- Joined
- Jan 7, 2011
- Location
- The 7th Circle of Heaven
- Framework for Calendar completed (/calendar)
-- Calendar will control the Minecraft time line and fire off events and commands based on the day / week.
- Cleaned up the hc.to/store and added some artwork to packages.
- Added Soul Tome Boxes to the store that grants a randomized tome to the buyer as well as a knowledge crystal.
- Prepare Tier 10 supporter ($300) Perks before release.
- Prepare http://hc.to/tomes for release of the Legendary Paths
- Add Knowledge Crystal to the drop tables.
- Add EXP crystals to the Tome Boxes on the store and for purchase (with crates) at Trade District.
- Enable the Legendary Classes as select-able if the Hero is soul enlightened.
- First ranks of the legendary classes can now level through PVE and PVP.
- Risen Knight added to Nether Island, Central Outpost and Dome on 30 minute spawn timers with chance to drop gear and tomes.
- Mark now requires a redstone block to cast instead of an iron ingot.
Legendary Adjustments
- Blaze_rod damage adjusted to 45 from 60 (Still gets bonus with strength)
- MortalWound now works with Blaze_rod
- Changed attribute allocation points per level from 50 to 45.
- Grandmaster / Darkmaster can now level from PVE and PVP but at a severely reduced rate.
General PVP adjustments
- Correctly add the bounty cooldown on players, they will not be able to be bountied within 20 hours of being bountied.
Boss Adjustments
- Resolved buggy boss drop rate
- Increased the drop rate of Soul Tomes
- Bosses will spawn randomly from their spawners between 10 to 45 minutes.
- The Risen Knight can now teleport to players directly if they go too far.
- The Risen Minions can now do a arrow volley attack.
- Re-randomized the Soul Tome Boxes (you should see less crimson, somehow even though they're all the same drop rate, Crimson was more common)
- Made spawners in dungeons spawn more often by increasing the time the cpu spent on the spawner tiles.
- Added new drop tables to the Risen Knight and balanced a few of the current.
- Hopefully resolved some email issues with the forums.
- Attack On Sight Skill is now added to all Legendary classes. Beware, if you attack a legendary class, it can attack you back.
- Laid groundwork for return of the ELO measurement system for PVP/PVE.
- Introducing BEAM SKILLS for the new legends - http://i.imgur.com/EbRLQQG.png
- Adjusted the drop tables for Minions, minibosses and group bosses.
- Adjusted the spawn rate of random mobs to turn into minibosses.
- Fixed several skills in the Corrupted Bosses.
- Adjusted the Order/Chaos health, it will now have much less per level and start at closer to the other classes.
-- removed diamond armor from grandmaster/darkmaster until we can patch in mitigation per type.
-- T1 gets leather/gold, T2 gets chain, T3 gets iron
- Set framework for http://hc.to/battlestats
- Added Beam Mechanic skills.
-- Skill Ordain (Healing beam that extends 15 blocks forwards healing all party members in it's path) Granted to Order.
-- Skill Disarray (Damage beam that extends 15 blocks forward damage all enemies in its path) Granted to Chaos.
- Adjusted the health/mana gains and base attributes to be less drastically different than T2 classes.
- T1 now uses leather/gold, T2 now uses chain, T3 now uses iron. Removed Diamond full-set until a future release.
- Bruteforce has been replaced by Enlightenment buff (Order)
- Soothe is now gained as an Apprentice and EscapeArtist is now gained as an Inquisitor
- Replaced Warsong with Might.
Normal Hero Classes
- Added T2 classes the ability to add attributes.
- All T2 classes start off with a total allocated pool of 20 (this is greatly reduced from T1)
Relic Revamp
- By popular demand, we have adjusted how relics are created. It now takes 1 order relic, 1 chaos relic and 1 path catalyst.
- All old relics can be consumed for FREE exp! The higher the relic tier, the more exp you will get back when right-clicking it.
- The Relic 1-5 recipe will no longer function.
- Added 5 minibosses to the game for more exp and better loot.
- Mini bosses have been tweaked to drop Tier 1 gear.
- Health/damage normalized so they can be soloed by a skilled player or duo'd easily.
- Fixed several skills and issues with bosses casting far too frequently or summoning players through walls/floors.
ELO Rating system (http://hc.to/battlestats)
- New PVP system to determine the most skilled players rather than the old KDR system.
- This system may be reset for special events or seasons, but will be announced well ahead of time. Top ELO players will get prizes.
- Added appropriate dropTables to the 5 new bosses.
- Adjusted the Order, Chaos and Catalyst drop rates, there was a bug that could fire off a drop but not actually produce the item to the player.
- Adjust the mini-bosses and fix damage immunities.
- Increased the miniboss exp from 100 to 250 per kill.
- Adjusted the drop rate of Professions relics, doubled the Relics and Catalyst drops
- Framework for Calendar completed (/calendar)
-- Calendar will control the Minecraft time line and fire off events and commands based on the day / week.

