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Suggestion Alchemists.... The transmute ore.

Should some of these be implemented

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Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
Nope, merchants sell EVERYTHING, and it goes off needs, meaning that they will get rich fast if noticed
Enchanter.. A good enchantment say like unbreaking 5 Eff 4... thats worth 150-200c have alot of those and you have 1000c before you know it
Alchemist... the long wait is unbearable. Tell me, Have you ever waited for the train or someone picking you up?
its mind numbin and you want it done fast , but sudddenly when offered a chance to make money a BIT faster, OH NO I CANT DO THAT how does that work?
Pleas understand it is a difference between the money you get from players and from DHX, the money you get from players are ALREADY in the economy meaning they are only circulatingm the money you get from dhx is NOT EXISTING before you get them, meaning they get spawned in.

Currently are the only thing you can sell to DHX (the server) gold, meaning you have to mine gold or tranmute ore to get DHX to spawn money for you.

Merchants can buy gold and sell it to DHX (the server), that gold is already mined or transmuted.
I really don't care if the cd get shorter on coal -> diamonds, and lapiz -> diamond, because you cannot sel diamonds to DHX.

Enchanters cannot sell their enchantments to DHX (the server) meaning they can only circulate the money.

The difference between circulating the money and spawn money is simply that when you circulate the money, the money already exist, when you spawn too much it'l be like giving out 6 doubble chests of diamond blocks = it will get no value.

This is actually a true story:
I once was a staff on a small server owned by my brother, we had a good economy in the game untill someone made a suggestion of server shops, buying different sort of stuff.
We thought that was a good idea so we implemented it, everything worked fine untill someone found out that the price we bought flowers from players was pretty good, so people began spamming flowers.
than some x-rayers came in and did the same whit diamonds. It all ended up whit that everyone had like 100000000c and a melon was worth like 100000c, because people could afford it, and the money was worth about nothing.

@EtKEnn and @Outern should remember this.

If it becommes too easy to transmute iron to gold it will be the same as giving the oppertunity to sell iron to DHX (the server) that is the same as swiching 15 iron whit not very high value into 9c that is spawned in by the server.

This is the last I have to say, I don't wanna spend any more time trying to explain how an economy work and the difference between players and DHX (Disposable Heroes Exchange).


Jan 24, 2012
To the first part, You clearly do not know how the economy works because money gets around ALL the Time. Do you pay taxes? you do? yeah you do.. its like that, your government has a lot of money and you buy shit from it and it gets taxes for you, HC is larger scale than that

To the second part.
Its not the shops faults. You have to learn that it doesnt matter how much melons cost because if EVERYONE has that amount of money then its called a "financial Scale-High" whereas everything is worth more because people have more. On HC people have diff amounts like danda havin 60 k and me havin 1 k thats why prices are the same OH LOOK say i suddenly win 5 lottos in a row and get 30k, would prices change? NOPE becasue some noob has 30,c

The only way this can possible ruin the Economy is if someone is an Xrayer . And we all know Kainzo is on those guys faster than a hobo on a sammich

And then you will lose that money somehow by making a town or advancing to City.. its an endless cycle and there will always be money in the world, Changing the cooldown of a skill is NOT going to make much of a difference
You are thinking way too large , HC not that large but it is G-G-G-GODLY!


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
To the first part, You clearly do not know how the economy works because money gets around ALL the Time. Do you pay taxes? you do? yeah you do.. its like that, your government has a lot of money and you buy shit from it and it gets taxes for you, HC is larger scale than that

To the second part.
Its not the shops faults. You have to learn that it doesnt matter how much melons cost because if EVERYONE has that amount of money then its called a "financial Scale-High" whereas everything is worth more because people have more. On HC people have diff amounts like danda havin 60 k and me havin 1 k thats why prices are the same OH LOOK say i suddenly win 5 lottos in a row and get 30k, would prices change? NOPE becasue some noob has 30,c

The only way this can possible ruin the Economy is if someone is an Xrayer . And we all know Kainzo is on those guys faster than a hobo on a sammich

And then you will lose that money somehow by making a town or advancing to City.. its an endless cycle and there will always be money in the world, Changing the cooldown of a skill is NOT going to make much of a difference
You are thinking way too large , HC not that large but it is G-G-G-GODLY!

1. I do know that the server get money out of the economy and put money in.
the amount that goes in should be about the same that goes out, if the output gets to high it will be the same as removing some of the input.
it's about the same as a lake, it has some inputs of water and maybe a bug river as a output.
still the water level in the lake is about the same, except in the spring and summer, in the spring all the snow in the mounains are smelting and generate more water faster than the big river on the other side of the lake can take away, then the lake and the river will get flooded, in the summer it is a small ammount of water comming into the lake, but the output is still pretty constant, then the lake get a lover water level than usually.

You can say the same about the economy on HC,
We are now in a normal time it is the same input as output, so the ammount of money are almost constant.

IF someone 50 people more than usually bank a hudge ammount of gold they will get richer than the average herocrafter, so they will then be able to bid over most people in auctions, and if they buy enough things from shops the shop owner (if it is a smart person) will set the price up because he can then earn more money, and people still buy it.

2. the reason people like danda who got 60k are not crushing the economy is because he is one person.
He is not buying from that many shops and auctions, BUT
IF 100 of the active herocrafters suddenly got 10k more coins how do you think it will be then
If will still be newbies who got 37.00c but the economy is not thinking of them, the merchants is making their shops to earn money, so the smart merchants will set their price up.

at least I know for myself I had 4k coins, I don't really care if I pay 1c or 10c for 10 redstone then, because it is such a small amount compered to the total amount I got, when My town upgrade I suddenly got 100c, then It means very much for me if I pay 1c or 10c for 10 redstone, cause that is a bigger amount comered to my total amount of money.

If 100 people on HC decided to flood the wool marked, wool would get extremly little value, because it is so easy to get. The same can be done whit money then the economy is flooded.

BTW. you must read extremely fast, cause after 1 minute you had read trough 380 and could tell me I spelled bad in the entire post, that means you got a reading speed on about 400 words per minute, (the average is 250 words per minute).


Apr 25, 2011
I'd love to hear Kainzo's opinion on the OP rather than to bicker with greek on the viability of HP2 pots...

I think this is what alchemists should be rather than what they are. Falsebook cauldron is rather limited, I coudlnt even drink some potions for whatever reason, and past that they dont have much appeal wit hthe massive xmute cd