing towns and all it's inhabitants is a Berserker's favorite activity.


You can use Potions.
CD: 3 minutes
Cost: 1x potion (duh)
Level: 1

You work yourself into a frenzy, increasing damage output by (5 + o.4-per-level)% for 20 seconds and taking 40 hp. After the frenzy, your vision is distorted for 2 seconds (nausia).
CD: 3 minutes
Cost: 7 stamina + 40 hp
Level: 1

You swing your axe upwards with all your might and launch the opponent you are facing within 7 blocks 5 blocks in the air.
CD: 6 seconds
Cost: 7 stamina
Level: 1

You summon a wolf to aid you in battle. The wolf will dissapear after 20 seconds and cannot take damage. The wolf deals half as much damage as normal wolves do.
CD: 1 minute
Cost: 3 bones
Level: 5

You charge at your opponent at full speed, knocking anything in your path back and dealing (105+0.3-per-level) damage. Takes 1 second to warm up before launching you 10 blocks in the direction you are facing.
CD: 3 seconds
Cost: 8 stamina + 30 hp for every person you hit
Level: 10

You stab your opponent with your sword, dealing (75+0.2-per-level) damage and dealing (7+0.1-per-level) damage every second for 10 seconds.
CD: 5 seconds
Cost: 6 stamina
Level: 15

For the next 25 seconds all enemies within (6+0.1-per-level) blocks of you have the oxygen effect. Once someone leaves the area of effect, their oxygen bar is returned to normal.
CD: 40 seconds
Cost: 5 stamina
Level: 25

Your fearlessness grants you invulnerability for 6 seconds, costing you 60 hp.
CD: 4 minutes
Cost: 10 stamina + 60 hp
Level: 35

Fury Swipe:
You swing your sword as fast as you can. For 4 seconds whilst looking at your opponent within 6 blocks, every 0.3 seconds you have a (20+level)% chance of dealing 35 damage.
CD: 25 seconds
Cost: 9 stamina
Level: 45

For the next 35 seconds, all of your melee attacks do 3x as much damage to armor (wearing it out quicker).
CD: 1.5 minutes
Cost: 7 stamina
Level: 50

Blazing Hatred:
For 10 seconds anything within (8+0.1-per-level) blocks is set on fire. Whilst this skill is active, you have the nausia effect.
CD: 40 seconds
Cost: 9 stamina
Level: 55

You slam your axe into the ground, disrupting the earth beneath your feet and creating a large ripple that expands quickly outwards 8 blocks. Anything within the area of the quake will be dealt 140 damage and is stunned (cannot move) for 3 seconds. Takes 2 seconds to warm up. Activated through right-clicking with an axe in hand that is bound to that ability. (I was thinking that this could be made with partical effects).
CD: 25 seconds
Cost: 10 stamina
Level: 65


| Material | Axe | Pick | Sword | Spade | Hoe |
| Wood: | 25-41 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
| Stone: | 38-58 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
| Iron: | 53-81 | 20 | X | X | X |
| Diamond: | X | X | X | X | X |
| Gold: | 56-92 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
* Axe damage increases as your level increases.


Helm only


Diamond: X

Max Level: 65
Base HP: 470
+HP/level: 3
Max HP: 662
Base MP: 100
+MP/level: -
Max MP: 100
Regen rate % per 5 sec tick: 5

Now, I understand these ideas will most likely not be implemented, but I made this just for fun. If you have any improvements or comments please post them below :)

~ Ketch


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 17, 2013
^ agreed, too much attack skill, even samurai doesn't have this much :p

Also, the summon 3 wolf thing is too op
Feb 21, 2013
Bear in mind that berserkers are meant to be all out attack, rage and fury. I have replaced an attack skill with a defence and decreased the health. Also, the wolves could have 1/2 normal wolf damage? Or would that still be op..


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
What's important for suggestions like these are not numbers, but concepts / generalizations of what the numbers could or should be. Just throwing that out there.

For these kinds of things, any numbers posted are typically off the mark by a good amount, and require further fine-tuning to reach a proper balance.

As far as the skills themselves go, I agree with some, disagree with others. The Shatter skill is..interesting, but I'm not sure if we can do that properly. I kinda like the idea, but I'm not sure if I'd actually place that on Berserker--I think I'd prefer to add it to another class if I were to add it.

One thing I definitely am not interested in is adding pets to the class. I see where you are coming from with it, but I feel as though that makes them to "beastmaster / beastlord" esque. In all honesty, I feel as though your Berserker is half Berserker, half Beastlord. Definitely not a bad thing, but it's just different than what I would do things.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
Lower health or 'double bladed' damage from most skills would set this more on par with other classes. Great ideas though, seems like a cool class!


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 10, 2012
Yeah i agree with the lower health, but what do you mean by 'double bladed'?

