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Suggestion Atlas Bloodmage


Glowing Redstone
Aug 30, 2016
Bloodmage, the Hemomancer

Healers who have resorted into using their own blood for restorative and destructive purpose.

The concept of the class Bloodmage has is unique, having the power to sacrifice it's own health for their allies, making the class party sided. Still it can stand up on it's own fairly well, and as I've heard, Bloodmages are described as team fight gods, because of it's godly healing in team fights.
This is my first post so it's obviously going to have some stuff that people are gonna read and go " ??? " but this is only what I think since people tell me to make a thread about it.
With that said, here are some things I think should be looked upon in the class Bloodmage

1. Bloodmage unlike any other support classes has the lack of Crowd Control. The only crowd control ability it really has is Thicken Blood, and as good as it is in smaller fights, it's not the easiest to use in group fights. It's only purpose really is either you're getting chased by a rogue or a rogue is chasing you. Other than that, it's never regularly used. It's also hard for bloodmage to compete against people that would focus them because of this lag of Crowd Control

2. Bloodmage (also like most supports) do not have any kind of mobility, at... all.. It has no speed no flashes no gap closer... no.. mobility, It is also easily destroyed in teamfights because of this lack of mobility

3. Steal Essence is hardly ever used and even when used. It does not steal some buffs, either this skill is outdated or just not working over all. The skill is considered by many "extremely situational" which makes it probably the most less skill used in the entire kit,

4. Atlas gave a lot of classes cool things, cool abilities and such. While bloodmage this map was left to dust, receiving nothing but a change to it's ultimate.

5. On the previous map, tier one Bloodmage received a change to boilblood . I was wondering if this change can be reverted since Tier two classes no longer exist: BoilBlood: Tick time on BoilBlood down from 12 seconds to 8 seconds; Lowers total damage to 109.75+(82.4 bleed damage) for tier 1 bloodmage -Lethalprince

6. Bloodbolt high cooldown, and difficult to hit, and when is hit the reward is 100 damage dealt and heal received and a blood union.

At this point in the map I wouldn't mind a bloodmage rework really.
or maybe im just garbage and rage posting :(

Over all, the class is good but it really is hard to compete with other classes. uhh sorry if there's some misleading stuff again first post
@Balance Team @DrHeretic @LethalPrince @NobleAlexander


Jul 30, 2011
1. monk doesn't have cc and thicken blood is pretty good
2. supports shouldn't have mobility in general. if ur dying in teamfights, get better people to peel for you
3. lmao steal essence is god
4. bloodmage is unique, no other class plays like it
5. im not sure if bloodmage needs more damage. it can kill most classes with 2 cycles of boil blood
6. haven't used it but bloodbolt is really good. you get a free 200 and an extra blood union


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 22, 2012
Dude, all of the supports have less mobility/cc than the rest of the classes, simply because they heal. Honestly, BM is fine right now, not every class can have everything, or we'd be running a circus.


Glowing Redstone
Aug 30, 2016
Dude, all of the supports have less mobility/cc than the rest of the classes, simply because they heal. Honestly, BM is fine right now, not every class can have everything, or we'd be running a circus.

Infusion is a waste of mana and is only good for taking off bleeding effects,
Bloodgift can't be used on yourself
and blood ritual is a waste of blood unions when it's practically just a convert of mana for health

I suck at bloodmage and I know it, but no one plays bloodmage that's why I can't get any reference or help. Or an example of how to play the class properly without getting destroyed

1. monk doesn't have cc and thicken blood is pretty good
2. supports shouldn't have mobility in general. if ur dying in teamfights, get better people to peel for you
3. lmao steal essence is god
4. bloodmage is unique, no other class plays like it
5. im not sure if bloodmage needs more damage. it can kill most classes with 2 cycles of boil blood
6. haven't used it but bloodbolt is really good. you get a free 200 and an extra blood union

1.describe how thicken blood is good aside from chasing and running away

2. Sure, if you think bloodmage shouldn't have a mobility, but atleast have some kind of self peel. anything to a slow or something.

3. except apparently it's not stealing some buffs, and the only thing I've stolen was night vision from a miner B^)

4. just because it's unique doesn't mean it's better, other supports can heal just as fine and peel for themselves, even if it is a mage sided support.