- Cleaned up the hc.to/store and added some artwork to packages.
- Added Soul Tome Boxes to the store that grants a randomized tome to the buyer as well as a knowledge crystal.
- Prepare Tier 10 supporter ($300) Perks before release.
- Access to /tps (lag meter)
- Access to Lava Trails
- Added Pet Riding for all pets
- Access to wear any pet on your head (/pet hat)
- LWC t10 charge: 195.0 discount: active: true type: IN_USE amount: 7 newCharge: 0.0
- t10: default: unlimited chest: 25
- Prepare http://hc.to/tomes for release of the Legendary Paths
- Add Knowledge Crystal to the drop tables.
- Add EXP crystals to the Tome Boxes on the store and for purchase (with crates) at Trade District.
- Enable the Legendary Classes as select-able if the Hero is soul enlightened.
- First ranks of the legendary classes can now level through PVE and PVP.
- Risen Knight added to Nether Island, Central Outpost and Dome on 30 minute spawn timers with chance to drop gear and tomes.
- Mark now requires a redstone block to cast instead of an iron ingot.
Legendary Adjustments
- Blaze_rod damage adjusted to 45 from 60 (Still gets bonus with strength)
- MortalWound now works with Blaze_rod
- Changed attribute allocation points per level from 50 to 45.
- Grandmaster / Darkmaster can now level from PVE and PVP but at a severely reduced rate.
General PVP adjustments
- Correctly add the bounty cooldown on players, they will not be able to be bountied within 20 hours of being bountied.
Boss Adjustments
- Resolved buggy boss drop rate
- Increased the drop rate of Soul Tomes
- Bosses will spawn randomly from their spawners between 10 to 45 minutes.
- The Risen Knight can now teleport to players directly if they go too far.
- The Risen Minions can now do a arrow volley attack.
- Re-randomized the Soul Tome Boxes (you should see less crimson, somehow even though they're all the same drop rate, Crimson was more common)
- Made spawners in dungeons spawn more often by increasing the time the cpu spent on the spawner tiles.
- Added new drop tables to the Risen Knight and balanced a few of the current.
- Hopefully resolved some email issues with the forums.
- Attack On Sight Skill is now added to all Legendary classes. Beware, if you attack a legendary class, it can attack you back.
- Laid groundwork for return of the ELO measurement system for PVP/PVE.
- Introducing BEAM SKILLS for the new legends - http://i.imgur.com/EbRLQQG.png
- Adjusted the drop tables for Minions, minibosses and group bosses.
- Adjusted the spawn rate of random mobs to turn into minibosses.
- Fixed several skills in the Corrupted Bosses.
- Adjusted the Order/Chaos health, it will now have much less per level and start at closer to the other classes.
-- removed diamond armor from grandmaster/darkmaster until we can patch in mitigation per type.
-- T1 gets leather/gold, T2 gets chain, T3 gets iron
- Set framework for http://hc.to/battlestats
- Added Beam Mechanic skills.
-- Skill Ordain (Healing beam that extends 15 blocks forwards healing all party members in it's path) Granted to Order.
-- Skill Disarray (Damage beam that extends 15 blocks forward damage all enemies in its path) Granted to Chaos.
- Adjusted the health/mana gains and base attributes to be less drastically different than T2 classes.
- T1 now uses leather/gold, T2 now uses chain, T3 now uses iron. Removed Diamond full-set until a future release.
- Bruteforce has been replaced by Enlightenment buff (Order)
- Soothe is now gained as an Apprentice and EscapeArtist is now gained as an Inquisitor
- Replaced Warsong with Might.
Normal Hero Classes
- Added T2 classes the ability to add attributes.
- All T2 classes start off with a total allocated pool of 20 (this is greatly reduced from T1)
Relic Revamp
- By popular demand, we have adjusted how relics are created. It now takes 1 order relic, 1 chaos relic and 1 path catalyst.
- All old relics can be consumed for FREE exp! The higher the relic tier, the more exp you will get back when right-clicking it.
- The Relic 1-5 recipe will no longer function.
- Added 5 minibosses to the game for more exp and better loot.
- Mini bosses have been tweaked to drop Tier 1 gear.
- Health/damage normalized so they can be soloed by a skilled player or duo'd easily.
- Fixed several skills and issues with bosses casting far too frequently or summoning players through walls/floors.
ELO Rating system (http://hc.to/battlestats)
- New PVP system to determine the most skilled players rather than the old KDR system.
- This system may be reset for special events or seasons, but will be announced well ahead of time. Top ELO players will get prizes.
- Added appropriate dropTables to the 5 new bosses.
- Adjusted the Order, Chaos and Catalyst drop rates, there was a bug that could fire off a drop but not actually produce the item to the player.
- Adjust the mini-bosses and fix damage immunities.
- Increased the miniboss exp from 100 to 250 per kill.
- Adjusted the drop rate of Professions relics, doubled the Relics and Catalyst drops
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