- Minecraft In-game name: Orsino218
- Location & Age: Rochester, NY & 18
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none
- Referral(s): Zangofett2 // Lord_Zango
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: my friends asked me to join in
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes
- Reason you should be accepted: I've been playing role playing games for as long as I can remember. I'm community friendly and I love a bit of healthy competition.
- Additional Info: Hanging online with my friends has been such a great past time for me over the years. I've played numerous games consisting of Heroes of Newerth, Rapplez, Fiesta, League of Legends, and countless hours logged on playing minecraft. Herocraft sounded like such a fun idea from what my friends had been telling me, so I had to come and see what all the hubbub was about.