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Alignment Change/s or Remove them?

Should Townships have Alignments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but they need to be more clear.

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • No; let Townships gain their reputation.

    Votes: 40 70.2%

  • Total voters
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Jan 12, 2011
Bakersfield, CA USA
Seeing as how there are so many damn arguments lately regarding Township Alignments and how this town isn't that, that town isn't this, he had sex with my sister, etc; I want to get an Alignment system for Townships that is very clear in hopes to clear up confusion as to who's what.

I'll need EVERYONE'S input who has bitched about it before; don't shutup now. :p

So, this is the ONE main issue I want to solve:

How can we tag a Township with an Alignment that both suits them AND people can agree on?

Also, I've thrown a *Poll on here to get the community's opinion on whether or not we should even keep Townships Alignments.

* The results of the Poll are hidden.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 17, 2011
I haven't seen much argument about this yet really, but I guess I'll throw in my opinion.

Towns shouldn't need to declare if they will be evil or good. If I want to make a town of sneaky people and be evil, I don't want it to be broadcast to everyone so they can camp the town and kill us all. I want the server to just assume we are another peace loving town and then we do shit in secret and they wonder who it is.

It would be a lot more interesting and fun if towns gained reputation based of off the actions of its members over time. You can't be good with people raiding and murdering every now and then, the town becomes evil until the town can repair its reputation.

Basically the towns are labeled by the rest of the server if there are any labels at all. I would rather enjoy if it was back to how it used to be, with NO alignments whatsoever so we are defined by our actions even more and secret towns can thrive better.


Support the Death Penalty
Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 5, 2011
he had sex with my sister

LMAO, only BrutalAssRaper would manage to sneak in his own personal fantasies so skillfully as to have nobody notice.

I tip my hat to you sir. (I'll volunteer, whats your sis' name? Naw, I dont really care. Send her over)

Back on topic:

I know we have gained citizens to Ironpass with our self-proclaimed "Good" alignment. New players unsure of jumping headlong into a PvP war tend to look for some level of protection and security from a place like Ironpass. We DO struggle to maintain order in a chaotic world, and from time to time have joined forces with other frustrated non-pvp'rs for some payback; but I dont think a "Good" town should lay down and get Brutally Raped (lol, pun intended) anytime some prick goes looking for fun at our expense.

That is not to say the Ironpass should not be constantly scrutinized under a microscope. I believe that it should. If Ironpass or a similar town gets out of line, it should NOT be allowed to claim "Good" status.

Maybe an ever-changing labeling system, appointed by the Admins, should be implemented here. On the last map, I struggled to remember what towns were a little to "wild" for my taste, even after 6 months on the server. Constantly updated status would allow new and old players to better identify possible threats to them, thus reducing the amount of discontent among PvP and nonPvP classes.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 21, 2011
I wouldn't mind being rid of alignments. People that want to play certain moral roles in their towns can do so, and others can look at their actions to decide if these people are allies or not. In real life, morals aren't really measured on a one-dimensional good/evil scale, or even in a two-dimensional good/evil, lawful/chaotic system (though it does make role-playing simpler). I really liked the discussion that was happening in this thread on the subject.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 25, 2011
LMAO, only BrutalAssRaper would manage to sneak in his own personal fantasies so skillfully as to have nobody notice.

I tip my hat to you sir. (I'll volunteer, whats your sis' name? Naw, I dont really care. Send her over)

Back on topic:

I know we have gained citizens to Ironpass with our self-proclaimed "Good" alignment. New players unsure of jumping headlong into a PvP war tend to look for some level of protection and security from a place like Ironpass. We DO struggle to maintain order in a chaotic world, and from time to time have joined forces with other frustrated non-pvp'rs for some payback; but I dont think a "Good" town should lay down and get Brutally Raped (lol, pun intended) anytime some prick goes looking for fun at our expense.

That is not to say the Ironpass should not be constantly scrutinized under a microscope. I believe that it should. If Ironpass or a similar town gets out of line, it should NOT be allowed to claim "Good" status.

Maybe an ever-changing labeling system, appointed by the Admins, should be implemented here. On the last map, I struggled to remember what towns were a little to "wild" for my taste, even after 6 months on the server. Constantly updated status would allow new and old players to better identify possible threats to them, thus reducing the amount of discontent among PvP and nonPvP classes.

I wouldn't go so far to say Ironpass is good...


