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Suggestion Being partied rankings.



PVP - litterally boils down to how many players in the party.
10v1 combat you loose 50 rankings if the right person kills you.
Therefore the system is unfair, no? Try fighting a 10v1 with litterally no escaping, suiciding, /killing out, or anything. You can't win, and you loose ranking for that.

I suggest that we make a new pvp system, a 1v1 only system with combat tags. Whoever tags gets to fight the target, which would make party pvp more fair. Say buffs transfer over, and utility skills, etc. so having a party does have benefits.

This would make it fair for the actually decent pvpers to get a good rank, instead of being bashed by huge parties because you don't have one.

This has been happening since pvp was implemented, and with the server dying off now.. (it's obvious, we're at about 60 average.) .. we should change the system to bring a new system and make herocraft more fun for more people.

If you want to keep party combat in, you're probably not good without a team to back you.

I can 1v3, win it, get rushed from GY because I'm out of mana, and I die. I check pvp ranks, I lost about 50 net "pvp". Something just seems wrong with this.



Sidenote: 10 players vs 1 lone player is a near impossible win. The best I've managed to pull off is a 1v5, even then I used replenish twice, and almost died many ... many times.

Title was a bad one, it's not related to the suggestion ): sorry, please change it to something relevant if you can Danda

Who this helps:
Builders - It will give builders a better chance if theres a group running at them, they can escape easier with not as many people chasing.
Raiders - It will help raiders not get completely decimated in active towns, And it won't hurt raiding inactive(ish) towns.
Rogue specs, healer specs, And some caster / warrior specs. - Mainly because they don't get smashed by large groups, and can focus one target with heavy damaging skills.
Players who in general Flee not Fight - because they can get away without worrying that every shot will hit from every player.

Who this hurts:
Low levels - where numbers is the only advantage, even then it's a minimal problem. The others can get away, because they cant be hurt.
Wizards, Tanks, and Beguilers - Wizards would loose megabolt and shocks main uses, however shock is next to a troll skill (and should be replaced), and megabolt will loose the AoE, Tanks will loose the general tankiness against parties, which isn't a real loss because they would only gain it in 1v1s. Beguilers would be hurt, because they would loose the main skill of plaguebomb, or atleast the whole team damage effect. However, they would only become better in 1v1s because they can't be decimated by groups.

Overall it seems more like a win-win situation, the only skills getting hurt are AoE's, which in all honesty need it, because they do more damage total than everyone else.

Healers are greatly buffed, because they can heal party members well they fight aswell.

Please post if I am mistaken on who this helps / hurts.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
I've managed to 1v6 some oblivion kids back in the day (One was a 28 warrior around, rest were specced) Its true though, Alex tells no lies. Although I'm not sure how much I like 1v1 tags, but I would like to see a change to help solo pvpers have some fun.

I love Newerth, but to face facts, more than 90% of the town doesn't like to fight. Why should a town built to fight get to steamroll me? Why should I have to side with one of the two sides? I want to fight SOLO because it how I have fun. Not to mention HC isn't based on PvP solely, but that's all that comes up as of late besides this new mining world. So why is it towns not geared towards PvP are always destroyed?

I got off ranting, but I really think PvP is too number based, maybe lower party count? 5 members to a party or some shit?


I've managed to 1v6 some oblivion kids back in the day (One was a 28 warrior around, rest were specced) Its true though, Alex tells no lies. Although I'm not sure how much I like 1v1 tags, but I would like to see a change to help solo pvpers have some fun.

I love Newerth, but to face facts, more than 90% of the town doesn't like to fight. Why should a town built to fight get to steamroll me? Why should I have to side with one of the two sides? I want to fight SOLO because it how I have fun. Not to mention HC isn't based on PvP solely, but that's all that comes up as of late besides this new mining world. So why is it towns not geared towards PvP are always destroyed?

I got off ranting, but I really think PvP is too number based, maybe lower party count? 5 members to a party or some shit?

I agree, this is not the best solution. However, I do believe it is a needed replacement until some serious changes will be implemented hopefully next map.

Also, you posted before I posted my second arguement, so please read it.


Legacy Supporter 8
Nov 26, 2012
In a way this would not be a good idea... This takes away from the skills of a class like Bard that helps the whole group. If you did this Bard's would no longer really be relevant in terms of a support class. Also, sometimes we need backup... I get killed all the time by people and since I have not mastered my hero class yet this makes it impossible for me to win; so i have to call in a friend to help.


Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
We should regulate parties of more than five to require your town be at war with their town, and you be within 200 blocks of one of those towns.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011

Sidenote: 10 players vs 1 lone player is a near impossible win. The best I've managed to pull off is a 1v5, even then I used replenish twice, and almost died many ... many times.

Title was a bad one, it's not related to the suggestion ): sorry, please change it to something relevant if you can Danda

Who this helps:
Builders - It will give builders a better chance if theres a group running at them, they can escape easier with not as many people chasing.
Raiders - It will help raiders not get completely decimated in active towns, And it won't hurt raiding inactive(ish) towns.
Rogue specs, healer specs, And some caster / warrior specs. - Mainly because they don't get smashed by large groups, and can focus one target with heavy damaging skills.
Players who in general Flee not Fight - because they can get away without worrying that every shot will hit from every player.

Who this hurts:
Low levels - where numbers is the only advantage, even then it's a minimal problem. The others can get away, because they cant be hurt.
Wizards, Tanks, and Beguilers - Wizards would loose megabolt and shocks main uses, however shock is next to a troll skill (and should be replaced), and megabolt will loose the AoE, Tanks will loose the general tankiness against parties, which isn't a real loss because they would only gain it in 1v1s. Beguilers would be hurt, because they would loose the main skill of plaguebomb, or atleast the whole team damage effect. However, they would only become better in 1v1s because they can't be decimated by groups.

Overall it seems more like a win-win situation, the only skills getting hurt are AoE's, which in all honesty need it, because they do more damage total than everyone else.

Healers are greatly buffed, because they can heal party members well they fight aswell.

Please post if I am mistaken on who this helps / hurts.
In a way this would not be a good idea... This takes away from the skills of a class like Bard that helps the whole group. If you did this Bard's would no longer really be relevant in terms of a support class. Also, sometimes we need backup... I get killed all the time by people and since I have not mastered my hero class yet this makes it impossible for me to win; so i have to call in a friend to help.

Its mostly frustrating that a Group PvP plugin exists within a server meant for other things that just happens to include PvP. This encourages players to group up into large parties, but it discourages small parties or even lonewolfing. New groups of starting players also can't start up because of this.

More towards the posts I quoted though. I really don't like the idea of 1v1 tags because it can be abused in the sense of picking off weaker targets one by one in a fight without the fear of losing a battle. This would ruin group combat (In some cases, not all) to the point solo pvp would dominate. Now I won't lie, I'd fucking enjoy winning 1v40 fights without having to run and heal, but its just not realistic in my eyes. Now, if I'm good enough I want to handle my weight against 10 players lets say, where at this moment, I can't fucking beat one lousy healer 2v1.

So what if partying gave a minor debuff to hp or damage? Like miniscule, but enough that its not doubling the strength by having more players (I'd also like to see a larger slow on healers, but that's for another thread) So partying becomes a "Do I want to avoid hurting my team or do I take the debuff and play it safe?" just an idea, I still think its pretty bad.

If I rambled or went off on a tangent, I apologize, tired and I'm trying my best to stay on topic.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 13, 2012
I don't really like this idea, mainly because
*Paul (level 60 paladin) and his friend bob go out to attack jimmy and gary*
*Paul hits bob and becomes invincible to the enemy and gets away with no threat*


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
I like this idea as I enjoy Solo-PvPing, but it can be abused in way too many ways.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 13, 2012
This would cause group fights to not exist, instead of 5v5 it would be 5x 1v1s. There wouldn't be many tactics involved.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 4, 2011
It seems that you were initially concerned about PvP rankings. Could you not just scale rankings based on whether you were in a party (and the size of that party) or not?


If there was more of a fair ranked system I would like that a lot more. (In reply to jacks comment)

My personal opinions on who the best pvpers are aren't even top scaled, mainly because the top 10 always travel in packs of 10 players below them well they hold that rank.

If you can't get into a fair 1v1 because there is a huge party, why play the server? If I am not mistaken, victim kindof knows what I'm talking about. I personally would like minimal alliances, but as it stands I must have more if I want to pvp and win.

Arenas aren't ranked, and they are glitched into 2v2s, dms are unfair because it's a FFA but you can be partied, etc...

so where can solo pvpers have fun here?


