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Recent content by Shanok576

  1. Shanok576

    Cruor- Brotherhood of Blood

    1. In Game Name (IGN): Shanok576 2. Age: 19 3. Country/Time Zone: Canada, EST 4. Current Hero Class and Level: Bloodmage, 12 5. Current Profession and Level (or intended profession): Crafter, 20 thinking about going Farmer 6. Have you read and do you agree to follow the town rules? Yes, I do 7...
  2. Shanok576

    Proctor App : Shanok576

    bump, still interested
  3. Shanok576

    ALERT End of The Beta Tournament!

    looking for team, can play dreadknight or bloodmage
  4. Shanok576

    Dirty Bomb

    Want Fragger? Look no further! Go on this link : http://www.pcgamer.com/watch-the-full-dirty-bomb-e3-trailer-and-get-a-free-mercenary/ You write your email, and in the next few hours you receive a key to get fragger, if there are still some left. I got mine yesterday so there probably are some...
  5. Shanok576

    Dirty Bomb

    Recently got into this really fun f2p fps and wanted to know if anyone on here plays it.
  6. Shanok576

    Adventure Team App : Shanok576

    I could show you some screenshots, but right now all I've got is a build that me and spiralz are working on together, would that be good or would you want me to build something on my own? EDIT : I found these in my screenshots folder, the 1st is a plan for a personal region the other is just a...
  7. Shanok576

    Suggestion Pyromancer stuff

    Welcome Pyromancers and Pyromancettes of this world. You may be asking yourselves what this is all about. Well I will tell you right now, I have but a simple question: Should pyromancers have to choose between doing more damage per left click or having an "extra" skill? Some of you may not...
  8. Shanok576

    Suggestion A Witch Class

    Hey, we can make it happen if we try, I think... I hope. I mean, everyone loves pirates and stuff. Anyway, the "Trick" skill from what I read, is the old disarm skill pretty much, disarm used to put the weapon you had in your inventory for a certain amount of time.
  9. Shanok576

    Adventure Team App : Shanok576

    1. Minecraft IGN: Shanok576 2. Position applying for: Quests, Building, Coding OR Bosses: Building 3. Age|Timezone: 18 | EST 4. How long have you been on Herocraft?: A bit over 3 years now 5. Why do you think you should be accepted?: I enjoy building and am good at it. My buildings look...
  10. Shanok576

    Suggestion Caster root

    He means that with a recent restart (few hours ago) a lot of skills root you when casting them as opposed to slowing you, which was what was happening before.
  11. Shanok576

    Suggestion Runewraith's blind

    They added Blind as a placeholder instead of the skill they had there in the first place, which was basically envenom.
  12. Shanok576

    ALERT The Blazeful Vengeance Event!

    All the blazes, all of them. I can just stand next to a bunch of them and dreadaura for days with fire protection armor :D
  13. Shanok576

    Suggestion Pirates

    1 : That'd be nice, it'd make for something different. 2 : I was thinking something along the lines of like, +10% move speed, bring let's say, the pirate's 108% to a 118% while in water (pathfinder is 117% I think) 3 : Makes sense :) Also, as I said, not good with numbers so things will feel...
  14. Shanok576

    Suggestion Pirates

    I like pirates, do you like pirates? Of course you do, everyone likes pirates! (If you don't like pirates, shame on you). Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I think "Pirate" should be a class, because, well, pirates. Pirate class would be a rogue class. Pirate would deal a medium amount of...
  15. Shanok576

    Proctor App : Shanok576

    Bump, still interested and edited first post to match my current situation.