Wildcards...? The Bean Counter...?I like some of these, lets do it.
I added Enderchests to the Banker professions so far....
Code:name: Banker default: false tier: 2 parents: strong: [ CRAFTER ] weak: [] description: The bean counter secondary: true primary: false permitted-armor: [] permitted-weapon: - WOOD - STONE - SHEARS - FISHING_ROD - IRON_PICKAXE - IRON_AXE - IRON_SPADE - IRON_HOE - DIAMOND_PICKAXE - DIAMOND_AXE - DIAMOND_SPADE - DIAMOND_HOE permitted-skills: Recall: level: 1 mana: 100 Mark: level: 1 mana: 100 SummonBook: Complete level: 5 mana: 30 cooldown: 3600000 Monetize: Complete level: 10 mana: 25 cooldown: 2000 SmeltGold: Complete level: 20 mana: 25 cooldown: 2000 Exchange: Complete level: 30 mana: 25 cooldown: 2000 TradeRoute: (Not complete, more of a concept) level: 60 mana: 25 cooldown: 2000 permission-skills: Lighter: level: 1 LavaBucket: level: 1 Shears: level: 1 Enderchest: level: 40 experience-sources: - MINING - FISHING - SKILL expmodifier: 1.0 item-damage: base-max-health: 600 max-health-per-level: 3 expLoss: 0.01 wildcard-permission: true max-level: 60 recipes: [ default ]