Naem: S4di3CH4rli3
aGe: 69
n0Scoping abiLitie: m9 u' av S33N mY feeDs
h0w manY scRubs havE you Rekt? T00 m4ny scr3bs
wHat is Yur FavouRite SnipeR??? DSR 50
aRe you Part of aNOther Cl4n? Faze, Optic, Envyious, TK , Curse etc
Rim? V3RY
d0 U leik ShreK??: H3's m1 b0yfri3nd
R U MLG? Such MLG, Very Pro
How Many conFirmed Kills do U have m9? M0AR D3N U
Ow... it hurts my eyes... XD Good luck with it though!xXD0GeCL4nXx [3]
heLLo Peepel Welc0me 2 r gUiLd p0st.
wE R da xXD0GeCL4nXx and we rR extremley dangerros. I am sQuidbotw da Leder and I have reCrooted liek 3 420 nOscopErss. I found em In a lobby wiv Mah Cl4n and TheY Landed a 4 m4nhitMarker oFF a buIlding Wiv A SuppResedd DSr_50. wE decided to wWarn The eroCraft peepels aBout uS beforE we Rek em sO 'ard They ragE liek A scrUblord. I als0 Need to menTion that We wiw tak no PrisonErs and Any0ne who Gets in the w4y Will be xXxXxXx420/670/9123Sc0peNoedxXxXxXx and dey Wiw ragE so watch Out scruBLords.
CurreNt Sc0peNoers:
if You want To aPPly use dis tEmplate liek:
n0Scoping abiLitie:
h0w manY scRubs havE you Rekt?
wHat is Yur FavouRite SnipeR???
aRe you Part of aNOther Cl4n?
d0 U leik ShreK??:
ow Many conFirmed Kills do U have m9?
Fanks for redIng R p0st aBout da Cl4n.
I have l3ft an eXample of Mah F4nbasE in dIs post. PeacEoot
SponS0Red Bye ScuF G4meR + KonTROLFreeKz + aStroGaMer + eLGatoGamiNG + R4Zer
dOriT0s Buy 9 Get halF a PacK Free.
MTN deW for ExtreMe n0ScoPers ONLY! nO ScreBs AlloweD
Naem: xblazed
aGe: 360 noscope
n0Scoping abiLitie: i neskopud a kewl kidho he had k/d uf 2 thats lottttt
h0w manY scRubs havE you Rekt?
wHat is Yur FavouRite SnipeR??? Triksh0t sn1p3r
aRe you Part of aNOther cl4n? Yus but gut k1k3d out uf faze fur b31ing too gud
Rim? M0st
d0 U leik ShreK??: 1 w4Nk t0 h1S M0V13s
R U MLG? MLG. st4NdS fur Xblazed OBS
How Many conFirmed Kills do U have m9? I dunt cunf1rm th3m su i can hitmark th3m -'and pULl a faze 123456779 H34dSh0t wallb4ang
Ow... it hurts my eyes... XD Good luck with it though!
W0w dUd PlZ oNlY gUD C0mMentZ 1n Thr34d DUDOw... it hurts my eyes... XD Good luck with it though!
Oh look, we have a badass.I've killed you all 1v1 and at times killed you all 3v1
i agr33 s0 muCH m900hh 1ook 1tz da MQG PruH oF D33333 C3ntUrYYY, h011a 4t a b0iii. di5 clEn s0 733t y0 n0t EEv33n tr3ppil\l m9. swWeG
#422 blEZe eEt #pruh m1g tuNd3333rbAHTt #b33st cl3n HuUr0cr3ft2056 #1v1 m3h irLm9 #uYo meD br4h?
^What kind of talk is this?
I'm utterly sorry to be a serious party pooper but that kind of "1337" talk is certainly illegal as stated in HC rules:
The following actions are prohibited while in in-game chat channels, irc, teamspeak, and any Herocraft Online related forums:
-Taken from
- The use of any language besides English in main chat channels (global, trade, help, off-topic, etc).
- This includes e-bonics, internet m.emes, and various other forms of slang.
Ken, on behalf of the xXD0g3Cl4nXx we ask you. toWhat kind of talk is this?
I'm utterly sorry to be a serious party pooper but that kind of "1337" talk is certainly illegal as stated in HC rules:
The following actions are prohibited while in in-game chat channels, irc, teamspeak, and any Herocraft Online related forums:
-Taken from
- The use of any language besides English in main chat channels (global, trade, help, off-topic, etc).
- This includes e-bonics, internet m.emes, and various other forms of slang.
@Xanipher I think hes rightWhat kind of talk is this?
I'm utterly sorry to be a serious party pooper but that kind of "1337" talk is certainly illegal as stated in HC rules:
The following actions are prohibited while in in-game chat channels, irc, teamspeak, and any Herocraft Online related forums:
-Taken from
- The use of any language besides English in main chat channels (global, trade, help, off-topic, etc).
- This includes e-bonics, internet m.emes, and various other forms of slang.