- Joined
- Apr 3, 2012
Yeah! Everyone else has come back, why not you?!@northeaster345 you should just become active please. Ok thanks.
Yeah! Everyone else has come back, why not you?!@northeaster345 you should just become active please. Ok thanks.
Hey it is done.. Let me know what touch ups or tweaks you would like for the smith areaFew things.
First, I hit master Smith! Yay! I have no idea what to do with Anvils, but hey I can put them down now. *shrug*
Second, I was going to get started on a "smithing area" but I don't really know what that means. Everything I can do, I have to do myself and don't really require materials. I'd love to build a cool-looking blacksmith area but what's the point if it's 3 levels underground and I can never remember how to get to it? You mentioned doing a village area beyond the walls of Hyperion earlier. Is that where such a building would go?
Finally, North, would you mind putting up all the things we can do for the town in the OP or the follow-up to that so I can just reference it instead of bothering you all the time.![]()
Application to Hyperion
IGN: Stealth_slaya
Age: 15
Location | Time zone: London
Link to your whitelist application:
How long have you been on HC: Around 1 year
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: yes i do use it.
What towns have you been in: i was in raubiter i think it is called a month or two ago
Why did you leave them (if applicable): It did not have a nice feel to it
Why do you want to join: I like pvp i hear the town if found of it, why not
What can you give to us, as a community: An extra bow in battleand where ever i can help out
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: yes i do
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: Training, and can help if you know someone
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: play with your team not against
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: not at all
Which town will you train in before graduating to Hyperion: proethous
Have you rated the main post of this thread and clicked "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner: no should i ?
Tell us about yourself: Well i have played minecraft heroes for a few years, i play league of legends in my spare time alot,and also other genral mmos
Referrals:no one rearly
Application to Hyperion
IGN: Stealth_slaya
Age: 15
Location | Time zone: London
Link to your whitelist application:
How long have you been on HC: Around 1 year
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic: yes i do use it.
What towns have you been in: i was in raubiter i think it is called a month or two ago
Why did you leave them (if applicable): It did not have a nice feel to it
Why do you want to join: I like pvp i hear the town if found of it, why not
What can you give to us, as a community: An extra bow in battleand where ever i can help out
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: yes i do
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: Training, and can help if you know someone
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing: play with your team not against
Do you think that any of of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun: not at all
Which town will you train in before graduating to Hyperion: proethous
Have you rated the main post of this thread and clicked "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner: no should i ?
Tell us about yourself: Well i have played minecraft heroes for a few years, i play league of legends in my spare time alot,and also other genral mmos
Referrals:no one rearly
How many towns are you going to apply to.. you were already accepted into Volantis.
I talked to one of their higher ranks and he said we can let you in if you want, but hyperion is more of a pvp town, so i said i will take a look and i liked you look of hyperion.Thank you for clarifying that for us hilltim1
I talked to one of their higher ranks and he said we can let you in if you want, but hyperion is more of a pvp town, so i said i will take a look and i liked you look of hyperion.
Accepted, I think towns are broken atm so I wont be able to add you to regionsIGN: ChancellorBFG
Age: 17
Location | Time zone: Riverhead, NY --> Eastern Standard Time
Link to your whitelist application: http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/chancellorbfgs-whitelist-application.21913/
How long have you been on HC: Around a year and a half, give or take a couple months.
Do you have or use Teamspeak? Are you able to use it even without using a Mic:
I have Teamspeak, although I only have a webcam mic, so I tend to mute my mic unless necessary.
What towns have you been in: Paragon, DarkDivinity
Why did you leave them (if applicable):N/A—I just never joined a town after map resets.
Why do you want to join: This seems like a friendly town, and I would like to be apart of a community again.
What town are you interested in joining after graduation: Hyperion
What can you give to us, as a community: As a 56 Smith, I can repair and set up shops. I can also deconstruct the useless gold armor. I should get around to levelling it to 60 soon. As far as Shaman, I am only level 9. I speced it because it seemed fun, so I do not know how useful I will be. As far a building expertise, I can typically follow orders, so if something needs to be built, just let me know.
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Of course.
What is one of the requirements for graduating to a full member: Specing into a secondary class.
What guideline from the Spirit of the Aetherius Dominion do you find most appealing:
The overall respect from being a part of a large town, and just working together, not being complete dicks to each other.
Do you think that any of the guidelines are going to get in the way of you having fun:
No, they all seem fair.
Have you rated the main post of this thread and clicked "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner: Just did.
Tell us about yourself: I am a runner, so sometimes throughout the year I start playing sporadically. Despite this, I enjoy playing video games. I try to always make time to play a game of LoL, or hop on Minecraft. Video games have always been a place for me to interact with my friends and I have always enjoyed being a part of a fair, and organized community.
No problem, whenever you have time. Thanks for accepting me.Accepted, I think towns are broken atm so I wont be able to add you to regions
@TrueCorruptor, @PewPewPewLasers, @MrRobotman, @hyperion_in_general.
Y'all better practice so that Hyperion takes the rest of the top 3 in the tourney. Don't worry about 1st, KOS will get it for you.
You can just change your version from your profile..I still haven't got macros to install because of the fact that i only have mc v 1.7.4 and mc v 1.7.5
You can just change your version from your profile..
Ah, okay.I bought mc in december of 2013.. it does not come with the older versions