Yeah man those are super solid ideas, love it. I need admin assistance for most of it sadly.
Right now it's just a good place to PvP, but no actual rewards for doing special things like claiming the tower/keep or kill streaks. I would love it if admins implemented some help, but I'll live without it. Feel free to come take a look, but I warn you Coal Harbor roams the area while building it. We kind of zerg people down right now because we don't want to be bothered while building it. However, we will be respecting 1v1s when it's live. Only reason you'll see us zerg a solo down is that they are KoS to Coal Harbor. Spread the word man, would be greatly appreciated! (I'll message you the coords of the BG)
Update- It's going to take me at least another day to open it to the public. This whole project has been mainly soloed soo it's a bit slower. Finishing up the second tower now, then adding at least one more. Would absolutely love to have someone come in and make it visually appealing on the landscape of the battlegrounds, and the inner rooms of the castle. After it's open, I'll be spreading the word about it. We've already had multiple large group fights that were amazing. Going to make a small movie of the battlegrounds with some of the fights when I get the whole area finished. Should help get the word out, maybe get the admins attention.
I'm not looking for arenas, I hate PvP arenas. So melee-biased. The battleground offers the thrill of randomly running into opponents which is what I love. On top of that you have a large open field to fight on plus buildings to hold if outnumbered. It's been pretty epic so far, but still needs work.
Debating on away to add siege doors to the towers/castle. Haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do, but the idea is to put steel doors as the entrance in. On the inside, you can hit a switch to close the doors. The outside players will have to break the door down. Afterwards they can either replace the door(if they aren't pricks), or they can purchase a steel door for a cheap price to upgrade the defenses again for the towers/castle. (debating on putting shops inside the castle/towers as a way to buy resources like food, doors, etc.) Give me thoughts!
Hydroking77, that's a super solid idea, love it man! This would work absolutely perfect if we could get the zone regioned as a war zone. This would keep little kids like Thoth from griefing the red stone wiring etc.

Update- It's going to take me at least another day to open it to the public. This whole project has been mainly soloed soo it's a bit slower. Finishing up the second tower now, then adding at least one more. Would absolutely love to have someone come in and make it visually appealing on the landscape of the battlegrounds, and the inner rooms of the castle. After it's open, I'll be spreading the word about it. We've already had multiple large group fights that were amazing. Going to make a small movie of the battlegrounds with some of the fights when I get the whole area finished. Should help get the word out, maybe get the admins attention.
I'm not looking for arenas, I hate PvP arenas. So melee-biased. The battleground offers the thrill of randomly running into opponents which is what I love. On top of that you have a large open field to fight on plus buildings to hold if outnumbered. It's been pretty epic so far, but still needs work.
Debating on away to add siege doors to the towers/castle. Haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do, but the idea is to put steel doors as the entrance in. On the inside, you can hit a switch to close the doors. The outside players will have to break the door down. Afterwards they can either replace the door(if they aren't pricks), or they can purchase a steel door for a cheap price to upgrade the defenses again for the towers/castle. (debating on putting shops inside the castle/towers as a way to buy resources like food, doors, etc.) Give me thoughts!
Hydroking77, that's a super solid idea, love it man! This would work absolutely perfect if we could get the zone regioned as a war zone. This would keep little kids like Thoth from griefing the red stone wiring etc.