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Alignment Change/s or Remove them?

Should Townships have Alignments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but they need to be more clear.

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • No; let Townships gain their reputation.

    Votes: 40 70.2%

  • Total voters
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Jan 12, 2011
Bakersfield, CA USA
I agree that towns should build their own reputations, but the question is, how do we get that reputation to new players? They can ask around, but that won't get a big-picture reputation, they could be talking to a member of the [evil] town who says "oh yeah, we're neutral." They could be talking to someone who was attacked by the [good] town six months prior who hasn't let go of his grudge and says "that town is evil."

The poll might be a way to get around that, but I'm not sure if enough players are active on the forums. That's their own faults, though.
I'd have to say that Townships should post their intentions, goals, playstyle, etc on their Townships post for new players to read through, if they wish.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I'd have to say that Townships should post their intentions, goals, playstyle, etc on their Townships post for new players to read through, if they wish.

If you suggest it, and not require it, they likely will.

It's like leaving shit blank on an electronic resume, you just gotta fill it in.

I think it should be optional, because GOOD township topics will be very informative and have lots of detailed info about these things. BAD township topics won't, and those towns will likely go inactive/fail to pay upkeep anyway.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 14, 2011
Columbus, OH
I'd have to say that Townships should post their intentions, goals, playstyle, etc on their Townships post for new players to read through, if they wish.

The problem with that brutal is that even though the major wants his town to be what he described it ad in his post, the overall attitude of the players in their city is what the city will be seen as.

Let me use look_out as an example: (sorry look_out, couldn't think of any other atm)

Our city is listed as Good, we are not to kill anyone unless they act hostile to us or have been deemed KoS. Do you know how many times we had to lite a fire in look_out's ass for killing people that he didn't know if they were good or bad. Though he has calmed down and been folowing the rules perfectly for the past few days.

My point being that alot of cities have a lot of these types of players (shiroku having the most IMO). People who don't do what their town rules say. So a city could be listed as good or neutral but have enough misbehaving citizens to where their average alignment would be evil.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Yep. That's what I figure. If a Townships wants people to be more informed, they should post everything they possibly can.

Like if I had a choice, I'd remove the [Neutral] part from SK's topic in the Official Townships forum if it wasn't required and just say some appealing tagline in the title with the space like "We're really friendly!" or "Now recruiting!"

On the first day of townships, Only one GOOD town and one EVIL town were made, the rest were Neutral, SK is one of them but we don't have alot in common with the other neutral towns. It doesn't mean anything.


Jan 12, 2011
Bakersfield, CA USA
The problem with that brutal is that even though the major wants his town to be what he described it ad in his post, the overall attitude of the players in their city is what the city will be seen as.

Let me use look_out as an example: (sorry look_out, couldn't think of any other atm)

Our city is listed as Good, we are not to kill anyone unless they act hostile to us or have been deemed KoS. Do you know how many times we had to lite a fire in look_out's ass for killing people that he didn't know if they were good or bad. Though he has calmed down and been folowing the rules perfectly for the past few days.

My point being that alot of cities have a lot of these types of players (shiroku having the most IMO). People who don't do what their town rules say. So a city could be listed as good or neutral but have enough misbehaving citizens to where their average alignment would be evil.
Yah; it wouldn't be forced for them to post intentions...........Haha..........I said IF they wish. :p

I understand what you're saying, though.

This is assuming we rid the Alignment system and Townships gain their own reputation via actions on the server.


Dungeon Master Extremist
Staff member
Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
Either this needs to be enforced or removed. There are too many towns that claim they're good but still go out looting and pillaging. As it is this system doesn't work in the slightest. There either needs to be dedicated staff members to keeping this system running or just go ahead and remove it.


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 27, 2011
The problem with that brutal is that even though the major wants his town to be what he described it ad in his post, the overall attitude of the players in their city is what the city will be seen as.

Let me use look_out as an example: (sorry look_out, couldn't think of any other atm)

Our city is listed as Good, we are not to kill anyone unless they act hostile to us or have been deemed KoS. Do you know how many times we had to lite a fire in look_out's ass for killing people that he didn't know if they were good or bad. Though he has calmed down and been folowing the rules perfectly for the past few days.

My point being that alot of cities have a lot of these types of players (shiroku having the most IMO). People who don't do what their town rules say. So a city could be listed as good or neutral but have enough misbehaving citizens to where their average alignment would be evil.

LAWL, Its true tho :)


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
I say it's unnecessary labeling. Just let towns cultivate their own reputations, and when somebody says "hey, should I join this town?", everyone else can talk about whether they're friendly or not, or how many people they murder weekly. Towns without appealing reputations will die off, and good (more specifically, "high-quality and/or appealing") towns will thrive.

If a record is kept of interactions between townships, the town's actions will speak for them. When (if) I start a town, such a thing will be kept.


Jan 16, 2011
Shutting the hell up.
I've said it a half-dozen times. So I shall say it again in this thread:

Alignments are useless concepts that only set up unnecessary barriers and target signs between towns, players, and friends.

Building reputations is the way to go, in my opinion. Good and Evil are relative, but behavior is more reliable.

People watch the chat more often than one thinks. They even pay attention to who is on what end of a Death message. By working on reputations, people will know what towns are building-oriented, what towns are pvp-oriented, what towns are trade-oriented, and who the little shits that are causing trouble are.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 16, 2011
Oslo, Norway
I think the alignement tag is good to have on cities so that people who are looking for a town can easier find what they look for. Having more tags on the cities would be a helpful way for people looking for towns to find what they want. It is also nice to know what towns are EVIL and who are not for when traveling through the wasteland. Good to know if one can pass through a town freely or if one will be hunted down and slaughtered for some quick exp.

However, I dont think the current system works very well. I read someone had mentioned that Kainzo said that "Neutral is the new EVIL" and thats true. Neutral is sneaky EVIL (aka even more EVIL than EVIL). (oh yes, it is necessary to write EVIL with all capital letters, thats how the word is written :p) Anyway, I think we should only have good and EVIL, and town who say they are good must kick out all EVIL citizens or reform them. (within a time period ofcourse) otherwize they must be classified as EVIL. Or we could have unknown, EVIL and good. The problem now is that neutral sounds safe, while it really means. "you will get killed and robbed there"

Btw, sorry for bad phrasing and such here, had bad time when writing this. (im on vacation, will be back on thursday, now its time for tequila and half naked girls)


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 9, 2011
I think the voting and the comments shows what people would like of alignments, brutal is very nice on giving us a vote.


Jan 12, 2011
Bakersfield, CA USA
Yes 4 7.0%
No 0 0.0%
Yes, but they need to be more clear 13 22.8%
No; let Townshps gain their reputation. 40 70.2%

I'll be reading through this during the week; I'll update this weekend.
Thanks for the feedback!
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