Legacy Supporter 5
May 4, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
Disagree, I am currently number 2 in pvp top and for the majority of the raids I do, I am with 1 or 2 other people. Very rarely do I get a huge group. The only times I get a big group is when the opposing side has a large party. If you don't like getting smashed by a large group, then don't instigate a fight with them, or find people to help. Where does it make ANY since that you should be able to take on 1 person at a time? Some classes are duelist, some are team fighters, and some are purely support. So your saying a true support class should fail because he goes against a dueling class. Does this suggestion come from the fact that you are one of the strongest classes and don't want to have to worry about parties squashing you?


This suggestion would hurt wizards greatly, if you haven't read.

Megabolt - becomes next to useless in fights, because of a large warmup, short range, and easy stop, let alone it does less damage than the similar skill "bolt".
Pulse - for obvious reasons an AoE skill suffers.


May 2, 2012
Having 5 people sent to kill you after you kill 1 person used to really annoy me too, however i highly disagree with this 1v1 combat tagging thing.

Your problems are that you lose pvp ranking because people group up and kill you. That is a problem with the pvp rating system, not necessarily the combat system. This would also completely change the way that not only how HC pvp worked but also MC pvp in general. Pvp would be unrealistic, boring and no two towns would EVER fight each other. Think about it. In a group fights people are just flying around hitting anything that they can damage. If this tagging system were implemented then you would have to tag 1 person, then look for them the rest of the fight(or wait 10 seconds).

The server is not dieing because people are not getting a high pvp ranking. If you could only be damaged by someone who originally tagged you then that would destroy all pvp in the server. People play on a server to play with their friends, and people would never want to pvp with each other with this.

I personally think that this would be unfair for the entire server except for a very few people. Anyone who is in a town that is somewhat active would suffer. The only people that this would benefit would be people who have no town, no allies or a town that is not active. This plugin would intrude upon the liberties of everyone else on the server because a few people thought that it was unfair for them.

As a part of a town with few members i experience that problem of being teamed very frequently. However i can accept the reality that you are not supposed win a 1v3.

I do agree that something should be changed, but this is so drastic that it is borderline oppressive. My suggestion would be to make it so that you do not lose as many points if you are tagged by multiple people when you are killed.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
This suggestion would hurt wizards greatly, if you haven't read.

Megabolt - becomes next to useless in fights, because of a large warmup, short range, and easy stop, let alone it does less damage than the similar skill "bolt".
Pulse - for obvious reasons an AoE skill suffers.

Megabolt hits all targets within the range, therefore making the damage much higher even with two targets. It is not a SINGLE TARGET skill. Using it as such is misunderstanding the class and its abilities.

The server is not dying - we go through low and high players online. It's the nature of the beast for any game and is not considered "dying".

We've seen over 250 players on at once this map, higher than any other map ;)


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
(This has been an idea in my head that I know will never happen, but I find it may pertain to this) Hero classes. Not that Legends bullshit, but a class designed for heroes of lore. So for instance, Alex is known far and wide as a great mercenary wizard. So make him a class based on being a great wizard, you would need tons of players to kill him because his skill (Class attributes tbh). If you die, you lose the class, but the catch to that is you begin with it mastered. I always thought that each leading PvPer/PvP town could own a player like this (TC harboring many of them) because it would be amazingly fun to see how the players dealt with it. It would be more of a Lore-ish setup, but it would be fun. Maybe as a planed event? If not in the case of an event I have no idea how to justify players getting these classes or how buffed they should be (I was thinking 1v10 standards. This means if the server hates him they can hunt him or if the server loves him they may protect him? Which also comes into play with the death class loss.)

IDK I thought this up a while ago, never really made it out to be more than a lore based fun time for me. And I apologize for not providing more input to the suggestion, I've pretty much stated what I feel. Although, yes Alex I know about the 1v1 thing :( Umbra wanted to "1v1" me then they showed up with 3 guys :/

As for the PvP rating, I think Kain is trying to make it vary on level, deathstreak/killstreak, etc. This may not be implemented though. I vote for 1v1 arenas though! Plus Macura's idea there would also make it work I think.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
The pvp ranking is really annoying. I have to kill 10 people to catch up if I die once in PvP. It's like +5 gain each kill and -50 loss on death >.<


Or just be like reddead and log on, Harmtouch someone, then log out. No risk of dying and keeps someone who shouldn't be /pvp top in the top 5
Reddead has other things to be worrying about, and doing than pvp top.
He actually doesn't harmtouch often and I give him a lot of shit for it. Use harmtouch if you need it, don't be a fool.