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Suggestion Alchemists.... The transmute ore.

Should some of these be implemented

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Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 28, 2012
Transmute Ore

The cooldown bugs me the most btw, No one will want to spend 100 hours of their life transmuting iron to gold and coal to diamonds. Make it at least 40 seconds if not lower.
The CD is needed so you have to put TIME into it rather than changing everything you have into the riches of the server.. hurr.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
The CD is needed so you have to put TIME into it rather than changing everything you have into the riches of the server.. hurr.

I too really hate the cooldown, but Beast got it right. We need the cooldown for the reason he stated.


Jan 24, 2012
But again @Symbolite and @BeasttRecon
Are you going to waste part of your life constantly transmuting ores almost unable to do anything?
here lets do some math :D
i have 76 stacks of iron ore ( Theoretical number, i have a bit less)
How long would it take to turn into gold ore?


Dungeon Master Extremist
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Wiki Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
@Danda how recently did you test that? I went to the nether a month ago and i swear each ghast took about 25 arrows before finally dying
You're doing it wrong. Hit the ghast ball as it fires you 1 hit them that way.

How long would it take to turn into gold ore?
16.2 hours
Based on the info I was given that it has a 3 minute cooldown?


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
But again @Symbolite and @BeasttRecon
Are you going to waste part of your life constantly transmuting ores almost unable to do anything?
here lets do some math :D
i have 76 stacks of iron ore ( Theoretical number, i have a bit less)
How long would it take to turn into gold ore?
If you don't got cooldown (or less cooldown) on transmute ore that could crush the economy.
say you got as you said 76 stacks of iron ore.
That is not very much iron for a player who likes to trade, mine a lot or have played much on this map.

then 76 stacks = 4864 iron ores.
Then it takes 15 iron to make on gold ore, so that is 324,26 gold.
then sell it to dhx and gain 9c per gold so it is 2918,4c

If you say they got a 40 sec CD on transmute ore that meens that

they can transmute 4864 iron into 324 gold in 216 minutes (3,6 houers).

That meens you can as an alchemist fill up your inventory whit iron, make a keybinding and do something else, just puch your keybord every 40 sec, and after about 3,6 houers have you gained 2918,4c, doing nothing else than pushing a button.

That can be destroying for the economy if say half of the alchmists on HC did that often.

You may say that you have gained the iron, so you have do work for it, but iron is really easy to get.
If you don't like to mine, is it not hard to buy iron in big amounts.


Jan 24, 2012
yeah but here is the thing, not many people do that @millejinta87 they cant get same amount of iron ore in 3.6 hours its ridiculos . So yeah 100 second cooldown, its a bit much IMO and i dont want to have it so that you have to wait
lets see here
64*76 =4864/15=324=100 (seconds) 32426 seconds/60= 540 minutes= 9 hours
It would take 9 hours(@danda) to transmute 76 stacks of iron into 324 gold ingots
Want to spend that time doing Transmutes? oh and acount the fact that unless you holding down a bind, you may miss some to make it 10 hours D:
Point proven yet? make the cd 50 seconds MAX and 70 seconds minum


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
yeah but here is the thing, not many people do that @millejinta87 they cant get same amount of iron ore in 3.6 hours its ridiculos . So yeah 100 second cooldown, its a bit much IMO and i dont want to have it so that you have to wait
lets see here
64*76 =4864/15=324=100 (seconds) 32426 seconds/60= 540 minutes= 9 hours
It would take 9 hours(@danda) to transmute 76 stacks of iron into 324 gold ingots
Want to spend that time doing Transmutes? oh and acount the fact that unless you holding down a bind, you may miss some to make it 10 hours D:
Point proven yet? make the cd 50 seconds MAX and 70 seconds minum

In my eyes alchemists are not money machines, but alchemists.
Alchemists can already make potions, use falsebook and transmute ores (even you say it is slow), look at other professions and how many abilities they got, then you'l find that alchemists are pretty good.

Transmute ore are not their main thing, but a little thing they can do that is pretty handy.

And, my problem isn't that alchemists get rich, but that if one person can generate 2918c in 4,5 houers that can/will destroy the perfect Herocraft economy.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
HP potions were nerfed to nothing, and poison potions were removed - that's basically half our business.

We have chainmail, which I assume eventually is going to smith, and other less popular potions. If that's how potions are staying, we need a buff.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
HP potions were nerfed to nothing, and poison potions were removed - that's basically half our business.

We have chainmail, which I assume eventually is going to smith, and other less popular potions. If that's how potions are staying, we need a buff.
Health potions are now balanced. An instant full heal potion 2 - was not balanced.

They now heal based on your max hp - a person who has 100 hp will get more use out of a potion than a person that has 60 hp.

Poison potions are planned to be reintroduced in the Scale changes patch.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
Health potions are now balanced. An instant full heal potion 2 - was not balanced.

They now heal based on your max hp - a person who has 100 hp will get more use out of a potion than a person that has 60 hp.

Poison potions are planned to be reintroduced in the Scale changes patch.
Are they gonna get buffed a bit? Why the hell would I waste even a gold nugget on a health potion that only gives me back 6 hp? They may be balanced based on each class, but no one will ever use them because the amount of hp replenished is so insignificant.

HP potions only lengthened Minecraft PvP, isn't that what you want? They weren't hurting anyone but the people who are too lazy to buy a few from the countless shops in TD that sell them.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Are they gonna get buffed a bit? Why the hell would I waste even a gold nugget on a health potion that only gives me back 6 hp? They may be balanced based on each class, but no one will ever use them because the amount of hp replenished is so insignificant.