5. The damage is definetely not the problem no no, the problem is that before it can even get boil blood it's already getting cc'd or destroyed, it has a problem doing it's own mechanic.

6. and blood beam wasn't good?


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 22, 2012
Infusion is a waste of mana and is only good for taking off bleeding effects,
Bloodgift can't be used on yourself
and blood ritual is a waste of blood unions when it's practically just a convert of mana for health

I suck at bloodmage and I know it, but no one plays bloodmage that's why I can't get any reference or help. Or an example of how to play the class properly without getting destroyed
I mained Bloodmage for 3 maps. The class is not as good as it was in the past, but it certainly is not weak. As BM, you have to manage your mana and health, as most of your healing to party members will come from bloodbond. You will only use bloodritual if one of your party members is below 10%, and bloodgift if you have low BU stacks but need to heal a target below 25%. If you're playing this class solo, that's why it seems weak. It gets stronger based on the amount of enemies, and it's healing numbers only go up based on amount of teammates. Basically, focus on keeping your health above 60% and mana above 40% with transfuse and heals, and you'll win any fight assuming you kite correctly.


Jul 30, 2011

Thicken blood let's you get 2 free blood unions of you're good and k ow how to strafe

Thicken blood is a slow. it's ur team mates job to peal for their healer.

Bug report any buffs steal essence isn't stealing

Not really. Cleric gets dicked on and can't peal. Elementalist gets dicked on.

If you can't get a boil blood you have to work on ur positioning and get good at kiting


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 12, 2013
If you are looking for help with a class, Radicancer is the last person you should be talking too. Boil blood is now getting a warm up for what reason? Ohh because he dies from it and rages. That makes zero sense and im not really sure why he is on balance to begin with. Might as well have a rock as a balance member. If boil blood receives a warm up, we might as well buff plague bomb to do 1k damage on a 1 sec cooldown.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 22, 2012
If you are looking for help with a class, Radicancer is the last person you should be talking too. Boil blood is now getting a warm up for what reason? Ohh because he dies from it and rages. That makes zero sense and im not really sure why he is on balance to begin with. Might as well have a rock as a balance member. If boil blood receives a warm up, we might as well buff plague bomb to do 1k damage on a 1 sec cooldown.
No, the skill is ignoring the global cooldown, which for an aoe that does so much instantly, is VERY bad. On top of this, it's ability to ignore the global cd is allowing it to take control of BU stacks before they are spent on the skill, causing it to do more damage then intended in some cases. I fought joosdix 10+ times in arena to test, the only times I was even close to losing is when his siphon+boilblood bugged and actually did 6+ hearts of damage, instantly. That's not intended, so I am obliged to fix it any way possible. The skill will be given a slight damage buff to account for the new warmup, but honestly, 0.5 seconds is not going to change anything other than this bug.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
1. monk doesn't have cc and thicken blood is pretty good
2. supports shouldn't have mobility in general. if ur dying in teamfights, get better people to peel for you
3. lmao steal essence is god
4. bloodmage is unique, no other class plays like it
5. im not sure if bloodmage needs more damage. it can kill most classes with 2 cycles of boil blood
6. haven't used it but bloodbolt is really good. you get a free 200 and an extra blood union

Monk doesn't have CC? Are you dumb?


Apr 25, 2012
All I know is that I've seen a good bloodmage - @joosdix - wrecking several dps classes with good kiting technique. If a leather wearing healer can 1v1 several dps classes, i'd say it probably doesn't need damage buffs considering it's main use is supposedly being a party healer.


Glowing Redstone
Aug 30, 2016
All I know is that I've seen a good bloodmage - @joosdix - wrecking several dps classes with good kiting technique. If a leather wearing healer can 1v1 several dps classes, i'd say it probably doesn't need damage buffs considering it's main use is supposedly being a party healer.

Can agree, more damage is not what we need. It's resistance against getting destroyed against mobile classes or classes with hard CC
and no dont say i thicken blood them and run away okay

also monk has no cc =^)


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
Can agree, more damage is not what we need. It's resistance against getting destroyed against mobile classes or classes with hard CC
and no dont say i thicken blood them and run away okay

also monk has no cc =^)

stfu Joosdix. #GoVegan