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 12, 2011
Let towns build their own reputation. Some places want to be completely defensive, where they have instead taken up arms and started playing offensively in the wake of raiders and PKers. Similarly, there are those that have claimed to be "mercenaries for hire", yet have started attacking targets at will. Letting everyone fill out their destinies will be better in the long run.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 29, 2011
I like the idea of admins/mods periodically doing an assesment of the towns and determining their alignment for them. That way there are no more good/neutral towns that are in reality more evil than the evil towns. That is unless you are very very good at hiding your not so good activities. If you can keep your town off the radar I don't see why you shouldn't be able to claim you're good/neutral as a guise, you just need to be stealthy in your raids and such.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I like the idea of admins/mods periodically doing an assesment of the towns and determining their alignment for them. That way there are no more good/neutral towns that are in reality more evil than the evil towns. That is unless you are very very good at hiding your not so good activities. If you can keep your town off the radar I don't see why you shouldn't be able to claim you're good/neutral as a guise, you just need to be stealthy in your raids and such.

It was never the mods/admins job to do such an assessment. Right now the alignment part of the official township titles doesn't mean squat.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 22, 2011
United Kingdom
Agreed with Nuin. I have seen countless towns claim to the title of 'Good' yet do more evil deeds than the towns that were evil. The alignment system has been flawed since the start. Well that's my opinion. Towns should earn their reputation. It is my firm belief that actions speak louder than words.

If you want to be a good town act like one. If you want to be a neutral town and keep out of other towns affairs behave like one. I mean through reputation rather than alignments on the last map I considered NEO to be a kingdom of Architects and builders. A example from this map is Shiroku (I'm sorry if you get offended by what I say). From reputation Shiroku to me is seen as a city of raiders and player killers. Who kill for fun most of the time. Rather than it being a job (As mercs).
So let towns build their own reputations rather than using the mask of 'I'm good!' or 'I'm neutral!' . Make it so if you want to pvp fine. But your town reputation will suffer for it.

Another plus side is the fact that players will be more responsible with their actions. Instead of raiding a town and thinking there will be no backlash. I remember KoE going to war on the last map against ORE. It was not because we were good. We went to war because we wanted to kill and steal. The alignment for KoE was good. It was only a facade. Yes I know there were other reasons for that war. But honestly what I saw then, KoE was more of an evil kingdom than a Good one. So enough of my rantings. Take alignments out and let the town build their own reputations.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 14, 2011
Columbus, OH
IMO ruthians idea is the best. But since the admins and mods cant always watch the actions of towns my suggestion is to put up several poles during the meeting every month (or 2 weeks, forget how often it comes) With each town having its own pole. And have the community vote what they thing the towns status is.

This would only be affective during the meeting because its the only time enough active players are on at once outside of the game. The poles can be started on the forum and players will vote when kain ot whoever post the link in irc to it. After about a day or so whatever the vote is will be that towns alignment until the next meeting.

This way its shows the community what they voted for being the evil town, merc town (which imo if you kill for money on an offensive role your evil, no if, and, or but about it), good town or merchant town.


Might as well let people form their own opinions, no matter how many pointless little titles you flick on towns (either by the towns themselves as we have it now or somehow convincing admins to do it) people are still going to do whatever they please while everyone else forms opinions based on those actions.

Waste of time and resources on something no one pays any attention to.


Jun 21, 2011
Silly to outright say "This town is evil" before it's done anything. I think at the most the town mayor/leaders should state their intentions (if the town will raid, if it will be peaceful and trade).

But it'd be retarded if there was a "Good town" with it's citizens killing random players for a small exp bonus, or for no reason at all. I voted for no - let them gain their rep.
Apr 25, 2011
I agree that towns should build their own reputations, but the question is, how do we get that reputation to new players? They can ask around, but that won't get a big-picture reputation, they could be talking to a member of the [evil] town who says "oh yeah, we're neutral." They could be talking to someone who was attacked by the [good] town six months prior who hasn't let go of his grudge and says "that town is evil."

The poll might be a way to get around that, but I'm not sure if enough players are active on the forums. That's their own faults, though.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 21, 2011
I agree that towns should build their own reputations, but the question is, how do we get that reputation to new players? They can ask around, but that won't get a big-picture reputation, they could be talking to a member of the [evil] town who says "oh yeah, we're neutral." They could be talking to someone who was attacked by the [good] town six months prior who hasn't let go of his grudge and says "that town is evil."

The poll might be a way to get around that, but I'm not sure if enough players are active on the forums. That's their own faults, though.
Having only ever joined a town once, back before PvP was possible and I wasn't in danger of being coerced into doing something I didn't want to do, I have to say I don't really know how to approach this. I rushed into joining a town (which I wouldn't recommend to new players); I was sold on Duushdale Hollow mostly on how beautiful it was, and also how Skaduush dropped what he was doing and gave me a personal tour. I was lucky, the Hollow was awesome and the Barrows that succeeded it were too. Speaking personally, if I joined a town and then found out that it wasn't what I was looking for, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable telling the city council as much. It is, after all, just a game, and I can't imagine anyone begrudging a player for doing something different because they weren't having fun.
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