- Joined
- Mar 24, 2012
- Minecraft In-game name: adventure901
- Location & Age: Chicago, IL, USA, 14 years old
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
- Referral(s): A friend of mine, who's IGN is IWinGI
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: My friend IWinGI told me about the server, and after an explanation about it, I immediately decided to apply for it.
- Have you voted for Herocraft: Yes, a little while ago I voted for the server.
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes, I agree to all rules of the Herocraft server, and any type of punishment that follows breaking them.
- Reason you should be accepted: I'm a frequent player, so Ill often be on over the weekends. I have plenty of friends who play Minecraft, so I also can get them to join. I'm a team player, so I often make friends on servers. I enjoy building and fighting with other players along my side, and would especially like a server like this that has abilities, etc., to add onto the fun of PvP and city-building. I've played on quite a few servers in my past, so I have knowledge of good MineCraft etiquette, and rule-following skills.
- Additional Info: I'm on fairly often, and I have a mic, so if there's somewhere for me to talk, I'll probably be up for it.