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Search results

  1. Glastonburypie

    Skill Binding

    I'll be doing some testing of both ways to see what's effective. Keep you posted on any results & thanks for the strong showing of replies.
  2. Glastonburypie

    Skill Binding

    Sweet dude, only a couple more levels! I'm 4k left until 50 so I'm getting pumped to unlock all the moves. I like the idea about avoiding the right mouse now that you mention it. I'll see what's comfortable and try and keep them around my movement keys.
  3. Glastonburypie

    Rules and other stuff for the Nether

    @Upb34t I'm thinking more in terms of interesting landscape to fight on. More battlefield 3-ish where you start with landscape intact then it all goes to rubble. @c12095 - I'm getting at people having a safe point so you don't get people camping the spawn locations and just killing you when...
  4. Glastonburypie

    Rules and other stuff for the Nether

    I wouldn't mind if we had a no-pvp zone in the middle (like zeal - spawn point, 10x10 plot housing for people, market) ie radius 150-300. Then the rest just non-regioned area as a battle ground.
  5. Glastonburypie

    Skill Binding

    Hey guys, so i'm looking to bind all my samurai skills using improved chat. I was discussing with a few pvp veterans on the best layout of these. Is putting blade grasp on right mouse click a good idea? Rest would just be 1-5. Is right mouse key r.mouse? I'm also curious on other binding...
  6. Glastonburypie

    [Town] Alexandria [10] [Neutral-Evil]

    Hey guys it's Glaston! I can begin work on these, just need to clarify some items: 1. Town Hall - are we lowering it 1 more block? What is the y height we are making it to. Also, Are we going sandstone flooring? 2. Location of town bank been decided? I vote to really make townhall/bank with the...
  7. Glastonburypie

    [City] Rangpur [17] ~ [Evil][TCK]

    Name(in game name): Glastonburypie Are you 18yrs of age or older?: yes Are you a talented builder?: yes Do you have a working mic?: yes You read and understand our rules?: yes Will you adhere to our treaties and pacts?: yes Do you plan on remaining active on this server?: yes Path?: alchemist...
  8. Glastonburypie

    Crash again? 8U

    Herocraft offline is still better than the rest online!!!!! 1 love!
  9. Glastonburypie

    Glastonburypie's Application

    In-game name: Glastonburypie Location & Age: Canada, 21 Previous Bans (Includes other servers): Still None Referral(s): Still None Reason you should be accepted: I like to build and contribute to cities. I exclusively enjoy working under water and seem to spend most of my time in or under lakes...
  10. Glastonburypie

    Glastonburypie's Application

    In-game name: Glastonburypie Location & Age: Canada, 21 Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None Referral(s): None Reason you should be accepted: I like to build and contribute to cities How did you hear about Herocraft?: Sincraft - some guys were saying it was awesome in TS3 (i know you...