He means it takes damage from using skills, like bloodmage.

Yeah, this is definitely too op. Delf's statement about not posting numbers is a good one to consider, but even if you take all the numbers out, the class is far from balanced.

Something like this would probably be best without chainmail. This would lower the defense, effectively lowering the class's lasting-power, and make it more beserker-like. They are warriors that turn their whole body into a weapon, regardless of how it effects themselves. Chainmail would weigh them down and not allow them to focus as much on damage.

Also, I see you mentioned unarmed damage at the beginning and in one of the skills, but nothing else. Did you want it to do half-axe damage, or something of the like?

Interesting concept though.


Jun 22, 2012
New York
If this was added, everyone would choose the class, just a TAD op. Although it's very detailed and I like the concept.
Feb 21, 2013
Ok, i have made a few adjustments that weaken the class in an attempt to balance it out. As for the numbers, i only added them in as a rough estimate of what the class' damage could be. I have also added a double bladed ability :3


Legacy Supporter 9
Oct 1, 2012
What would be really cool is having a class that works in stances. Something like...
Name: Raging Bear Stance
Effect: You gain Strength I and take x% more damage while in this stance.
Name: Living Nature Stance
Effect: You gain Regen I and Weakness II while in this stance
Name: Intimidating Ox Stance
Effect: Everyone within x (+y/level) blocks gain Slow I. Charge has it's cooldown reduced by
x. You can only use Charge while in this stance
Name: Tenacious Tortoise Stance
Effect: You gain Slow I. You cannot be rooted or slowed while in this stance.
Name: Healthy Boar Stance
Effect: You gain x(+y/level) HP
(Note: This would be the normal stance to work out
their low health. When they then want to attack,
they'd switch stance, or stay in this stance
to stay at higher hp.)
EDIT: Wow, these are actually fun making...


Nov 28, 2012
I like this. However, some of the skills (Uppercut, Stab, FurySwipe, and SwordQuake) mention swords, and this class uses axes.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012
What would be really cool is having a class that works in stances. Something like...
Name: Raging Bear Stance
Effect: You gain Strength I and take x% more damage while in this stance.
Name: Living Nature Stance
Effect: You gain Regen I and Weakness II while in this stance
Name: Intimidating Ox Stance
Effect: Everyone within x (+y/level) blocks gain Slow I. Charge has it's cooldown reduced by
x. You can only use Charge while in this stance
Name: Tenacious Tortoise Stance
Effect: You gain Slow I. You cannot be rooted or slowed while in this stance.
Name: Healthy Boar Stance
Effect: You gain x(+y/level) HP
(Note: This would be the normal stance to work out
their low health. When they then want to attack,
they'd switch stance, or stay in this stance
to stay at higher hp.)
EDIT: Wow, these are actually fun making...

Might as well name this class UDYR. I kid, the idea of the class sounds cool and with jasquans stances could balance it from the current suggestion.


Jun 22, 2012
New York
Ok, i have made a few adjustments that weaken the class in an attempt to balance it out. As for the numbers, i only added them in as a rough estimate of what the class' damage could be. I have also added a double bladed ability :3

Although I think some of these skills would fit other classes nicely :p.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
It just seems like the skills are all over the place. Fisrtly, berserkers (as others have pointed out) use axes not swords . Secondly, since when could berserkers summon fire or wolves? While I would love to have a berserker class, we most likely won't ever get them.


Legacy Supporter 9
Oct 1, 2012
It just seems like the skills are all over the place. Fisrtly, berserkers (as others have pointed out) use axes not swords . Secondly, since when could berserkers summon fire or wolves? While I would love to have a berserker class, we most likely won't ever get them.

Berserkers didn't use axes that much; they actually used spears more. In games, they tend to go with axes, that's true, so I can see where you got your insight from.
Wikiepedia said:
the helm-plate press from Torslunda depicts (below) a scene of Odin with a berserkerwolf skinned warrior with the dancer in the bird-horned helm, which is generally interpreted as showing a scene indicative of a relationship between berserkgang… and the god Odin[3]"with a wolf pelt and a spear as distinguishing features

NOTE: I bolded important words/sentences

Might as well name this class UDYR. I kid, the idea of the class sounds cool and with jasquans stances could balance it from the current suggestion.

Actually, Udyr is very much like a berserker, but without weapons, as far as I know?


Jul 20, 2013
Might I suggest that you could add more "hurting yourself" skills. A berserker is always taking risks for damage. So I would like to see a skill that makes you lose hp or stamina for increased damage. But also try to add more tactical skills. Like at least one or two.

Secondly I can't see a way to counter this class. Maybe just get a wizard to run around casting spells on it but it's tankyness with the iron chestplate will counter it. All the class have at least 1 or 2 classes that counters them.