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  • Views Views: 1,055
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • {{{class}}}
    Male Female
    Base Damage {{{wpndmg}}}
    PvE damage at max level {{{pvedmg}}}
    Offhand Items
    Suggested Armour
    Body Armour
    of the Caster Path

    Not all souls are content with their desire to control the life of the world. Many souls saw it more fit to control death and its intricacies. These souls are the necromancers. They understand that life is just a fragile state of being, and know how to shatter and control that state. Through rituals of sacrifice, they can empower others with their dark energy, or summon the undead to do their bidding. They are also the sole gatekeepers of the Nether, a world created in antithesis of what the souls would call home, a land of darkness and heat and pain. A necromancer can see the threads of your life, and can pull them to suit their dark need.

    Attributes Health Mana
    Strength {{{str}}} Base Health {{{basehp}}} Base Mana {{{basemp}}}
    Constitution {{{con}}} Increase per level {{{hpperlvl}}} Increase per level {{{mpperlvl}}}
    Endurance {{{end}}} Health at max level {{{hpmaxlvl}}} Mana at max level {{{mpmaxlvl}}}
    Dexterity {{{dex}}} Regenerates by Foods Mana Regeneration (per 5s) {{{mpregen}}}
    Intellect {{{int}}} Stamina Energy Shield
    Wisdom {{{wis}}} Base Stamina {{{basestam}}} Base Energy Shield {{{shield}}}
    Charisma {{{cha}}} Regeneration per second {{{stamregen}}} Regeneration per second {{{shieldregen}}}

    {{{class}}}: Skills
    Skill Level Mana cost Stamina cost Cooldown Effect
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}
    {{{skill}}} {{{level}}} {{{mpcost}}} {{{stamcost}}} {{{cooldown}}} {{{effect}}}