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Recent content by DanielH101

  1. DanielH101

    - Los Bandidos -

    I'd suggest mastering out at least 1 combat class and getting used to the whole PvP environment before applying.
  2. DanielH101

    Wizard build help

    I put 20 points into wisdom. Like any other caster, wizard runs out of mana pretty quick.
  3. DanielH101

    Bug Losing Connectiong Losing all items

    I got blown up by a creeper while lvling. When I respawned, neither my armour nor the item was holding remained in my inventory.
  4. DanielH101

    Bug Combat logging

    So apparently, you can log when combat tagged without dying. @VIzzirgrizzIV @Terrorwalker345
  5. DanielH101

    Bug Paladin Strike

    Happened to me as well when I was playing dragoon.
  6. DanielH101

    Bug Fireblast Bug fixes

    Hello, I'm pretty sure many of you know about the problems with fireblast, so I was actually quite surprised when I found out that no one had made a bug report about it. As you may know, fireblast is supposed to blast a location within 6 blocks from you. Damaging, and knocking back an enemy 3...
  7. DanielH101

    AEGIS Untrustworthy Players

    Jure997: Killed a few town members before looting the town and then leaving. Reference: @Ropsux @Nekokunai @joeyjojo60 @Raienbow_Dash @EveryothermemberofAincrad
  8. DanielH101

    Bug Auto attack weakening

    I recently noticed that at times, the damage of an auto-attack is reduced to 5. This happened when I was playing dragoon.
  9. DanielH101

    Yukari <3

    Yukari <3
  10. DanielH101

    [Town] Aria (34) *Aevum*

    In-Game Name: DanielH101 Age: 15 Whitelist Date (Approximate): 4 months ago One person you trust on the server: SadieCharlie Location (IRL): Hong Kong SAR China Why do you want to join us? Aria seems like a peaceful and friendly town, perfect for someone like me who wants nothing more but...
  11. DanielH101

    Who is your favorite champion?

    Jinx, Yasuo, and Kat <3 Morg is good too.
  12. DanielH101

    Judge's Community Super Store!

    Mhm, this is more of a personal request than an item I think you should sell in your shop.
  13. DanielH101

    Judge's Community Super Store!

    Item: Codex of the Sky Knight How much you wAnt to purchase: 1 How much you are willing to pay: 300s
  14. DanielH101

    WTB Spear of Kain

    Looking for spears of kains or any other sort of god shovel. Inbox me. If you have one!
  15. DanielH101

    Bug Residence Chests

    Not sure if this is intended or not, but players cannot open chests in residences that they do not have access to. Apparently this was hotfixed but you still can't open chests.