You can't fault players for wanting to win.
well since we had no probs of stacked healers back in bastion I would not say its entirely the balance's team fault
In bastion you couldn't stack healers because samurai was the most broken fucking thing in the world. The first two tournaments the winning teams ran Bard, Cleric, Beguiler, Samurai, Paladin, solely focused on buffing the shit out of the samurai. It had 270 damage on cleave with a gold sword, and because of its insane damage, mobility and mortalwound it was hard to play healers against it. Same with bard at the start of bastion, the speed 4 on accelerando and the slowness 4 on melodicbinding REALLY fucked over any kiting class, and I say this from experiencing both ends of that.
During the middle of bastion when the left click bug with samurai was fixed and it had mortalwound removed, healers became more noticed. Then people realized how fucking broken cleric was. There were a lot of clerics mid to late Bastion because of how strong they were with a fire aspect knockback sword, they were untouchable. Near the end of Bastion, global cooldowns went from 0.5 seconds to 1 second. And that change right there made bloodmage the most retarded thing in the game. It could kite around long enough to deal with burst and still provide it's own damage, because there wasn't the instantaneous abilities anymore. Wizard got really screwed over by this, as did warriors, because when bloodmage was super strong that made warriors really weak. Fighting a warrior as a bloodmage was honestly the easiest thing in the world. Thickenblood instantly throws out all their stamina and the half second warmups on the skills was incredibly broken.
Classes are strong because in any game, there will exist a meta, at least in PvP games. Certain classes will be strong because other classes are weak, or because the other strong classes are countered by this class. When I started playing again in Bastion, there were basically no bloodmages because the class didn't seem very interesting. I started playing with it, and as other people started picking it up they realized how broken it was. This caused other classes to fall off. Making a change to (for example) nerf the power of armour is not only a nerf to warriors, but an indirect buff to classes like ranger.