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Search results

  1. iAlchemist

    Suggestion Leach t2 ult

    so blood well is broken. So fixing bloodwell is one option...BUT, I have dreamt up a new skill. Bloodthief: Based on how much damage you have taken, and how much HP your opponent has, you steal HP from your opponent, this skill can deal 200dmg at max, and heal for 200 at max. Party members...
  2. iAlchemist

    Proctor Application-iThaumaturge

    Minecraft IGN: iThaumaturge Position applying for: Proctor Age|Timezone: 17/EST How long have you been on Herocraft?: Since May 5th-6th or close to that Why do you think you would make a good proctor?: I enjoy what this server's community has to offer when the chat is clean. I'm hoping that I...
  3. iAlchemist

    Suggestion Make the map full pvp.

    So I saw all these posts in another topic about making the map full pvp again, and I thought it'd help to just put the idea in it's own personal topic. Point of argument: Make the map full pvp. Simple enough, nuff said. Adventure should not be full pve either. Reasoning: So this is coming...
  4. iAlchemist

    Bug Lost all my class titles after a name change.

    So yeah, did a name change. Lost all my titles for all the classes I've mastered from that. So yeah. I'd love to have those back, cause all I have is Engineer, my donor tier suffixes, and one crate title. I don't think my classes reset themselves, though, from what I've seen on the knowledge...
  5. iAlchemist

    Balance Team Application: iAlchemist

    1. Minecraft IGN / Age: 17/iAlchemist 2. Position applying for: Balance Team (implementer or tester): tester 3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: Since last May, around May 10th or so 4. What's your favorite class/path?: Caster/Defiler, Warrior/Dragoon, Support/Leach, Rogue/Ninja The paths...
  6. iAlchemist

    Suggestion Bloodmage suggestion

    This is a very simple suggestion, because bloodmage is lacking in it's 1v1 capabilities. It literally can't fend for itself very well against any class with mobility or ranged attacks and its outclassed by clerics and Druids in team fights due to its lackluster healing (which you'll get mostly...
  7. iAlchemist

    Suggestion Witch-rewrite.

    --ALERT-- This was not my original idea, but the concepts brought up in this post did come from me. The wich class concept is from an older post which died off, so I'm rewriting my personal ideas here. Witch- Type: Caster. Specialty: Debuffs and minor magical damage. The witch in this concept...
  8. iAlchemist

    Suggestion Pyromancer Fixes

    So I have been testing pyromancer for a little while now to see what all the fuss is about. and here is what I have to say. Sadly, Pyromancer had only one thing that made it fail my test. Inconsistency. Most pyro skills are completely volatile, and may actually do nothing at all when you use...
  9. iAlchemist

    Suggestion Sieges in Adventure

    So, you guys seem to keep adventure under some intense lock and key, and I just haven't gotten around to applying for something, since I just want my current application responded to, first. Off topic things aside, I got to thinking, and if you know me, with thinking comes crazy ideas. Crazy...
  10. iAlchemist

    Suggestion Set up a YouTube team!

    So, I've noticed and heard this server has seen better days, population wise. It's not that new people are not coming in, it's that they're not staying. I think this because they don't get enough help, so they just get bored and leave. So, I am suggesting we set up a YouTube team, possibly a...