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3 Feasible Events


Oct 7, 2015
1) The Battle Insignia
Duration: Indefinitely to as short as a week.

Everyone on the server has a 10%*(0.001*[Blocks Traveled From Day Start]) chance to obtain a stackable item in their inventory once every 10 minutes called [Battle Insignia]. If the player throws away, or attempts to sell it on market, the item they are forced into the PvP Event Arena, as a kind of Battle Purgatory, and must fight 10 matches to be let free, or wait one hour.

If they keep the Insignias however, they will be able to travel to the Event Arena and trade them in (In groups of 10) to either participate in the Event Arena as a combatant or to bet on a combatant. Winners, either Combatants or Betters, will win Battle Vouchers, with the Betters winning a fraction of the Vouchers as a Combatant would. (Combatants would probably get 2+Rank (Rank= Arena rank, higher rank for more victories.), Betters would probably only get 1, plus their share of the Winner's Pot.)

Battle Vouchers can be traded in for various prizes, like rare items, set gear, or souls. Battle Purgatory would not yeild Vouchers.

2) The Black Mark
Duration: A week

Everyone on the server is marked while not standing directly under the sky, any block above them like a roof. Once every 5 minutes players not directly under the sky will collect a single Black Mark. If thrown away, or marketed, they will be forced into the Event arena, where they will have to survive for an hour against marked players.

If a player accumulates 10 Marks, they will also be sent to the Event Arena, and will have to kill 10 players to be freed, or survive an hour. (Survive, for lack of a better term, stay and keep respawning in the Event Arena until time is up.)

All Items dropped in the Event Arena will be lost/deleted. This event is to deter players from afk-ing or farming in their houses and to go out into the world and explore.

3) Mysterious Floating Sky Tower
Duration: An Hour, four times a day, for a month.

A Mysterious tower seems to have appeared suddenly near the Capital City (Spawn), It is not a known dungeon and seems to blink in and out of existence every day. The tower keeps people from building up to it, but even as strange locals say they can hear a strange hum originating from around the Marketplace, and after someone went to investigate no one ever heard from them again..

Basically, a tower floating in the sky Blinks into existence for only an hour, disappearing after an hour, south of spawn. It can only be traveled to by a dragoon High Jump, or a rune hidden in the Marketplace around spawn. The Dungeon/Tower would have to be filled with redstone puzzles, and traps, something that should not be solvable in a single hour; but is if a large team visits it multiple times figuring it out.

If making this appear and disappear repeatedly would cause too much stress on the server, simply restricting access to the internal parts of the tower and resetting the puzzles should suffice.
Jul 6, 2013
1. Can't force players into doing something
2. Can't force players into doing something
3. Kind of excludes people who can't make it on during the right hours, and no one really wants a massive group doing a puzzle that takes over an hour in a one hour window.

Does not seem, what's the word I'm looking for? Feasible?


Oct 7, 2015
Feasibility is plausible if your willing to. None of these events are really "Forcing" people to do them, more of enticing them to.

If players don't want to do #1, they arn't forced to, simply let the vouchers pile up then trade piles in for the tiny amount of coins they give at the event shop; after the event, you can even just throw them away if you want. Also cap the number of vouchers to a player's inventory to 64.

#2 simply is to make the game a little different in the basis that, I've run for hours in the overworld and not seen a single person running around, everyone is underground. Now it's not forcing you to do anything, if you stay underground, you are simply teleported to a PvP Arena giving players the want to go outside more in the game. If instead of a full week an hour every 4 hours for a week, even better.

#3 comes around 4 times each day. OK, you could make it teleport players outside the walls after an hour, reset the dungeon then open it again. Also, you'd think players wouldn't want to play something that "Technically" Is possible to beat in <1 hour, but only after struggling through it a few times, learn it's secrets, rinse and repeat until you've cleared it, but look at Dark Souls, that game takes most people like 50+ hours first run, and they are still playing it.
Jul 6, 2013
Feasibility is plausible if your willing to. None of these events are really "Forcing" people to do them, more of enticing them to.

If players don't want to do #1, they arn't forced to, simply let the vouchers pile up then trade piles in for the tiny amount of coins they give at the event shop; after the event, you can even just throw them away if you want. Also cap the number of vouchers to a player's inventory to 64.

#2 simply is to make the game a little different in the basis that, I've run for hours in the overworld and not seen a single person running around, everyone is underground. Now it's not forcing you to do anything, if you stay underground, you are simply teleported to a PvP Arena giving players the want to go outside more in the game. If instead of a full week an hour every 4 hours for a week, even better.

#3 comes around 4 times each day. OK, you could make it teleport players outside the walls after an hour, reset the dungeon then open it again. Also, you'd think players wouldn't want to play something that "Technically" Is possible to beat in <1 hour, but only after struggling through it a few times, learn it's secrets, rinse and repeat until you've cleared it, but look at Dark Souls, that game takes most people like 50+ hours first run, and they are still playing it.
1. I just feel like participation is still mandatory, and if a new players joins and tries to get rid of any tokens they receive they will be FORCED to go into a PvP arena where they WILL die.

2. What you described is literally an event that prevents players from mining for a full week without being FORCED into a PvP arena.

3. It's the most feasible, since it does not require participation in any way. But a question, how are multiple groups going to do the dungeon separately?