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Search results

  1. jclark123

    Dota 2

    You have HoN? You should add me on there, LetoIII.
  2. jclark123

    Dota 2

    Yeah. I feel like League does do a good service though. What I've seen is that people get into the MoBA genre via league. They love League, pay money for it (which helps support families), and invite their friends to play it. Although most of them won't transfer to HoN and DoTA; eventually, a...
  3. jclark123

    [Town] Lightforge {45} [Good] Xandria Dominion*RECRUITING*

    Question, is the area around lightforge mined out very much? My stuff wasn't there when I died in the town, so I have nothing.
  4. jclark123

    Dota 2

    That's not exactly true. People were not clamoring for new heroes every other week. If you read any forum, asked any person in game, the majority of players were desperate for "new content" in the forms of game modes and maps; NOT new heroes. Here's the thing though. Heroes and skins sell and...
  5. jclark123

    Who is your favorite champion?

    She was nice at least.
  6. jclark123

    Who is your favorite champion?

    Sorry but it's the truth.
  7. jclark123

    [Town] Lightforge {45} [Good] Xandria Dominion*RECRUITING*

    Oh no it wasn't you, it was a host of people, about 3 or 4 using ender pearls to teleport around (or maybe a spell). It was clear they weren't citizens.
  8. jclark123

    Dota 2

    Saying the LoL community is less horrible than HoN or DoTA doesn't work anymore. I've played all three, yeah at first League had a great community, but now it's just as bad if not worse than the others. I've never been in a situation in HoN or DoTA where if my character would have benefited...
  9. jclark123

    [Town] Lightforge {45} [Good] Xandria Dominion*RECRUITING*

    I found the city right in the middle of a raid I think, I was on the verge of dying from starvation and was getting shot at. I ran into your house, wolever, put back the dirt and logged off before dying. Haven't been on since >.>
  10. jclark123

    Who is your favorite champion?

    I played with her designer. She's terrible at the game. Chances are you're better at playing her than she is. All she did was feed the whole game while playing Sejuani.