HP potions only lengthened Minecraft PvP, isn't that what you want? They weren't hurting anyone but the people who are too lazy to buy a few from the countless shops in TD that sell them.

HP potions should be used sparingly and should not turn the tides of a battle as they currently do. How is that balanced to require a person carry HP2 potions to win?


Jan 24, 2012
@millejinta87 Sorry to say you do not really know what your saying, Your fear is that there is going to be a change in economy, There may be however You realise most people go the class to make and SELL potions AND transmute their ores into more valuable ones, And then they SELL them
To me as i know it there are 3 leaders in the economy,
1. Merchant - main
2. Enchanter - Second
3. Alchmist - third
the reason i say this is beacuse an alchemist can make alot of gold with that but they have to level that, Enchanter ... they can enchant things and sell em for a high value. Making a bit more than alchemists ... this would not change economy, And if you think you can get around 72 stacks of iron in 3.5 hours to get 2918c You are a madman.

All that needs to be changed is the cooldown from 100 to something a bit lower like 80 or 60 because if you had the amount of iron i have, you would realise pretty quick you do not wanna spend 9 hours infront of a monitor holding a bind down.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
HP potions should be used sparingly and should not turn the tides of a battle as they currently do. How is that balanced to require a person carry HP2 potions to win?

idk HP2 Potion is just a requirement of PvP just like a sword is or any other reagent for a skill and if both people have them its balanced, and both people should have them because of how cheaply they can be bought or made. It lengthens pvp and makes it more fun imo. I don't think this was a problem for anyone except the random people who just decided they weren't going to use them. The potion everyone seemed to have a problem with was just the poison one.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
But again @Symbolite and @BeasttRecon
Are you going to waste part of your life constantly transmuting ores almost unable to do anything?
here lets do some math :D
i have 76 stacks of iron ore ( Theoretical number, i have a bit less)
How long would it take to turn into gold ore?

I happen to afk a lot in HC, aka being alttabbed on random websites. So during this time I'll usually afk in my chest room and every so often I'll transmute. So for me it slowly gets the job done while I'm not really doing anything in-game, and thus why I really don't have a problem with the cooldown lol.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
HP potions should be used sparingly and should not turn the tides of a battle as they currently do. How is that balanced to require a person carry HP2 potions to win?
They're so easy to make, and I don't see why it's any different than wearing armor or carrying a sword? Should we just change Heroes so everyone deals damage with their fists based on their class? Should we make everyone not have to use armor and just edit the HP system based on that because people who don't need to wear armor to win are OP? No. It's part of the game, I'll admit that things like Poison potions, fire aspect swords and flame bows pose as an unfair advantage due to their power and the fact that they are insanely easy to make when an enchanter/alchemist is available.

HP II potions are sold all over TD. I sell them for so little, and if I really wanted to I could lower the price from 3c to .5c each and still keep the shops active and still make a decent living. I don't see why they were made so weak? I haven't seen anyone complain about them, nor have the people who I've talked to on the balance team reveal this was intended. They don't hurt anyone, they lengthen PvP, because nearly every single person I fight usually carries a HP II potion.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
@millejinta87 Sorry to say you do not really know what your saying, Your fear is that there is going to be a change in economy, There may be however You realise most people go the class to make and SELL potions AND transmute their ores into more valuable ones, And then they SELL them
To me as i know it there are 3 leaders in the economy,
1. Merchant - main
2. Enchanter - Second
3. Alchmist - third
the reason i say this is beacuse an alchemist can make alot of gold with that but they have to level that, Enchanter ... they can enchant things and sell em for a high value. Making a bit more than alchemists ... this would not change economy, And if you think you can get around 72 stacks of iron in 3.5 hours to get 2918c You are a madman.

All that needs to be changed is the cooldown from 100 to something a bit lower like 80 or 60 because if you had the amount of iron i have, you would realise pretty quick you do not wanna spend 9 hours infront of a monitor holding a bind down.

AS I stated earlier It's great for alchemists to be rich, and I really don't care much tbh, IF that takes the money from other players, not spawn them in (DHX banking) and give it to the alchemists.

In German before WW2 people needed about one barrow of money to buy one bread, that was because the goverment had printed more money than it existed to make people richer.

HC have a simple simulation of a real economy, where you never gonna need much money to buy simple stuff, if you increase the ammount of money that is in circulation you will whit the time decreace the value of the money,
That is why 1$ and 1NOK is not worth the same in real life.

Enchanters and Merchants is not generating money in the same way that selling gold does, they are selling to other players, while gold selling is mostly done whit the server (DHX bankers), if you don't sell it directly to DHX it will probably end up there anyway.

A healthy economy require that it is about the same amount of money that comes in (banking, voting, mob killing, arena prices), that goes out (town prices, spawn plots).
If you increase the amount of money comming in you also need to increase the money going out, by putting more taxes on towns, making new spawn plots to sell or any other thing that can take more money out of the economy.

This is my opinion, if you don't get what I mean you'l need to read it one more time.


Jan 24, 2012
Nope, merchants sell EVERYTHING, and it goes off needs, meaning that they will get rich fast if noticed
Enchanter.. A good enchantment say like unbreaking 5 Eff 4... thats worth 150-200c have alot of those and you have 1000c before you know it
Alchemist... the long wait is unbearable. Tell me, Have you ever waited for the train or someone picking you up?
its mind numbin and you want it done fast , but sudddenly when offered a chance to make money a BIT faster, OH NO I CANT DO THAT how does that work?