First off, I'm sure certain individuals who dislike me will post on here how bad I am, and my ideas etc., getting that out of the way.
Battlegrounds center is located at 1700, 1300. You can get here withing a minute of your time by going through the Southwest portal. This area is completely PvP based, and welcomes solo play and group vs group play. Over the past three nights, we've had plenty of 1v1's, and have had multiple large scale group fights. Some feel like complaining that this is near NCH and we're asking you to come to us. Yes it is near, however the point of this is for the entire server to have a hot spot when they are looking for PvP action. There is multiple buildings that are built completely around PvP, and the terrain has been altered to support PvP as well. The battlegrounds is still being built daily, and plenty of ideas are in the works. I may have admin assistance in the coming days, but will not comment saying we will for sure. Feel free to spread the word about this zone, and bring your friends. Let the negative posters commence.